QwertyPolopusPractice (Dominaria Supplement)
John, use "=XXXX=" to create new headers. Every = sign you add will drop a new level of header. Everything past this you need just basically look up online. HTML is surprisingly easy.
Character Creation[edit]
The Shistack
1st Roll for cosmic significance - 1-25: Human of no particular predestined providence (NPC) - 26-50: Touched by the Gods (PC/named NPC) - 51-75: Start with a template or a level adjustment, bound for greatness. End of a campaign character. - 76-90: Demigod, Daemon Prince - 91-99: God - 100: Joke's on you, DM Fool
2nd Roll for temporal renown (how established is the character in the world) - 1-25: Your character is at the beginning of their journey - 26-50: People know you or know of you locally - 51-75: People know you or know of you within the kingdom - 76-90: People know of you abroad - 91-99: You'd be hard pressed to find a land where people do not at least know your name - 100: Your title alone carries weight to the far shores of the world
3rd Roll for XXXX - - - - - -
- 3 Allies/Friends: These are people who are friendly to you and would render aid in any reasonable circumstance and could be convinced to help you out in extreme circumstances. One of these people would help you no matter what, until/unless you break their trust. - 3 Contacts: You know these people well, and will know how to find them when you go to the city/state they live in. They may not stick their necks out for you, but can be good sources of information and will help more at no/little risk to themselves. These may be old allies and could be convinced to raise their level of help if you develop the relationship. - 3 Enemies/Adversaries: These people are rivals, enemies, and competitors of yours. While they may not directly want you dead, it is at least their interest to succeed in-spite of you or at your expense. These adversaries may not span every area you go, but when you are in their sphere of influence and they know it they will be an impediment.
Bash's idea for the Petra-like fortress hold of ancient paladin origins[edit]
Empress Tionne?[edit]
The River Kigdom[edit]
A small kingdom that popped up south of Nurim's Mountains, east of the river Eldar, and west of the Melidaa following the Flood War.
"I am an Amacidian born, as are the men at my back. Imperial III Legion, Hydras all. We held Royston for 7 months while the Dragon's bastard, Calem, sieged us out. Then we endured the occupation, the killings, the dark priests that came after, and the mass conscriptions. I took my men, and some others, into hiding. Royston don't have an underground, but we fought nonetheless. Then something happened, their troops streamed back in and holed up. They were leaner, and meaner than before. We heard the "HE" was dead, and rejoiced. And then the Coalition showed up, The Imperial XVII out of Ak'kritaar and the Imperial IV, formerly of Aryth. They sieged us again, which we understood, and we fought all the harder. Then the bombardment started. 45 days of firebombs and rubble slammed our city into dust. That's why we're here. Those that didn't die to the bombardment, or to the dark men's cannibalism, died when the Legions moved on. We come to seek redress from our "liberators"."
Sir Eric Bondan, bannerman to Lord Rojer Valladian, during his rebellion against Ramosia
Add in the new details of Dragon's War End, take out Beldroni Crusade[edit]
"Teeth of Narnor"[edit]
The Verge continues into the Western Sea past the Westlands.
Eastern Dwarf Idea[edit]
Lost tribe of Dwarves living in eastern mountains so separated from all other dwarves that only knowledge of where they came from is carried on through oral tradition
New Quotes[edit]
- Give me your hand, and I will give you victory.
add link to Dominaria mainpage on top of pages[edit]
One word Imperial months[edit]
Hyperlinks worth it (3 Votes to 1 Vote)[edit]
Add direct link to country/area map in city/country entries[edit]
Change Template links to go to headers rather than pages[edit]
Weapons and Armor post Dragon's War[edit]
Much MUCH cheaper weapons and armor after the Dragon's War, as well as a lack of new production due to this. Just like longswords falling to just a few pence after the great plague.
Battles and Sieges[edit]
When we actually look at history, sieges were common, but battles were rare. Take the Persian Wars: Marathon, Plataea, Salamis, Thermopylae. People tend to fixate on these and see them as the decisive moments, and indeed some of them were. But the whole time these battles were being fought, city after city and town after town fell to siege. Even though Alexander the Great, when he conquered much of the known world, took part in an unusually high number of battles - he commanded literally scores of sieges.
Geo Additions[edit]
More Transylvania-type forests and some highlands/hilly areas in the West. Keys on maps for distance
John city idea[edit]
Gorge/slice in the earth, possibly in a glacier. City built into the edges with bridges in between. Peaceful and hospitable in city/gorge but once out of the gorge, razor wind and terrifying cold. Tought to get into/out of in some manner.
Correcting the war[edit]
The dwarves did not fight with ramosia, instead they teamed up with arcadia and andor to defeat ramosia. In the final battle the dwarven king was brining to much destruction upon the enemy forces so the god moradin acended him to heaven.
John watchtowers idea[edit]
Watchtowers along a particular river used for travel, ques build right into the tower for ships. Flat land for the most part except for a mesa with a larger fort on the edge of a turn in the river where it comes up against a turn in the river.
