Anti-Tank Rifle (5e Equipment)

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Anti-Tank Rifle

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Anti-Tank Rifle Legendary 10d10 piercing 50 lb. Ammunition (range 300/900), armor piercing (-5), heavy, two-handed, reload (12 shots), special, scope (range 900), stabilizing

A heavy rifle design to punch through things tough enough to give even a anti-materiel rifle trouble such as modern tank armor and the hides of siege monsters. It hits as hard as a auto-cannon at long range, but requires more effort than a normal rifle to reload.

Ultra Siege Weapon

Deals triple damage to structures and objects.

Anti-Siege Monster Weapon

Deals Double damage to monsters with the "Siege Monster" trait.

Slow Reload

Requires an attack from the Attack action to load the next shot before attacking again.

(2 votes)

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