A Magical Medieval City Guide (3.5e Other)/Generating

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Population and Density[edit]

Population is the crux of many generation factors in the city. Besides the information in core rulebook II, population also determines the range of population density, and the average number of structures and wards in a magical medieval city. After establishing population see Table IV.1-Urban Statistics and core rulebook II's demographic section to determine the other vital statistics of the city.


Most magical medieval cities are small, generally less than 1 sq. mile, or 640 acres. To determine the physical size of the city in acres, take the adult population and divide it by the population density. For example, a small city with 10,000 adults and a density of 100 adults/acre is 100 acres. All 100 acres may be enclosed in a city wall, or part of the city may spill outside of the walls into shantytowns. The size of the city does not include fields for growing food, although small and large towns may include space for gardens and are less structurally dense than cities.

Table IV.1-Urban Statistics[edit]

Community Size Population Density (adults/acre) Average Number of Structures (per acre)
Small Town 30-40 15-20
Large Town 40-60 20-30
Small City 80-120 40-60
Large City 125-145 50-70
Metropolis 150-200 60-80

Average Number of Structures[edit]

The average number of structures in a town or city is the size of the city (in acres) multiplied by a chosen average within range on Table IV.1-Urban Statistics. For example, a small city of 100 acres with an average of 50 structures per acre has roughly 5,000 structures in the city. This gives an overal picture of the city. For more specific information about the number and placement of structures, see wards. For more information about individual structures and building structures, see Appendix IV-Building System.

Gold Piece Limit[edit]

Listed by community size in core rulebook II under generating towns, the gold piece limit determines the maximum priced items that may be found in a community.


Determined by the population and the gold piece limit of the community, the available wealth of a city is in core rulebook II in the section on generating towns.

Income for Lord/King[edit]

A lord's income generated from towns and cities are percentages of the wealth, found on Table IV.2-Payments. The recipient of a city's payments is not necessarily a single aristocrat. For example, a small town resides on the demesne of two lords, who are rich members of the gentry. These two lords grant the small town a joint charter and receive their feudal obligation in the form of year-round payments. The lords over those two members of the gentry discover that the two members of the gentry are now receiving income from a town and raise the taxation. The total payment is 800 gp, 400 gp going to each member of the gentry. One lord taxes his vassal 100 gp, while the other lord taxes 150 gp. So the original 800 gp is divided among 4 aristocrats: 300 gp to one town lord, 250 gp to the other town lord, 100 gp to the first town lord's lord, and 150 gp to the second town lord's lord. Were the town more valuable, the town lords' suzerains may also get in on the act.

Table IV.2-Payments[edit]

Community Size Percentage of Wealth
Small Town 1%
Large Town 1%
Small City 0.50%
Large City 0.25%
Metropolis 0.05%

Magic Resources[edit]

Small to large towns possess approximately 5% of their town's wealth in magic. Small cities to metropolises possess approximately 10% of their wealth in magic. Wealth for communities is determined in core rulebook II.


Every town and city has wards, or self-contained urban communities. These wards are the basic living blocks, akin to neighborhoods in the dense city. There are twelve different types of wards in a magical medieval city. Wards come in different sizes, structural densities, and styles of buildings. Most ward information is based on the acre, which is 43,560 sq. feet or a roughly 210 ft. by 210 ft. square. Some wards reside within the wall, others outside of the wall. For example, a group of craftsmen are living outside the walls due to a town's rapid population growth. Such a ward should be considered a craftsmen ward rather than a shantytown, even though it lies outside of the city walls. See Table IV.3-Wards for a list of wards from most structurally dense to least structurally dense and their respective building styles.

Administration: Administration wards house the structures of civic endeavors. They include courthouses, buildings for record keeping, taxation, and any other of the various functions of the city government. In smaller urban communities, administration structures are spread throughout the various wards of the city. But in small cities or larger, cities may have their own administration ward, housing these buildings and some the civic employees. In general the administration ward has larger but fewer buildings.

Craftsmen: Craftsmen wards house the workshops, homes, and warehouses of craftsmen. Often a craftsmen's home, workshop and shop are one in the same. Craftsmen live, create, and sell their goods in the same space. Most of the buildings in craftsmen wards are these workshop/homes, while the size of their homes varies with the wealth of the craftsmen. Craftsmen wards are also the most common wards within the city walls. Multiple craftsmen wards may occur in large towns or larger.

