The Helm of The Dark Lord (3.5e Equipment)

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The Helm of The Dark Lord: The helm of the dark lord is a black indestructible full head cover except a 1 inch wide T shaped slot so you can see and breath your eyes glow a faint red from within the helm and it renders the wearer immune to all gases and things that use smell or magic effects and gives the wearer blind sight out to 160ft around him and dark vision to 100 and as dim light from 100 to 50 feet this helm was crafted by the dark lord himself and the gem in the crown of the helm gives him the ability to fire a 100 foot ray of fire dealing 4d20 out to 50 feet and 2d20 from 51 to 100 along with getting telekinesis out to 200ft [note this can lift theoretically anything] and the wearers int is increased by 30 and will increased by 50 rendering you immune to all mind affecting effects and giving you a +100 to intimidate once a day

;  CL ;

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