Talk:Big Game Hunter (5e Feat)

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Suggestions to Improve Balance:

Big Game Hunters (BGHs) are superlative hunters because they are experts in the behavior and anatomy of their quarry. The extensive study and field experience necessary to achieve such a level of expertise take time, so BGHs find that they must specialize at low level. Based on these observations, my first suggestion is to limit the target category to Beasts (excluding Dragons and Monstrosities), due to the time required to gain expertise. My second suggestion is to further restrict BGHs to expertise in X (perhaps 2 or 3) species of Beasts at 1st level, with expertise in one additional species gained per level.

Due to BGHs' extensive study of their quarry's behavior and anatomy, BGHs enjoy +2 on to hit rolls and score a critical hit on a natural to hit roll of 18-20 versus any species in which they have expertise.

However, success in big game hunting requires more than simply delivering a decisive final blow. Deep knowledge of their quarry's habits and instincts grants BGHs expertise in finding, tracking and "field dressing" (harvesting) their prizes. As a result, BGHs have Advantage on skill checks related to finding, tracking, foraging for, examining and harvesting beasts in which they have expertise.

I would suggest dropping the Dexterity/Wisdom prerequisite as unnecessary.

Finally, I would definitely keep: "Growing up [a slayer of many things] (hunting for your dinner?), you yearn to test your skills against the mightiest of beasts [you might find in] (lurking in? raging in?) the world’s wild places."

ProfessorBumblefingers (talk) 20:51, 10 August 2023 (MDT)