Gate: Gate wards are a bustling part of town, where traders line up to enter the city, sellers hawk their goods, and vendors sell various foods on a stick. Gate wards are second only to market wards in activity. In order to have a gate ward, communities must have gates, or designated areas where people must enter the city. At these areas of entry, some level of inspection, inquiry, or taxation of merchants usually takes place. These sorts of conditions create the bustling and enterprising environment of a gate ward, usually found in small cities or larger. They tend to be some of the structurally densest wards in the city, second to shanty-towns and slums.

Market: Market wards do not house many people. They are home to wealthier shops, guild houses, great churches, pavilions, merchant offices, and trading spaces. Market wards vary in size, from the large market ward of a city's main market to the smaller market wards of commodity markets. Market wards are teeming with warehouses, shops, offices, fountains, and grand displays of architecture appropriate for the city. They are more structurally dense than craftsmen wards, but less so than the gate wards.

Merchant: Merchant wards house the city's merchants, their shops, warehouses, and offices. With shops and storefronts underneath their homes, they are more dense than patriciate wards, but less dense than craftsmen wards. There is usually only one merchant ward in town, though multiples may occur in wealthy large cities or metropolises.

Military: Not typical in most towns and cities, military wards house soldiers and generals, conduct military training, and manage concerns of civic defense. Military wards are built in cities that employ mercenaries or keep a professional standing army paid for by the city treasury. They are less structurally dense, housing soldiers in barracks and requiring open space for training.

Odoriferous Business: Odoriferous business s are often outside of the walls, need a steady supply of water, and maintain occupational segregation in a magical medieval city when other professions and crafts intermingle. They tend to be less structurally dense than craftsmen wards, because of the limited people who occupy the ward and kinds of trade that qualify as odoriferous businesses, namely tanners, dyers, blacksmiths, and butchers. Many poor craftsmen live in odoriferous business wards as their status prevents them from progressing to a craftsmen ward.

Patriciate: Patriciate wards house the crème de la crème of a magical medieval city. They have larger buildings and less structural density than merchant and craftsmen wards. A magical medieval city must be wealthy enough to support a patriciate before the city has a patriciate ward. For this reason, patriciate wards usually only occur in small cities or larger. In general, there is only one patriciate ward in a city, which expands to accommodate growth in the upper crust of city society.

River/Bridge: River/bridge wards vary in form and function. With rivers come trade, water mills, and means to cross the river. River/bridge wards can resemble docks, with lots of warehouses, offices, and shops to accommodate for trade, deliveries, and industry from the water mills. Other river/bridge wards may act like market wards, buying and selling at the source of the goods, rather than moving them to market. The notion that river/bridge wards are scenic places to stroll and shop is a very modern notion and should not root itself into a magical medieval city. Rivers are dirty from people dumping their waste products, both personal and industrial, into the river. Active rivers are lined with mills and boats unloading and loading goods. They are more akin to docks than tourist stops.

Sea/Ocean: Sea/Ocean wards resemble river/bridge wards in their dock-like nature, though the structures involved with supporting a sea/ocean port are more numerous and complex. Sea/ocean wards may have shipwrights and naval outfitters that seem excessive in river/bridge wards. In general sea/ ocean wards accommodate more ship traffic than river/bridge wards. They may have harbors, lighthouses, ports, and other structures that are not necessary in river/bridge wards. Sea/ ocean wards usually see more business and activity than river/ bridge wards, simply because of more exposure to bigger masses of water.

Shanty Town: Shantytowns are homes and shacks thrown up outside the city walls. The infrastructure for roads and water are scarce while the people and shacks are not. Only small cities or larger communities have shantytowns outside their walls.

Slum: Slums are structurally dense and teem with the city's poor. Slums are full of low-grade buildings, houses, and tenements quickly and cheaply built to raise coin for landlords. Slums are usually within the city walls, giving its residences a little more protection than shantytowns. Slums are found only small cities or larger.

