Staff of Epic Earth Shift (5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 15:37, 24 November 2016 by (talk) (I attempted to make the item read grammatically correctly instead of being a looooong run-on sentence. The only mechanical change I made was removing the reference to "exhaustion damage", since that doesn't exist in 5e.)
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Staff, very rare (requires attunement)

The staff gives the welder the ability to permanently relocate and or shift/shape any earth within in a hundred feet of the caster. The area of affect is up to 40 feet cubed, and functions in a similar manner to the move earth spell and the same rules apply to the dimensions it affects when in use, except you can shape the area to cause damage in a simple manner, IE spikes made of earth or a deep pit. However, it cannot alter a space occupied by a creature. Each use costs a level of exhaustion. This item is more or less intended for use in creating structures for the players.

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