Big Game Hunter (5e Feat)

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Big Game Hunter

Prerequisites: Dexterity or Wisdom 13 or Higher
Growing up a slayer of many things, you yearn to test your skills against the mightiest of beasts you might find in the world’s wild places.

  • Gain advantage on Perception rolls while examining Beasts, Dragons, and Monstrosities of the Large, Huge, or Gargantuan sizes or their corpses.
  • You may gain advantage on attack rolls against Beasts, Dragons, and Monstrosities of the Large, Huge, or Gargantuan sizes. This feature lasts 1 round, and recharges at the end of a short or long rest
  • If you score a critical hit on Beasts, Dragons, and Monstrosities of the Large, Huge, or Gargantuan sizes, you deal an additional dice of weapon damage.

(2 votes)

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