Phil's perogative[edit]
I need to get this back to what it felt like when we gamed up north...
The Middle Kingdom of Ramosia[edit]
The Sentinels of Syracuse[edit]
Guards of the ancient royalty of the now arcadian city. One for each hour of the day. Their names are based off of numbers. Sesitus = 6, Sextus = 7, Novenus = 9, Decimus = 10, Dodecan = 20, and so forth. Also, due to their history many of the names have a title. Unon (1) is the "Lord of the Morning", Sextus (7) is the "Keeper of the Keys", Octavion is the "Dragonslayer", Dodecan is the "Lorekeeper", and so on.
Suran infant head-shaping or head bonding?[edit]
Halfling/Gnome/Demi-Human Society[edit]
John place ideas here.
Eastern Musings[edit]
So hard to get to Elven Kingdoms by Sea because one has to travel through the Transitory Mists off the coast of the Dark Kingdoms on one side and through arctic waters on the other.
Korrelon's Mirror is a lake held sacred to the Elves, said to give the magical nourishment necessary to sustain the (Elven Kingdoms)fertility. The Elven Age of Eternal Plenty, fueled by Korrelon's Mirror, is said to last as long as the Fissure of Autumn is kept under Elven control - the Wood Elves, inhabiting the outskirts of Elven territory and first to witness the outside world, are tasked with the upkeep of these sacred grounds.
Beginning as an outflow of Korrelon's Mirror, the Mos'Rahim as it is known to the humans, is carried by ancient Rhunar aqueduct across the Fissure of Autumn and south through the Sea of Sand.
Kwizarmia located where the Mos'Rahim (Literally 'Water of the Elves' in the eastern dialect) River forks three ways.
The Mos'Rahim runs southwest from there into the Southern Caliphate where it was dammed into the largest source of fresh water in the east. This body of water is the subject of constant conflict as the coasts are always changing hands.
The two tributaries of the Mos'Rahim are dah-Jabal and dah-Amza, renamed in the Third Age after Caliph Suzerain unified the East all the way to the Dhazantar Steppes. Jabal and Amza were Suzerains twin champions, his right and left hand.
dah-Amza runs south into the Sea of Storms and dah-Jabal runs southeast into the Cimmerian Canal. Anubrakosh, ((Anubra - Eastern people, kosh - Arcadia) Eastern Arcadia) is located at the dah-Jabal River Delta where the Dark Kingdoms, the Sea of Sand and the Cimmerian Wood converge.
The Southern Caliphate, traditional arch-nemesis of Arcadia, functions much the same way in the east as Arcadia does in the west. A powerful and ancient entity, the Southern Caliphate is viewed with a mixture of respect and mistrust. Not quite natives but not quite foreigners, they are the only people in the east to come into contact with westerners on a regular basis. The other city-states act as loose satripies of the Southern Caliphate, stemming from a time when the entire east was unified by Suzerains rule. After his death, the power structure fractured and the Caliphate pulled back direct control to its modern borders, though still exhibit a level of social and economic influence over their old provinces.
The Southern Caliphate occupies the most fertile land of the East, causing specialization of civilization that is not possible elsewhere. IN contrast to the rest of the East, the Caliphate can employ heavily armored cataphracts, a modern navy and other units to combat the west. This connection to the rest of the world, and with it the diffusion of knowledge, is why the Caliphate is the cutting edge of the East. All information spread in the East gets filtered through the Caliphate first, the cultural heart of the East.
The Dhazanti, nomadic horse peoples of the Steppes were the first to stop the Caliphs advance and ultimately where the borders of the Caliphate stopped, a fact that they still take fierce pride in. Experts in archery and skirmish, the Dhazanti beat the Caliphate in its own game. Due to the divide of desert between Karnak, capitol of the Caliphate and Dhazantar acted as a natural shield of sorts. The Caliphate could not resupply efficiently and its best units were simply not effective/could not be transported across the desert. Instead the Caliphate had to rely on its northern recruiting grounds, where military strategy is already taken from the Dhazanti.
From afar the city is a stark white monolith atop the great cliffs of Bjørnland. The city, built on the ruins of an ancient dwarven citadel, boasts exquisite though sturdy stonecraft, resting atop and inside the cliffs. Several levels of city are built into the cliffs and are visible from sea. Illûna has two ports, a trade port south of the cliffs where there is a small bay, and a fortified port built into the cliffs with a complex elevator system to bring man and goods up into the city from the deep caves. Illûna's real power lies in their fusion of Western strategy, Dwarven technology, and northern endurance.
In terms of military power, there is the city watch, Svaarguard, and the Ice Brigade, the elite shock unit of the Luna. The city watch its self explanatory though needs fleshing out: The Svaarguard are a force supplemented with criminals generally sent from the Empire (now the successor states of the Old Empire) by way of Beldron or other western coastal states that conduct trade with Illuna. This force ranges from life long fighters to men who've never held anything sharper than a scythe. In recent years has been the backbone of the Illûnan military (due to increased requirements placed on the fighters of the Ice Brigade). The best of the Svaarguard are sent to the Ice Brigade every year on the Winter Equinox in standing with ancient northern tradition.
