A Magical Medieval City Guide (3.5e Other)/Bibliography

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A list of books and their authors detailing various aspects of ancient europe.

Author Title
Rondo Cameron. A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolithic Times to the Present
Donal Hill. A History of Engineering in Classical and Medieval Times
N. J. G. Pounds. An Economic History of Medieval Europe
Carlo M. Cipolla. Before the Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy, 1000-1700
L. F. Salzman. Building in England Down to 1540: A Documentary History
Frances and Joseph Gies. Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages
Alain Erlande-Brandenburg. Cathedrals and Castles: Building in the Middle Ages
Maurice Keen. Chivalry (Yale Nota Bene)
Joshua Prawer Crusader Institutions
Richard Britnell. Daily Life in the Middle Ages
Michael Jones. Ducal Brittany 1364-1399: Relations with England and France during the reign of Duke John IV
Henri Pirenne. Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe
Edmund King. England 1175-1425
G. P. Cuttino. English Medieval Diplomacy
George C. Homans. English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century
F. L. Ganshof. Feudalism
Anthony Molho. Florentine Public Finance in the Early Renaissance, 1400-1433
Benjamin Arnold. German Knighthood, 1050-1300
L. A. Moritz. Grain-Mills and Flour in Classical Antiquity
Brady, Oberman and Tracy Handbook of European History, 1400-1600
Ludwig Riess. In the History of the English Electoral Law in the Middle Ages
G. L. Harris. King, Parliament, and Public Finance In Medieval England to 1369
Fritz Kern. Kinship and Law in The Middle Ages
Joseph and Frances Gies. Life in a Medieval City
Frances and Joseph Gies. Life in a Medieval Village
Carl Stephenson. Mediaeval Feudalism
Sidney Painter. Mediaeval Society
Henri Pirenne. Medieval Cities
Howard L. Adelson. Medieval Commerce
Nicola Coldstream. Medieval Craftsmen: Masons and Sculptors
W. O. Hassall. Medieval England: As Viewed by Contemporaries
Miller and Hatcher. Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change 10861348
Lynn White, Jr. Men and Gardens. Medieval Technology and Social Change
Michael Powicke. Military Obligation in Medieval England : A Study in Liberty and Duty
Joseph R. Strayer. On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State
McGarry and Wahl. Outline of Medieval History
Britnell and Hatcher. Progress and Problems in Medieval England
James Buchanan Given. Society and Homicide in Thirteenth-Century England
John Schofield. The Building of London from the Conquest to the Great Fire
Jean Gimpel. The Cathedral Builders
Lewis Mumford. The City in History
Geoffrey Rickman. The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome
Francois Matarasso. The English Castle
Margaret Wood. The English Medieval House
Chris GivenWilson. The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages
Ian Friel. The Good Ship
David Hacket Fischer. The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History
David Nicholas. The Growth of the Medieval City: From Late Antiquity to the Early Fourteenth Century
Bryce D. Lyon. The High Middle Ages, 1000-1300: Sources of Western Civilization
George Holmes. The Italian Merchant in the Middle Ages. Armando Sapori The Later Middle Ages, 1272-1485
Philip Warner. The Medieval Castle: Life in a Fortress in Peace and War
Sylvia Landsberg. The Medieval Garden
Jean Gimpel. The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages
Fritz Rorig. The Medieval Town
Carolly Erickson. The Medieval Vision
Howe and Howe. The Medievall World
Brian Tierney. The Middle Ages: Sources of Medieval History, Vol. I
K. B. McFarlane. The Nobility of Later Medieval England
Geoffrey Barraclough. The Origins of Modern Germany
Stanley Chodorow. The Otherside of Western Civilization: Readings in Everyday Life, Vol. I
Sidney Painter. The Rise of the Feudal Monarchies
Barbara A. Hanawalt. The Ties that Bound: Peasant Families in Medieval England
Graham Walters. Titles and Forms of Address: A Guide to their Correct Use
Robert Bartlett. Trial by Fire and Water: The Medieval Judicial Ordeal

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