The Southern Isles (Dominaria Supplement)

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The Southern Isles


Perhaps the site of the first Humans in Dominaria, the past glory of the island is much faded.

House Ozani

Whiting Point Manor
St. Lucine

House Marconen

New Vortar
Port Marconen



Locations: Newport on the north coast, Cape Town on the south, Arkonvale in the middle, lying on the road between the two. A road leads west out of Arkonvale past farmland into the hills and then to the Court of the Winds and Sun Castle on the western cliffs. Roads east out of Arkonvale and Cape Town lead to the Temple of the Tempests and the surrounding town. In the SE corner of the isldna lies an elven Clade and in the SW lies one of the last true Halfling Dales.



The Zomahastra

Free Concord

The Free Concordian Alignment is a nation in exile. After General Percival Hottuffe's failed rebellion he led his defeated army, a large portion of the Concordian people, and many of the native eagles and founded a new city on the westernmost island of the Zomahastra. The Concordian refugees arrived on a ragtag fleet of ships strung out over weeks, running ahead of a well organized Arcadian fleet's encircling jaws. Only Hotuffe's calm leadership help the completely disorganized rout on a course for the island, and as soon as they landed his elite Rangers spread out across the island and he organized the construction of fortifications on the hills around the cove. Hotuffe, his men, and the Eagles they now called brother fought off and then drove off the banditry and criminals that inhabited the island and quickly scouted out a defensible location with access to wells and a port. On this plateau Hotuffe laid out the fortress port-city of Nova Concordia for which the island would eventually be named. His army, defeated but battle hardened, held the island against all comers and even defeated an invasion by the Emirate of Shangzi which nominally controlled the island. The refugees from Concord, men and eagle alike, took to the construction with gusto and those that chose not to build began farming across the flat plateau that makes up most of the island. As the massive city began to take shape, people from across the eastern coasts of Dominaria began to filter in to trade, speculate, and settle.

Over the 5 years since construction began, the population swelled and Hotuffe, now elected leader of the Free Concordian Alignment, laid out a system of roads to link the farming towns and ports that ballooned into existence. The city of Nova Concordia now has a full curtain wall with towers, gatehouses, and a moat fed from the island's river. Its roads are laid straight and true and the radiating rings of building sections are coming together as people move in. The areas around the port, gates, aviary, and the central citadel - known as The Rock - are the most complete and are centers of growth. The rest of the island is now a peaceful and well-managed tapestry of farms, vineyards, and orchards with produce moving to the ports and goods coming back in. There are enough mines for subsistence smithing and basic maintenance as well, but most metals must come from off-island. As far as religion the people of Concord pray to the Elven Deity Elebrin Liotheil for a good harvest, Mouqol for good trade, and Heironeous for valor in battle and protection from the Arcadians. Some few pray to Eltab, a dog-headed demon lord of retribution, for their eventual vengeance.

On the international level, the last 5 years of the Free Concordian Alignment has been marked by expansion - peaceful and otherwise. The closest large island of the Zomahastra was mostly uninhabited aside from vagrants, lawless corsairs, and Shangzi miners. Hotuffe took advantage of this as soon as he felt Nova Concordia was secure and organized an army of 7,000 troops with 3,000 sailors, 1,000 horsemen, and even 75 Eagle warriors for an expedition to the nearest island and launched his campaign in 67 FA. Hotuffe and his troops quickly and efficiently cleared the western half of the island, and had begun talks with the Shangzi miners on the eastern half when the Emir of Shangzi intervened. He sent an army of 8,500 men under his son to keep the miners in check and drive off Hotuffe. Hotuffe and the Emir's son met to discuss a peace, but due to the Emir's demands made a battle inevitable. The Emirate of Shangzi had long claimed tax rights over the miners on the island and swept it periodically for corsairs, but the Shangzi never had any real drive to expand. Hotuffe was willing to sign treaties to the island but when the Emir demanded he leave the impasse became obvious. Hotuffe had his navy and Eagles attack the Shangzi fleet when negotiations broke down and then landed his sailors to join in the battle. The Battle of Treaty Ridge was an all day affair but the Concordians beat the Shangzi badly, finishing the battered Shangzi with a cavalry charge over the battlefield's best ground. Hotuffe ransomed the Emir's son and secured rights to the island. So now in 70 FA, The Free Concordian Alignment is a blossoming young country with a pair of Islands in the Zomahastra. Nova Concordia is the capital and largest city by far, as well as being the largest port.

