Brutal Sneak Attacker (5e Feat)

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Brutal Sneak Attacker

Prerequisites: Strength and Dexterity 13 or higher, Sneak Attack feature
You've mastered the art of combining brute force and precise strikes, able to direct a powerful weapon precisely where it needs to be. You gain the following benefits:

  • When you roll your damage for sneak attack, you may choose to treat any die roll of your sneak attack as its maximum value. You may modify a number of Sneak Attack damage dice in this way equal to your Strength modifier before you must finish a short or long rest to do so again.
  • Your sneak attack is not limited to just finesse or ranged weapons; you may use any weapon as long as you are proficient in it and not suffering disadvantage on Stealth checks from wearing medium or heavy armor.
(one vote)

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