Table IV.3-Wards[edit]

Wards (from least to most dense) Structural Style
Patriciate AB
Merchant ABC
Military BCD
Administration BC
Oderiforous Business CD
Craftsmen BCD
Sea/Ocean Wards CD
River Wards/Bridges BCD
Market ABC
Gate BCD
Slum D
Shanty Town D

Assigning Structures[edit]

For quick structure generation, multiply the city's acreage by the average number of structures in the city. For example, a small city with 10,000 adults over 100 acres has on average 5,000 structures. For a more precise method of generating a city's structures, use Table IV.3-Wards. This table lists the wards from least to most structurally dense. The average number of structures in small cities is 40-60 structures per acre. By distributing the 20-point spread over the twelve different wards according to density, shantytowns have 60 structures, slums 58, gates 56, docks 52, craftsmen 50, and so forth. Then multiply the number of number of structures found in each ward by the acreage of the ward. For example, a small city with 10,000 adults over 100 acres may have a merchant ward, three craftsmen wards, two gate wards, a river/bridge ward, an odoriferous business ward, a market, and a slum. By using the more precise method, this small city has 5,160 structures broken down by number of buildings per ward.

Example City Wards[edit]

Ward Size Number of Structures
Merchant 8 acres 336
Craftsmen 10 acres 500
Craftsmen 10 acres 500
Craftsmen 10 acres 500
Gate 8 acres 448
Gate 8 acres 448
River/Bridge 14 acres 728
Odoriferous 10 acres 480
Market 14 acres 756
Slum 8 acres 464

Mapping Wards and Cities[edit]

For GMs interested in mapping wards, Tables IV.5 through Table IV.9 identify structures by ward, use, and profession. Table IV.5-Structural Incidence lists the percentages of different structures found in each ward. For individual workshops, shops, and offices, Table IV.6-Workshops, Table IV.7-Shops, and Table IV.8-Offices to determine the specific businesses housed in each on a d1,000. Table IV.9-Random Structure Generation randomly determines individual structures by ward on a d100. For more description of the structures, see Appendix IV-Building System.

Structural Style[edit]

Every ward has a range of style associated with its structures. These styles correlate with the styles listed in Appendix IV-Building System. Besides determining the level of luxury and cost in building, styles provide GMs and PCs a general idea of wealth in the town or city and the individual wards compared to each other. From least to most style: D is derelict, rough, or functional; C is utilitarian, basic, or normal; B is tasteful, ornate, or artistic; and A is luxurious, royal, or imperial.

Power Centers[edit]

As communities grow larger, power centers become more frequent and complicated. Core rulebook II has a generation system for the type and alignment of a community's power structure. Table IV.4-Power Centers gives guidelines for generating the number of power centers in communities depending on the community size. The Power Center Worksheet helps GMs design hierarchies of group-based power centers, such as guilds or religions. These are merely guidelines, and power centers and influence points are at the GM's discretion.

Table IV.4-Power Centers[edit]

Community Size Number of Power Centers Average Number of Influence Points % of Unabsorbed Influence Points
Thorp 1 42 5%
Hamlet 1 69 5%
Village 1 113 10%
Small Town d2 180 15%
Large Town d2 642 20%
Small City d2+1 4,106 25%
Large City d3+1 30,600 30%
Metropolis 2d2+1 68,627 30%

Influence Points[edit]

Every level of adept, aristocrat, barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, paladin, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard is one influence point. Levels of commoner, expert, and warrior are ½ influence points. The average number of influence points is based on the information in Appendix I-Demographics.

Begin by assuming a community has 100% influence, which a GM can generate by hand in Appendix I-Demographics or take the average listed by community size in Appendix Table I.3-Number of Influence Points. The power center worksheet assigns people and influence points into power centers. After removing the unabsorbed influence points, a GM distributes the remaining influence points and corresponding leveled people into power centers. If the community has multiple power centers, determine the percentage of influence points that flow to each power center. For example, in a large city 30% of the influence points is unabsorbed, 15% goes to the king, 20% to the patron church, 20% to the thieves' guild, and 15% to the wizards' guild.

Unabsorbed Influence Points[edit]

Every community has people that slip through the grasp of power centers, especially in large communities. Before generating the pool of influence points at a power center's disposal, subtract the unabsorbed influence points from the community's total influence points.

Dividing Influence Points[edit]