The Ice Brigade is the name given to Illûna's professional force of fighters modeled off the remnants of Illûna's three exiled Legions; the very same who crossed the Verge ages ago and settled Illuna. The Ice Brigade is a tough force of hardened veterans and is rightly feared and hated in the north.
Illûna lies in the south-westernmost part of the Northlands where the Verge and the sea create natural barriers on two sides. They control a portion of countryside that extends over several villages. Several old forts/watchtowers make up the border of Illûnan land with the interior of this territory serving as farmland in the summer; in the winter lumber is collected. Coal and ore is also mined. Two roads spoke out from Illûna, one north to Luxor, largest of the outlying villages, and one east to the large farming township and finally the largest of Illûna's forts, Duskwatch, on it's eastern border. Duskwatch stands vigil over Illûnan territory, protecting the road from the Blackwood and the chaos within.
Illuna is the only population center of its size in the north. In other places this is simply not possible. Illunas size is due in part to advanced agricultural technique and in part to its maritime trade with the civilized nations of the west. This commerce brings in wealth, exotic goods and food necessary to supplement the crops produced in the poor northern soil; in other words it creates culture.
The rest of the North is split into warring tribes, each vying for power over the Throne of Bones and right to rule as King of the Northmen. Ideas can flourish in Illuna in a way that cannot happen in the lawless tribal lands. In these parts the only law is that of the sword. Small and sporadic villages dot the north, with only a few proper cities.
An invisible war rages in the North between Vampires and Lycans. These creatures usually stick to themselves, feeding on humans when necessary but rarely engaging in contact. That being said, with the proper coin, they are occasionally contracted out by tribes to fight one another, generally considered a dark and despicable practice.
Dhazantar Gap civilization[edit]
A rough union of city-states in the Dhazantar Pass of the Verge. All life revolves around city bastions built into the mountains because of centuries of foreign invaders and armies marching to and fro through the pass ransacking everything. Cities carved into the mountains behind the fortress. Forced to learn various arts of rock carving from the Dwarves, who are their main source of trade. Among the only men that Dwarves will actually interact with . They were forced to coalesce into small pockets of civilization in the form of heavily-fortified city-states in the sides of the mountain. People rarely leave these citadels except to occasionally travel from one city to the next.
Human origins specifics[edit]
Humans came from Mantaer, a different moon of Jovia originally. Humans had long worshipped the heavens and even their secular society had a high degree of astrological magic. Many of their religions viewed Dominaria, which they closely approached several times through the year, as a holy sister world in their eternal journey around Jovia. Mantaer's weather and tides were heavily influenced by their sister worlds and they'd always been portends of good or bad times. Their world was dying because their most powerful mages had dabbled in magicks they were unable to control. They'd experimented with temporal magic and portals high in their towers and brought heinous ruin to their planet. Pockets of rampaging time aged cities to dust, brought millions back to life, or brought fantastic dinosaurs out of forests that appeared out of virgin forests. While Mantaer was at its weakest, they (Illithids) came. Their onslaught was ferocious and entirely without preamble. Humanity fell back before them into the ever-receding borders of their nations before they eventually ran.
By the time they fled their planet, their late-stage society had left few competitor races. They fought the Beast Wars clearing the other species out out of xenophobia.
The Najiki[edit]
The Maelstrom - hurricanes coming from the southern sea happen every so often. The Najiki call the Maelstrom a name for any of these periodic hurricanes that sweep across the Archipelago towards the mainland, as people believe they are all the product of the same storm.
Elemental Magic - Native peoples of the Najiki view all magic through a lens of the elements. Different tribes focus their attentions on specific elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Ice, Electricity, Plants, Raw Magic)
The Najiki have a legend that there is a fabled continent beyond "the endless sea". The indigenous people claim to trace their origins from this unknown continent.
The native Najiki are the only peoples in the civilized world to trade with the inhabitants of the Cimerian Peninsula, where certain precious herbs grow that cannot be found anywhere else on Dominaria.
The Essence[edit]
Visible best in the Northlands, the Essence, as the Elves call it, is the aurora borealis. It is believed to be the visible raw lifeforce of Dominaria. During a certain time of year the Northlands are cloaked in perpetual darkness for months on end. It is during this time that the Elves have taken pilgrimages to see the Essence and worship it since time immortal. It is considered a Sacred Holiday.
Dominaria Campaign Settingv | |||||
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Players' Handbook | Races, Languages, Classes, Magic, Religion, Literature and Lore | |||
Dominaria Gezeteer | History, Geography, Climate, and Politics, Factions, Calendar and Holidays, Cosmology and the Planes | ||||
Dungeon Master's Guide | About, Items of Legend, Bestiary, Currency and Consumables, Law in Dominaria, Sample Places, NPCs, Variant Rules, Adding to Dominaria | ||||
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