Character Creation (Setting Supplement)

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This is a step-by-step guide for creating a character of each splat for the setting.

Generic Steps[edit]

These are steps every character will take regardless of splat.

  1. Select a Splat.

Splats are a combination of Race and Class. Depending on your Splat you get access to different Numina. Most Splats have “Subclasses” that you can pick from on character creation. Different subclasses usually have different starting abilities or traits.

When creating a character you start with 150 Perk Points or PP, which can be spent

Splats have regular progressions for things like Proficency Die and XP. Every time you level up you can either take a Perk or level up their Numina.

  1. Class Traits

All splats have 1d8 per level as their Hit Dice. This can be improved through perks (see below). You can select two saving throw attributes.

You must purchased your proficiencies with PP. Each proficiency costs 10 PP. If you try to take more than 4 skill proficiencies add 5 to the cost for each additional proficiency you take. Broad proficiencies like Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons cost 20 PP.

There are no starting equipment for any of the Splats, equipment is bought during character creation as detailed below.

  1. Alignment or Archetype

You can choose to either use traditional alignment or use the Archetype system. Archetypes are personality archetypes, you can choose an Archetype to be a Nature and a Demeanor. Nature reflects your goals and beliefs while demeanor is just your personality. When doing something that satisfies your nature you can gain a point of Inspiration, or alternatively if you are using Willpower you can gain a point of Willpower instead but lose a point of willpower if you do something that goes against your nature.

  1. Generate Ability Scores

Self Explanatory, use whatever method you prefer and apply splat bonuses. If you choose to do Point Buy you can optionally choose to buy points using your PP, if you do this it is recommended to have each attribute point equal five PP.

  1. Select Perks

Perks are feats that act as a replacement for background. You start with 30 PP which you use to buy Perk Points. Perks are separated into Merits and Flaws. Flaws give you PP when selected in exchange for a negative trait. You are required to take at least 2 Flaws.

  1. Buy Equipment

This is the last step for any Splat. Do this step after the Splat specific steps.

Mortal Guide[edit]

If you are playing a mortal, these are the last steps of your character creation.

  1. Select Perks

Mortals have access to their own exclusive perks.

Kindred Guide[edit]


Special Perks to distinguish your character, all vanilla feats are included with their PP cost is determined by the DM.

Generic Perks[edit]

  • Resources: Leveled-Merit, Level 1: 1 PP, Level 2: 4 PP, Level 3: 8 PP, Level 4: 12 PP, Level 5: 18 PP. How much money and resources you have. Level 1 here means you are completely broke, Level 5 is you can basically afford anything.
  • Destitute: Flaw, +5 PP. Requires you have no points in Resources. You have fallen on hard times and have nothing to your name.
  • Polyglot: Merit, 1 PP. You learn proficiency in one non-supernatural language. Can be taken multiple times.
  • Illiterate: Flaw, +10 PP. Requires you have no points in Polyglot. You cannot read or write.
  • Ally: Leveled-Background, Level 1: 2 PP, Level 2: 4 PP, Level 3: 8 PP, Level 4 12 PP, Level 5: 15 PP. A group, individual, or organization of mortals that assists you. Level 1 is like a good friend, while Level 5 is like an influential politician or company higher up.
  • Contacts: Leveled-Background, Level 1: 2 PP, Level 2: 4 PP, Level 3: 8 PP. Valuable mortals who can provide information, services, or items that you have connections with.
  • Fame: Leveled-Background, Level 1: 2 PP, Level 2: 4 PP, Level 3: 8 PP, Level 4: 12 PP, Level 5: 14 PP. You have some level of fame. Level 1 is you are popular in a specific subculture or community while Level 5 is you are beloved worldwide.
  • Infamy: Leveled-Flaw, Level 1: +2 PP, Level 2: +4 PP, Level 3: +8 PP, Level 4: +12 PP, Level 5: +15 PP. You have some level of infamy. Level 1 is you are despised by a specific community or subculture, while Level 5 is you are hated and recognized globally.
  • Enemy: Leveled-Flaw, Level 1: +2 PP, Level 2: +4 PP, Level 3: +8 PP. There is a mortal group opposing you in some way. Level 1 would be a random guy while Level 3 would be something like the IRS or the Police.
  • Base: Leveled-Background, Level 1: 2 PP, Level 2: 4 PP, Level 3: 8 PP, Level 4: 12 PP, Level 5: 14 PP. You have a base of operations (Haven, Safe-House, etc.). Level 1 is an apartment and Level 5 is a mansion.
  • Hidden Armory:
  • Cell:
  • Watchmen:
  • Luxury:
  • Baseless:
  • Haunted:
  • Creepy:
  • Compromised:
  • Sturdy: Merit, 10 PP. Increase your hit dice by one tier. (Ex: d8 to d10) Can be bought until you reach d20.
  • Weak: Merit, +8 PP. Reduce your hit dice by one tier. (Ex: d8 to d6)
  • Martial Artist: Merit: 8 PP. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons. Additionaly, you can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. You can upgrade the d4 all the way up to a d20 by buying this perk again.
  • Rougish: Merit: 4 PP. You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon.
  • Steady Aim: Merit, 2 PP. as a bonus action, you give yourself advantage on your next attack roll on the current turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven't moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.
  • Assassinate: Merit, 5 PP.

You are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.

You don't need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll.

You can increase the amount of the extra damage by buying this perk again.

  • Martial: Merit, 5 PP. Select one fighting style from the fighter class. You can buy this up to three times.
  • Gunsmith: Merit, 4 PP. You gain proficiency with Tinker’s Tools. You may use them to craft ammunition at half the cost, repair damaged firearms, or even draft and create new ones (DM’s discretion). Some extremely experimental and intricate firearms are only available through crafting.

Mortal Perks[edit]

Kindred Perks[edit]

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