Generating power centers and their human resources through influence points can be a time consuming and laborious task for the larger cities. However, it is one of the more through and precise methods for fleshing out city settings. Dividing influence points establishes the pool of people under the influence of power centers, whether they are groups or individuals. In the case of group oriented power centers, assigning influence points allows GMs to create hierarchies and NPCs. All people who receive the majority of their income from a power center are under the influence of that power center. Their numbers and influence points count against the power center's resources. Conversely, any person who has 25% or more of their income taken by a power center is under the influence of the power center. For example, a beer merchant who sells most of his beer to a member of the merchant guild is under the influence of the merchant guild. That beer maker and his staff all count in the merchant guild's influence points. In the countryside, any peasant is considered under the influence of his lord if the lord takes 25% or more of his income. Most lords take approximately 50% or more. There are many considerations in distributing influence points to power centers. First, the highest-leveled person in a power center or hierarchy is not necessarily the person in charge. Second, a higher-leveled person is not necessarily more important than a lower-leveled person within the hierarchy. A combination of social, financial, and strategic considerations determine who is in charge and who is important in a power center, guild, or hierarchy. Someone with more money, more social connections, more important familial relations, or better skills and strategy will rise to the top of a hierarchy, even if they are not high level. For example, a young scion who becomes head of the family after his father dies is in a position of great importance, though he may only be a 3rd level aristocrat/2nd level fighter.


Power centers receive a portion of a city's wealth equal to the same percentage it receives of a city's influence points. If a power center has 20% of a city's influence, it controls 20% of a city's wealth.


Table IV.10-Professions lists possible professionals, craftsmen, and merchants found in a magical medieval society and their incidence rate in society. For example, 1 out of every 120 people is a cobbler, so in a small town of 1,000 adults, there are 8 cobblers. This table also randomly generates professions on a d10,000. For example, if the PCs intervene in a robbery and they want to know whom it is they helped, roll d10,000 to generate that person's profession.


Guilds form around commonality, usually in profession. In a large metropolis where there are 50 bookbinders, there are enough bookbinders to constitute their own guild. There may even be 3 bookbinders guilds, one for arcane books, one for scholastic books, and one for penny books, or cheap readers for the masses in the more literate magical medieval society. But in smaller communities, like-minded professions group together to form guilds in place of single craft guilds. For example, in a small town, the single bookbinder and bookseller in town may join the paper-makers guild. Refer to Table IV.11Guilds to see a sample grouping of guilds for smaller urban communities.

Table IV.5-Structural Incidence[edit]

Patricate Admin Market Merchant Craftsmen Military Gates Docks Odo Business Slum Shanty Town
Admin 2% 10% 5% 2% 2% 5% 3% 1% 1% 1% -
Asylum - 1% - - - - - - - - -
Barrack - - - - - 15% - - - - -
Bath 5% 4% 4% 3% 2% 1% 1% 5% 5% 5% -
Boarding House 1% 2% - 2% 4% - 3% 2% - - -
Cemetery 1% 1% - 1% - - - - 1% 1% -
Religious 5% 4% 6% 4% 4% 2% 4% 2% 4% 4% -
Cistern 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% - - - - - -
Coliseum - - - - - 1% - - - - -
Corral - - - - - 2% 2% 2% 2% - -
Fountain 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Garden 2% - - 1% - - - - - - -
Granary 1% 1% 1% 1% - 1% - 1% - - -
Guild House - 1% 1% 2% 2% - - - - - -
Hospital 2% 4% - 4% 4% - 4% - 4 4% -
House 22% 16% 6% 12% 10% 10% 11% 16% 26% 31% 78%
Infirmary - - - - - 1% - - - - -
Inn 5% 5% 5% 5% - - 15% 10% 5% 5% -
Library 2% 1% - 1% - - - - - - -
Mill - - - - - - - 5% - - -
Office 5% 5% 5% 5% - - 2% 2% - - -
Plaza 1% - 1% 1% - - - - - - -
Prison - 1% - - - 2% - - - - -
Restaurant 4% - - 2% - - - - - - -
Shop 10% 5% 21% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% -
Stable 5% 5% 5% 5% - 10% 10% - - - -
Tavern 10% 10% 15% 10% 10% 10% 15% 15% 10% 10% 10%
Tenement - - - - 2% - - 5% 8% 10% -
Theater - - - - 1% - - - - - -
University 1% 1% - 1% - - - - - - -
Warehouse 12% 7% 21% 10% 5% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% -
Well 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
Workshop - 12% - 9% 40% 18% 13% 17% 22% 17% 10%

