Blood Construct Creator (5e Feat)

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Blood Construct Creator

Prerequisites: Way of The Blood Manipulation
You've mastered the art of weaving your life essence into formidable creatures, reaching the pinnacle of your power creating a Blood Construct. With a whispered incantation and a surge of blood power, you can create a blood dragon construct from your own blood.

  • The Blood Construct is friendly to you and your companions.
  • Roll initiative for the Blood Construct, which acts on its own turn.
  • They obey any verbal commands you issue (does not require action from you). If you do not issue any commands to them, they will defend themselves from hostile creatures, and attack back.
  • You can communicate telepathically with your construct and perceive through your construct's senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your construct's senses, you can also speak through your construct in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.
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