Stained Half-Elf (5e Race Variant)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: Incomplete. This really needs to be fleshed out because as of right now it lacks any substantial Fluff. While it can be regarded by some as useless information it has a significant impact on how your content is used by players. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help.

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This race seems must stronger than the standard half-elf and other similar first-party races, and would benefit from having less powerful traits. For example, in addition to most of the abilities, the half elf gets this race gets a progressively free casting of magic missile, proficiency in arcana(granting 3 skill proficiencies in total), advantage against saves against madness, the good half of the keen mind feat, blindsight for an encounter duration with a automatic hour long recharge(no rest required) and immunity to one to one of the most common conditions in the game(charmed). Overall pretty overloaded and requires more work from a mechanical perspective to better compare and integrate with the first party content. Consult the 5e Race Design Guide for help and consider checking out some of the comparable Featured Articles.

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Broom Icon.svg.png This page needs grammatical help. Reason: A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/italicization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague or written like casual conversation. For example, "You are proficient in the Arcana skill." not "Stained Elves gain proficiency in the Arcana skill"

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Half-Elf Variant

The stained half-elf is similar to the standard half-elf, but they can only increase one skill by one, instead of two, and they gains the following traits:

Arcane Eyes. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill. As a bonus action, you gain blindsight for 30 ft for one minute. You can only use this feature once per long rest.

Inborn Magecraft. You may cast magic missile, once, as a 1st level spell. At 3rd level, magic missile may be cast as a 2nd level spell, and as a 3rd level spell by 5th level. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this spell. You regain the ability to cast magic missile in this way after a long rest.

Keen Mind. You always know which way is north. You always know the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset. You can accurately recall anything you have seen or heard within the past month.

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