Table IV.6-Workshops[edit]

d1000 Workshops
1-87 Cobblers
88-174 Furniture Makers
175-240 Furriers
241-293 Weavers
294-335 Basketmakers
336-377 Carpenters
378-419 Paper/Parchmentmakers
420-461 Potters
462-499 Wheelwrights
500-534 Jewelers
535-564 Masons
565-594 Bakers
595-620 Soapmakers
621-641 Chandlers
642-661 Coopers
662-680 Pastry Makers
681-695 Scabbard Makers
696-710 Silversmiths
711-723 Saddlers & Spurriers
724-735 Purse Makers
736-747 Blacksmiths
748-759 Goldsmiths
760-771 Toymakers
772-782 Artists
783-793 Leatherworkers
794-803 Rope Makers
804-813 Tanners
814-822 Buckle Makers
823-831 Cutlers
832-840 Fullers
841-849 Harness Makers
850-858 Painters
859-866 Woodcarvers
867-873 Glass Makers
874-880 Instrument Makers
881-887 Locksmiths
888-894 Rug Makers
895-901 Sculptors
902-907 Bleachers
908-913 Shipmakers
914-919 Bookbinders
920-925 Bowyer/Fletchers
926-931 Brewers
932-937 Glove Makers
938-943 Vintner
944-948 Girdlers
949-953 Skinners
954-958 Armorers
959-963 Weaponsmiths
964-967 Distillers
968-971 Illuminators
972-975 Perfumers
976-979 Tilers
980-983 Potionmakers
984-986 Clock Makers
987-989 Taxidermists
990-992 Vestment Makers
993-994 Alchemists
995-996 Bellmakers
997-998 Dye Makers
999-1000 Inventors

Table IV.7-Shops[edit]

d1000 Shops
1-97 Clothiers, Used
98-194 Grocers
195-270 Dairy Sellers
271-346 Launderers
347-422 Prostitutes
423-498 Furriers
499-558 Tailors
559-607 Barbers
608-656 Drapers
657-705 Flower sellers
706-745 Jewelers
746-768 Mercers
769-790 Engravers
791-812 Pawnbroker
813-832 Haberdashers
833-852 Wine Merchants
853-868 Tinkers
869-883 Butchers
884-898 Fishmongers
899-911 Wool Merchants
912-923 Beer Merchants
924-935 Herbalists
936-947 Spice Merchants
948-957 Wood sellers
958-965 Brothel Keepers
966-973 Hay Merchants
974-979 Booksellers
980-985 Religious Souvenir Seller
986-989 Dentists
990-993 Naval Outfitters
994-996 Grain Merchants
997-999 Tobacco Merchants
1000 Magic Merchants

Table IV.8-Offices[edit]

d1000 Shops
1-200 Livestock Merchants
201-360 Carpenters
361-474 Masons
475-546 Pawnbroker
547-611 Wine Merchants
612-661 Doctors, Unlicensed
662-706 Wool Merchants
707-746 Beer Merchants
747-786 Spice Merchants
787-815 Doctors, Licensed
816-842 Copyists
843-864 Moneychangers
865-884 Sage/scholar
885-902 Advocates (lawyers)
903-918 Historians
919-931 Engineers
932-941 Architects
942-951 Astrologers
952-961 Grain Merchants
962-971 Tobacco merchants
972-980 Bankers
981-989 Slavers
990-997 Cartographers
998-1000 Magic Merchants

Table IV.9-Random Structure Generation[edit]

