Bunny Hood (3.5e Equipment)
Bunny Hood:
A bunny hood looks like an inflexible hairband with two large, slightly goofy-looking bunny ears protruding from it. Originally created with the intent of capturing the essence of the rabbit and making it available for others, bunny hoods have seen extensive use with message runners who are willing to suffer whatever insults the bizarre headpiece might bring down upon them. Although it grants no armor bonus, a bunny hood increases the wearer's Dexterity by 2, doubles his land movement speed, and grants a +10 competence bonus on Jump checks. Furthermore, the wearer's vertical jump height is no longer limited by his size.
Moderate Transmutation;CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s grace, expeditious retreat, creator must have 10 ranks in the Jump skill; Cost 14,250 GP + 1,140 XP; Weight: 1 lb.; Market Price: 28,500 GP (8th)
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