Cursed Womb (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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Cursed Womb[edit]

A Cursed Womb is the uterus-like evolutionary stage of an immature curse spirit. They are capable of producing powerful, fully fledged curses after the metamorphosis is complete. To acquire this evolutionary stage, permission from your DM must be explicitly given.

While you are a Cursed Womb, you must choose three of the following features:

Undeveloped. You are like a newborn in the world of cursed spirits, not yet as mature as others. You cannot clearly speak any language, though you can read and write them. Additionally, the number of body points you start with is halved (rounded down).

Underdeveloped Movement. Cursed wombs have underdeveloped ways of movement, making them naturally slower. You no longer gain the benefits of any class features that increase your movement speed.

Undeveloped Body. You are quite literally a fetus within an orb. You grow to the size of large and are considered to be incapacitated. You are unable to move in any way however you hover 30ft off the ground.

Undeveloped Technique. If you are a jujutsu sorcerer with a technique, your immature power has caused it to be undeveloped. You must choose one lapse feature of the technique you have, you are unable to use that feature.

Womb Protection. Due to being a cursed womb, your skin is harder and denser than most cursed spirits. Your natural AC is 12 + your Constitution modifier. You are forced to use this AC calculation.

Underdeveloped Mind. Your mind is still in its formative stages, meaning you struggle to focus and maintain concentration. You suffer disadvantage on all Intelligence-based skill checks and saving throws, as well as any concentration checks for maintaining features.

Weakened Lifeforce. Due to your incomplete nature, your very essence is fragile. When calculating your hit points, you do not add your Constitution modifier to the roll and are considered to have a negative reaction to any healing effects (using regeneration restores half the usual amount to you).

Fragile Form. Your body has not fully developed, leaving you especially vulnerable. You have disadvantage on saving throws against effects that would deal damage to you.

State Of The Womb[edit]

Due to being a cursed womb, your power as the curse you manifested as is in its infant stages, causing a sharp decline in its power until you evolve.

Vengeful Cursed Spirit Womb

Due to being in a womb like state, your capabilities aren't fully matured, leading you to only manifesting one thing.

When you become a vengeful cursed spirit womb, you must choose one of the following:

Not Going Down. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may fall to 1 hit point instead. You may use this once per long rest.

Grudge. You have a grudge against something or someone. Choose a creature type, a size, then an alignment, whenever you deal damage or attack against creatures with the listed conditions you may add a +1 bonus.

Revenge. You have a great sense of vengeance, and can't stand when someone wrongs you. When someone hits you, you can choose to make your next attack against them with advantage. You may use this feature as much as your proficiency bonus.

Imaginary Cursed Spirit Womb

Due to being in a womb like state, your capabilities aren't fully matured, leading you to only manifesting one thing.

When you become an imaginary cursed spirit womb, you must choose one of the following:

Famous Name. You are based on a real world fear, so people's fear for you is far greater than to other normal curses. Whenever you roll initiative, you may force every hostile creature that can see you to make a Wisdom saving throw(DC=8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, they are frightened for one minute. They can reroll this saving throw in the beginning of their turns to end the condition early. On a success, they are immune to this feature for 24 hours. You may use this feature as much as your Charisma modifier(minimum 1).

Your Fears Become Real. Your source of fear has grown around the world, so you have learned a lot about it. Whenever you roll a skill check related to your source, you do so with advantage.

Sadism. You have immense sadism when beating your victims. Whenever you deal damage to someone who is frightened of you, half of the total damage will be converted in temporary hit points to yourself. These temporary hit points cannot go above your level.

Disease Cursed Spirit Womb

Due to being in a womb like state, your capabilities aren't fully matured, leading you to only manifesting one thing.

When you become a disease cursed spirit womb, you must choose one of the following:

Born From the Plague. You have immunity against disease and the poisoned condition, and you have immunity to poison damage.