d100 Administration Craftsmen Gates Market Merchant Odor. Business Patriciate River/Bridge/Sea/Ocean Shantytown Slums
1-10 Religious BC Inn ABC Admin. C Granary C Warehouse BC Tavern D House AB Workshop D House C Tavern BC
11-12 Admin. C Warehouse C Well CD Plaza ABC Warehouse BC Workshop D House AB Workshop D House CD Tavern BCD
13-14 Religious BC Shop BCD Fountain CD University AB Warehouse BC Workshop D Warehouse AB Hospital D House CD Warehouse C
15 Corral C Shop BC Cemetery CD Cistern CD Warehouse BC Workshop D Warehouse AB Hospital D House D Shop CD
16 Fountain ABC Mill CD Stable ABC Cemetery ABC Warehouse BC Workshop D Warehouse AB Religious CD Workshop BC Tavern ABC
17-21 Religious BC Mill CD Shop BC Garden BC Warehouse BC Workshop D House AB Religious CD Workshop C Tavern BC
22-26 Prison D Workshop CD Stable BC Guildhouse CD Tavern ABC Well D House AB Bath D Barracks D Tavern BCD
27-36 Guildhouse ABC Workshop CD Stable BC Fountain BC Tavern ABC Fountain D Tavern AB Bath D Inn BC Warehouse C
37-46 Hospital BC Office CD Inn CD Fountain BC Shop ABC House ABC Shop AB Bath D Workshop CD Tenement CD
47-51 Workshop C Religious BC Tavern CD Well BC Stable AB Workshop C Stable AB Bath D Workshop CD Office ABC
52-56 Hospital C House CD Warehouse BC Cistern CD Office AB Barracks D Office AB Bath D Workshop D Shop BC
57-61 Religious C Corral C House BC Theater C Admin. ABC Inn BC Inn AB Admin. C Workshop D Stable BC
62-66 Religious C Bath CD Workshop C Library AB Shop ABC Workshop CD Religious AB Well D House D Stable BC
67-70 Office BC Bath CD Inn BC Guildhouse CD House AB Workshop CD Warehouse AB Fountain D House D Inn CD
71-74 Corral C Bath CD Warehouse CD Well ABC Religious AB Workshop D Warehouse AB Cemetery CD House D Tavern CD
75-76 Admin. C Bath CD Workshop CD Bath BC Inn ABC Workshop D Garden AB Shop ABC House D Warehouse CD
77-79 Admin. C Bath CD Shop ABC Bath ABC Inn ABC Workshop BC Bath AB Workshop C House D Shop CD
80-81 Admin. C Admin. C Workshop C Bath BC Shop ABC Workshop C Bath AB Workshop CD House D Tenement CD
82-83 House C Granary C House BCD Bath ABC Shop ABC Barracks D Restaurant AB Workshop BC House D Tenement CD
84-85 House C Well CD House C Admin. C Shop ABC Inn BC Restaurant AB Tavern CD House D Inn CD
86-87 House C Fountain CD Tavern CD Admin. C House AB Workshop CD Library AB Workshop CD House D Inn CD
88-89 Bath C Religious ABC House CD Admin. C Religious AB Workshop CD Hospital AB House D House D Workshop CD
90-91 Well C House BC House D Admin. C Bath AB Workshop D Admin. BC Workshop BC House D Hospital CD
92 Fountain C Workshop B Tenement D Admin. C Bath AB Workshop D Fountain AB Workshop C House D Hospital CD
93 Restaurant ABC Workshop BC Tavern D Bath BC Bath AB House ABC Fountain AB Barracks D House D Religious BC
94 Hospital BC Workshop CD Tavern D Well BCD Fountain ABC Workshop C Well AB Tavern BC House D Religious BC
95 Workshop C Hospital ABC Warehouse D Fountain BCD Fountain ABC Warehouse CD House AB House CD House D Corral C
96 Hospital C Workshop C Shop D Granary C Well ABC Tavern BC Cemetery AB House CD Tavern D Bath CD
97 Inn ABC Barracks D Workshop D Infirmary C Cistern C House CD Cistern B House D Tavern D Bath CD
98 Warehouse C Workshop BC Workshop D Coliseum BC Granary C House CD Granary C Workshop BC Tavern D Bath CD
99 Shop BCD Workshop CD Inn D House ABC Guildhouse ABC House D Plaza AB Workshop C Tavern D Bath CD
100 Shop BC Tavern ABC Inn D Tenement C Plaza ABC House D University AB Barracks D Tavern D Bath CD

Table IV.10-Professions[edit]