Government: Nova Concord holds the Parliament Building and the Prime Minister's Palace, and since Hotuffe relinquished his position as Commander General the Parliament has ruled concord under the leadership of the elected Prime Minister Percival Hotuffe, still in his first term.

Military: The Concordian Army grew out of the Concordian Revolutionary Army, the 2 Legions of Arcadian Concord that turned, and the freedom fighters from the south and east that flocked to fight against Arcadia. The Concordian Army is now made up of the Army, Navy, Sky Corps, Merchant Marine, and elite Rangers. The well disciplined pike-based Army protects the cities and enforces laws throughout the islands. The Navy patrols the waters and fights corsairs and mercenaries frequently. The Sky Corps rides the mighty Concordian Eagles in patrolls and support of the other branches. The Merchant Marines protect the merchant ships of Concord and are seen as adventurers. The Rangers are the long patrols (by land and sea) as well as elite troops in battle.

Judicial System: The Free Concordian Alignment has a constitution ratified by a complete vote of all of the citizens on the island in 64 FA during the revolution. The document outlines leadership and governance, which can be superseded in time of war, and includes a Bill of Rights. Courts throughout the 6 provinces of the Alignment (3 on Nova Concord, 2 on the island they now call Dawn, 1 for the city of Nova Concord, and any random islands are included in the closest province) provide fair trial and arbitration throughout the lands.

The Emirate of Shangzi


The Najiki Archipelago

The vast chain of island chains that runs south of the map.

The Western Gulf

The Central Najiki

The Guunharri Tribes

Drug lords and violent human tribesmen of the Alatran Isles in the Central Najiki. The Guunharri perpetuate the horrific trade in Nalish in return for money, weapons, and ships and use these to infest the Central Najiki. Any passing in, near, or around their territory beware - for here there be monsters.

The Kataran Isles

The Dragons' Isles. This semi-mythical island chain houses incredibly beautiful mountain and jungle vistas and is the primary nesting ground for Dragons on Dominaria (by volume, it's unlikely that these Dragons would affect a normal campaign). Many mainland Dragons won't have come from here, but their parents/ancestors did and they know of it at least in concept.

The Eastern Run

The portion of the Najiki that passes south and east of the Dragon's Eye.

The Shamen of Obra-skai

The cryptic men who live off the map, on the edge of myth, on a spur of the Najiki south of the Dragon's Eye. These wise-men live on their "Library Island" where the veil between existences is weakest. Few know of them, fewer still know even their name, and it's a rare seafarer or learned wizard who can point you to them.

A quote from a seaman-chronicaller who once saw the island while in the employ of Malek the Black:

The island was a low lying affair, broken up by hills and covered by city and forest. I recall few intact buildings but a sense of incredible age and grandeur lost. Stone buildings and columned avenues had gone to ruin and were heavily overgrown in some places. The gently sloping land betrayed little detail other than the tapestry of lost greatness and age. The city had clearly been great once: it's buildings large and its avenues broad. The spyglass showed us once-wonderous facades, fountains, arches, domes, and statuary. The low-lying, long hills had been fortified at one point and they gave the impression of calm superiority - smooth power without the need or drive to flaunt it. The city sprawled across most of the flat area of the island, only the hills or maybe some parks - mostly overgrown now - broke up the city. A single giant statue dominated the island but it was slightly inland and a few hills blocked the lower part from view; the top being covered in plants or worn beyond recognition from our anchor. I would have very much liked to tread the island, but Malek expressly forbade it.

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You think that's twisted? I heard of these fellas what killed a man in jail, with a crossbow through a window. Then they magicked him back to life, in a temple see? Then they brought him to his lord father for the reward! Now that's twisted.

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