Disease Imbued Strikes. Your body is a living disease, and you may spread it just from a mere touch. Your natural weapons and Unarmed Strikes all add 1d4 poison damage, evolving to a d6 at 5th level. In addition, if you try to inflict the poisoned condition in a creature, they roll their saving throw with disadvantage.

Walking Plague. People fear you just from your mere presence, since they know one touch could be lethal. Starting at 5th level, every time you touch a creature with a body part of yourself they must make a Constitution saving throw(DC=8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, they will be infected with the disease that most suit your Cursed Spirit. On a success, they will become immune to this effect for 24 hours. This effect happens only once per round. You must talk with your GM to reach a conclusion on what is the most fitting disease.


Upon reaching full maturity, a Cursed Womb undergoes a metamorphosis into a fully developed curse spirit. During this time, the Cursed Womb will gain access to additional powers and traits as their body transitions into its adult form. Until this happens, they are vulnerable and weaker than other curse spirits.

Metamorphosis Completion. When you reach the threshold of becoming a fully-fledged curse, your physical form and abilities will enhance, and you will be able to evolve into a more dangerous entity, becoming a Fully Fledged Curse through Evolution.

Fully Fledged Curse[edit]

Once metamorphosis is complete, you lose the "Cursed Womb" features and gain the traits of a Fully Fledged Curse.

Vengeful Cursed Spirit

You gain all three traits of the Vengeful Cursed Spirit Subrace. Additionally, you gain improved version of the traits, you must choose one of the following:

Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may fall to 1 hit point instead. You may use this twice per long rest.

Vendetta. You have a grudge against something or someone. Choose a creature type, a size, then an alignment, whenever you deal damage or attack against creatures with the listed conditions you may add a +2 bonus.

Vengeance. You have a great sense of vengeance, and can't stand when someone wrongs you. When someone hits you, you can choose to make your next two attacks against them with advantage. You may use this feature as much as your proficiency bonus.

Imaginary Cursed Spirit

You gain all three traits of the Imaginary Cursed Spirit Subrace. Additionally, you gain improved version of the traits, you must choose one of the following:

Famous Name. You are based on a real world fear, so people's fear for you is far greater than to other normal curses. Whenever you roll initiative, you may force every hostile creature that can see you to make a Wisdom saving throw(DC=8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, they are frightened for one minute. They can reroll this saving throw in the beginning of their turns to end the condition early. On a success, they are immune to this feature for 24 hours. You may use this feature as much as your Charisma modifier(minimum 1) + your proficiency bonus.

Your Fears Become Real. Your source of fear has grown around the world, so you have learned a lot about it. Whenever you roll a skill check related to your source, you do so with advantage, adding a bonus to the roll equal to half your proficiency bonus.

Sadism. You have immense sadism when beating your victims. Whenever you deal damage to someone who is frightened of you, half of the total damage will be converted in temporary hit points to yourself. These temporary hit points cannot go above your level + your proficiency bonus.

Disease Cursed Spirit

You gain all three traits of the Disease Cursed Spirit Subrace. Additionally, you gain improved version of the traits, you must choose one of the following:

Born From the Plague. You have immunity against disease and the poisoned condition, and you have immunity to poison damage. Additionally, you gain immunity to the envenomed condition.

Disease Imbued Strikes. Your body is a living disease, and you may spread it just from a mere touch. Your natural weapons and Unarmed Strikes all add 1d4 poison damage, evolving to a d6 at 5th level. In addition, if you try to inflict the poisoned condition in a creature, they roll their saving throw with disadvantage. At 10th level, this becomes a 1d8.

Walking Plague. People fear you just from your mere presence, since they know one touch could be lethal. Starting at 5th level, every time you touch a creature with a body part of yourself they must make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. (DC=8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failure, they will be infected with the disease that most suits your Cursed Spirit. On a success, they will become immune to this effect for 24 hours. This effect happens only once per round. You must talk with your GM to reach a conclusion on what is the most fitting disease.