d10,000 Profession Incidence Rate (1 in X)
1-1660 Beggers 7
1661-2821 Housewives/Househusbands 10
2822-3982 Laborers 10
3983-4949 Elderly/Infirm 12
4950-5280 Servers (inns, taverns, restaurants) 35
5281-5512 Guards (private) 50
5513-5744 Clergy Members 50
5745-5937 Peddlers 60
5938-6130 Porters 60
6131-6295 Apprentices 70
6296-6423 Domestic Servants 90
6424-6538 Guards (city/governmental) 100
6539-6653 Journeymen 100
6654-6768 Mercenaries 100
6769-6883 Sailors 100
6884-6998 Students 100
6999-7113 Thieves 100
7114-7210 Cobblers 120
7211-7307 Furniture Makers 120
7308-7400 Clothiers, Used 125
7401-7493 Grocers 125
7494-7586 Warehousers 125
7587-7664 Officials 150
7665-7737 Dairy Sellers 160
7738-7810 Furriers 160
7811-7883 Launderers 160
7884-7956 Prostitutes 160
7957-8023 Bricklayers 175
8024-8081 Livestock Merchants 200
8082-8139 Slaves 200
8140-8197 Tailors 200
8198-8255 Weavers 200
8256-8307 Pages 225
8308-8354 Barbers 250
8355-8401 Basket Makers 250
8402-8448 Carpenters 250
8449-8495 Drapers 250
8496-8542 Florists 250
8543-8589 Guides/Touts 250
8590-8636 Paper/Parchment Makers 250
8637-8683 Potters 250
8684-8730 Tavern Keepers 250
8731-8772 Wheelwrights 275
8773-8811 Jewelers 275
8812-8844 Blacksmiths 300
8845-8877 Caravanner 350
8878-8910 Masons 350
8911-8939 Bakers 250
8940-8965 Soapmakers 400
8966-8988 Cooks 450
8989-9011 Chandlers 500
9012-9034 Rat Catchers 500
9035-9057 Traveler 500
9058-9079 Watercarriers 500
9080-9101 Coopers 520
9102-9122 Mercers 520
9123-9143 Pastry Makers 560
9144-9164 Engravers 560
9165-9183 Pawnbroker 560
9184-9202 Grooms 600
9203-9221 Midwives 600
9222-9240 Haberdashers 620
9241-9257 Wine Merchants 620
9258-9274 Spice Merchants 700
9275-9290 Silversmiths 700
9291-9305 Tinkers 750
9306-9320 Butchers 800
9321-9335 Doctors, Unlicensed 800
9336-9350 Fishmongers 800
9351-9364 Saddlers and Spurriers 800
9365-9377 Purse Makers 850
9378-9390 Blacksmiths 900
9391-9403 Goldsmiths 900
9404-9416 Toymakers 900
9417-9428 Wool Merchants 900
9429-9440 Artists 1000
9441-9452 Beer Merchants 1000
9453-9464 Fishers 1000
9465-9476 Herbalists 1000
9477-9488 Leatherworkers 1000
9489-9500 Nannies 1000
9501-9512 Plasterers 1000
9513-9523 Tanners 1000
9524-9534 Rope Makers 1100
9535-9544 Buckle Makers 1120
9545-9554 Cutlers 1200
9555-9564 Fullers 1200
9565-9574 Glaziers 1200
9575-9584 Harness Makers 1200
9585-9594 Painters 1200
9595-9604 Roofers 1200
9605-9613 Woodcarvers 1250
9614-9622 Woodsellers 1250
9623-9631 Innkeepers 1300
9632-9640 Doctors, Licensed 1360
9641-9648 Mendicants 1400
9649-9656 Bathers 1500
9657-9664 Brothel Keepers 1500
9665-9672 Copyists 1500
9673-9680 Glass Makers 1500
9681-9688 Hay Merchants 1500
9689-9696 Instrument Makers 1500
9697-9704 Locksmiths 1500
9705-9712 Millers 2000
9713-9720 Rug Makers 2000
9721-9728 Sculptors 2100
9729-9736 Storytellers 2100
9737-9743 Acrobats, Tumblers 2200
9744-9750 Jesters 2500
9751-9757 Jongleurs 2500
9758-9764 Minstrels 2500
9765-9771 Teachers 2500
9772-9778 Bleachers 2500
9779-9785 Shipmakers 2500
9786-9791 Bookbinders 2500
9792-9797 Moneychangers 3000
9798-9803 Bowyer/Fletchers 3000
9804-9809 Brewers 3000
9810-9815 Glove Makers 3000
9816-9821 Vintner 3000
9822-9827 Booksellers 3000
9828-9833 Gardeners 3000
9834-9839 Girdlers 3500
9840-9845 Religious souvenir sellers 3500
9846-9851 Sage/scholar 4000
9852-9857 Skinners 4000
9858-9863 Wetnurses 4000
9864-9869 Armorers 4000
9870-9875 Weaponsmiths 4000
9876-9880 Advocates (lawyers) 4000
9881-9885 Distillers 4000
9886-9890 Historians 4000
9891-9895 Illuminators 4000
9896-9900 Judges 4000
9901-9905 Librarians 4500
9906-9910 Perfumers 4500
9911-9915 Tilers 4500
9916-9919 Dentists 4500
9920-9923 Engineers 4500
9924-9927 Naval Outfitters 5000
9928-9931 Potionmakers 5000
9932-9935 Satirists 5000
9936-9939 Undertakers 6000
9940-9943 Writers 1200
9944-9946 Professors 1500
9947-9949 Restaurantiers 1500
9950-9952 Architects 1500
9953-9955 Astrologers 1600
9956-9958 Clock Makers 1600
9959-9961 Grain 1600
9962-9964 Merchants 1600
9965-9967 Navigators/Pathfinder 1650
9968-9970 Tax Collectors 1680
9971-9973 Taxidermists 1700
9974-9976 Tobacco Merchants 1800
9977-9979 Vestment Makers 1800
9980-9982 Alchemists 1900
9983-9985 Bankers 1900
9986-9988 Diplomats 1900
9989-9991 Slavers 1900
9992-9993 Town Criers 2000
9994-9995 Bellmakers 2000
9996-9997 Cartographers 2000
9998-9999 Dye Makers 2000
10000 Inventors and Magic Merchants 2000

