A Magical Medieval City Guide (3.5e Other)

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A Magical Medieval City Guide[edit]


In the two months since the release of A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, we at Expeditious Retreat Press have fielded more questions concerning cities, than other questions combined. Because of this tremendous interest in city creation and the utter lack of material to support needy GMs, we've decided to gather all the city specific information from A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe into one free product. A Magical Medieval City Guide is the complete third and fourth chapters from A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe and we believe it is the most useful free product so far produced for d20. If you like what you see and wish to pick up A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, it is available in hardcopy at our website WWW.EXP.CITYMAX.COM (May 15th, 2003 release date) or you can purchase the PDF from WWW.RPGNOW.COM (or through this direct link http:// www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=711&). Either way, don't forget to stop by our website for more free web supplements to support this product and don't forget, as this is an excerpt from a larger work, some referenced material is not in this free product. We have to get you to buy it somehow! Thank you for your time and enjoy! Suzi Yee Joseph Browning Expeditious Retreat Press

On the Magical Medieval City[edit]

For information see Magical Medieval City

Types of Cities[edit]

There are five general types of cities, though each city has its own unique and sordid past.

For information see Types of Cities

Around the Magical Medieval City[edit]

Move around the city, the street names have little to do with the people who currently live there. It is not uncommon to have no baker living on Baker Street.

For information see Around Town

Guilds of the Magical Medieval City[edit]

For information see City Guilds


See "Patron God of the City" in Chapter Six: On Those Who Pray.

Social Order[edit]

For information see Social Order

Trade and Economics[edit]

For information see Trade and Economics

Magic in the City[edit]

For information see Magic in the City

Generating Towns and Cities[edit]

This system helps GMs create and design magical medieval towns and cities. This system provides methods for generating vital city statistics like population density, size, numbers of buildings and wards, different kinds of professions and guilds, and civic power centers. This system is compatible with the core rules and other systems in this sourcebook, namely the kingdom generation system, and the building system. The generation system follows the city worksheet, explaining each sector of the city in detail. For the incidence of different types of urban environments, see Table VIII.1-Urban Center Distribution in Chapter Eight: Generating Kingdoms and Aristocracy.

For information see Generating

City Worksheet[edit]

City Statistics Population Population Density (adults/acre) Size (acres) Community Size Average Number of Structures Notes

Gold Piece Limit Wealth Income for Lord/King Magic Resources

Ward 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total T otal


Number of Structures


Power Centers 1 2 3 4 5


Number of Influence Points

Power Center Worksheet[edit]

Community Name: Name of Power Center: Population: Class Adept Aristocrat Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Commoner (1/2) Expert (1/2) Warrior (1/2) Class Adept Aristocrat Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Commoner (1/2) Expert (1/2) Warrior (1/2) 11th lvl 12th lvl 13th lvl 14th lvl 15th lvl 16th lvl 17th lvl 18th lvl 19th lvl 20th lvl 1st lvl 2nd lvl 3rd lvl 4th lvl 5th lvl 6th lvl 7th lvl 8th lvl 9th lvl 10th lvl Community Size: Number of Influence Points:

Appendix V-A Magical Medieval Miscellany[edit]

For information see Appendix V-A


For information see Glossary


For information see Bibliography

Legal Information[edit]

For information see Credits

This material is published under the OGL 1.0a.

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