D&D Wiki Magazine/Issue 0

This was the first ever issue of the Dungeons & Dragons Wiki Magazine! The project began in 2008 as Discussion:D&D WIki Magazine, and was discussed off-and-on for 7 years. In general, the idea was typically well received, was supported by the administration team, and had several false-starts over the years. In 2015 it was revived, and after some thorough debate, we hashed out just what it was going to take to make it happen. This included discussions of authorial attribution, artistic licensing, legality of publication, concerns regarding whether it should be free or paid, distribution methods, team organization, team member responsibilities, advertising, and all sorts of other dry, boring, frustrating stuff that nobody enjoys talking about. Marasmusine became lead-editor by virtue of being the only person good at it at the time. Together, we proved the project was not only doable, it could be fun too! We were off to a running start, and work began on making it a continuing project at D&D Wiki Magazine. It is titled issue 0, because at the time, we weren't really sure what we wanted to call it, what the project would look like, how it would be organized, or even exactly all of what types of content it would contain! This was an experimental prototype, a proof-of-concept to ourselves. Ultimately, the lessons we learned from this issue would lead directly to the form that the magazine would take in later issues. In particular, this issue kicked off the "theme" element to future publications, starting with the theme of "Fire", and also set the pace for publication. We discovered that a theme as broad as "fire" wound up technically including almost the entire wiki, so attempts were made in future issues to choose more specific themes, so that we could make a more focused product.
For good or bad, it's at these locations:
- On the wiki at File:Homebrew0.pdf
- On Scribd at https://www.scribd.com/doc/260237712/Homebrew-Issue-0
Discussion:Article 1 of Homebrew (ConorOberstIsGo's editorial)
- Firefighter
- Firefighting Equipment
- Ring of Retributive Fireball
- Vest of Fiery Healing
- Necklace of the Ash Rat
- Gauntlet of Ash
- Cloak of Blinding Ash
- Dagger of Falling Ash
- Demon Dagger of Falling Ash
- Master Demon Dagger of Falling Ash
- Heat Root
Next Issue
The development page for the next issue is D&D Wiki Magazine/Issue 1.
Old notes
Issue 0 will be a prototype release to test formatting and staff roles.
Duncan Timiney (User: Marasmusine) is currently taking on various editor roles. Leave a message on the talk page if you can contribute in some fashion.
I aim to publish this issue on 28/3/15 Marasmusine (talk) 12:29, 21 March 2015 (MDT)