Hyrelliüm (5e Race)

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You are a being from another plane, from another world that came to this place very different from your lands, a place where you will need to survive, face great challenges, make bonds and go in search of information about this world, and finally decide the most important thing of all YOUR FUTURE

Physical Description

You look like a normal human, some physical aspects are very similar to those of a human, but you have 5 hearts instead of just 1, your skin has the tone of a crystal and your blood is purple like that of a grape.


Are you in new lands, unknown lands, lands that you came to by coincidence of fate? Have you been forced? Or for some other reason? Now none of that matters, what matters is your survival, you need to survive in a new world, which you owe almost nothing to a plan that is very different from your old home. Now it is necessary to find a way to adapt and survive.


Have you ever been part of a village? Who knows of a group of adventurers? But this is behind you now you are left alone in a new world, there is nothing like you in this world and for them your normal is very different.

Hyrelliüm Traits

Crystal, regenerative alien humans.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. You age slower than humans due to your regeneration. You mature at early 20´s and can live up to 150 years
Alignment. Your Alingment depends on what your race did on your original plane
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You can walk up to 30 feet.
blessed. The threads of destiny like you and, whenever necessary, are modified to help you. When you take a natural 1 on any roll, you must roll again and use the new roll even if you take another 1.
Outerworldly Regeneration. As a Herelium you have a high resilience and your body heals much faster, so from the 1st Level onwards you recover health each time equal to your Constitution modifier This increases to 2x your modifier at 10 ° level And for 4x at Level 20. This trait can't stabilize or heal someone who is below 0 Hit Points
Languages. You Know Common and one extra language

(3 votes)

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