Blade bow (5e Equipment)

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Blade bow (Scimitars, Long Bows), Rare(medieval), uncommon(sci-fi)

A inventor's, weaponsmith's and a tech wizards(runesmith if medieval setting) greatest creation, the blade bow, two specially crafted scimitars made of a special alloy(rarity of alloy is the same as the weapon) flexible enough to be drawn as bow limbs, but also firm enough to be scimitar blades. The scimitars come together at the pommel and connect with a simple clamping mechanism that is deceptive for it's strange durability for how much pressure is put by the bow form. The bowstring for the bow form lies in the back edge of the scimitars until it is connected and then the two strings come out and bind together by technological advances(or magical if in medieval setting).Cost5,000 gp or 400 credits(depending on the campaign setting).

Weapon formsThe weapon has two forms, a single longbow or dual weilding scimitars. Bow Form The bow does 1d8 peircing damage and has the heavy, loading, two-handed properties and a range of 150/600ft. Blade FormThe scimitars do 1d6 slashing damage and has the light and finesse properties.

Blade bow
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