Table IV.11-Guilds[edit]

Profession Incidence Rate
Architects & Engineers
Architects 4000
Engineers 3000
Armorers & Locksmiths
Armorers 2100
Locksmiths 1500
Artists 1000
Painters 1200
Satirists 3000
Sculptors 1500
Writers 3000
Bakers 350
Pastry Makers 560
Bookbinders & Papermakers
Bookbinders 1800
Booksellers 2000
Paper/Parchment Makers 250
Bowyers & Fletchers
Bowyer/Fletchers 1900
Brewers, Distillers, & Vintners
Brewers 1900
Distillers 2500
Vintner 1900
Brothel Keepers
Bathers 1500
Brothel Keepers 1500
Carpenters 250
Plasterers 1000
Roofers 1200
Butchers 800
Bell makers 5000
Engravers 560
Goldsmiths 900
Silversmiths 700
Chandlers 500
Soap makers 400
Clay & Stone Workers
Bricklayers 175
Masons 350
Potters 250
Tilers 2500
Clerks & Scribes
Copyists 1500
Illuminators 2500
Clothing & Accessories
Girdlers 2000
Glove Makers 1900
Mercers 520
Perfumers 2500
Purse Makers 850
Tailors 200
Vestment Makers 4000
Cobblers 120
Coopers 520
Leatherworkers 1100
Profession Incidence Rate
Dyers & Weavers
Bleachers 1680
Drapers 250
Dye Makers 5000
Fullers 1200
Rug Makers 1500
Weavers 200
Financial Transactions
Bankers 4500
Moneychangers 1800
Pawnbrokers 560
Tax Collectors 4000
Fishers 1000
Fishmongers 800
Forgers & Smiths
Blacksmiths 900
Buckle Makers 1120
Cutlers 1200
Scabbard Makers 700
Weaponsmiths 2100
Furriers 160
Glass Workers
Glass Makers 1500
Glaziers 1200
Harness Makers & Saddlers
Harness Makers 1200
Saddlers and Spurriers 800
Innkeepers 1300
Restaurateurs 3500
Tavern Keepers 250
Goldsmiths 900
Jewelers 300
Silversmiths 700
Launderers 160
Alchemists 4500
Astrologers 4000
Magic Merchants 12000
Potionmakers 3000
Map Makers & Surveyors
Cartographers 5000
Navigators/Pathfinders 3000
Naval Outfitters 1100
Rope Makers 4000
Barbers 250
Dentists 3000
Doctors, Unlicensed 800
Herbalists 1000
Midwives 600
Profession Incidence Rate
Beer Merchants 1000
Booksellers 2000
Clothiers, Used 125
Dairy sellers 160
Flower Sellers 250
Grain Merchants 4000
Grocers 125
Haberdashers 620
Hay Merchants 1500
Livestock Merchants 200
Magic Merchants 12000
Millers 1500
Perfumer 2500
Religious Souvenir Sellers 2000
Slavers 4500
Spice Merchants 1000
Tobacco Merchants 4000
Wine Merchants 620
Woodsellers 1250
Wool Merchants 900
Music & Performers
Acrobats, Tumblers 16000
Instrument Makers 15000
Jesters 1600
Jongleurs 1600
Minstrels 1600
Storytellers 1500
Professional Guilds
Advocates (lawyers) 2200
Doctors, Licensed 1360
Judges 2500
Librarians 2500
Professors 3500
Teachers 1650
Historians 2500
Professors 3500
Sage/Scholar 2000
Shipmakers 1700
Skinners & Tanners
Leatherworkers 1000
Skinners 2000
Tanners 1100
Taxidermists 4000
Stable Keepers
Grooms 600
Clockmakers 4000
Inventors 6000
Toymakers 900
Watercarriers 500
Wheel Wrights
Wheelwrights 275
Wicker Workers
Basket Makers 250
Furniture Makers 120
Wood Workers
Furniture Makers 120
Woodcarvers 1250

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