Type-33 Fuel Rod Cannon (5e Equipment)

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Type-33 Fuel Rod Cannon

Martial Ranged Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Type-33 Fuel Rod Cannon Very Rare 6d8 Fire 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 60/150), reload (5 shots), one handed, heavy

The Grunts' prized weapon, the fuel rod cannon is effective as both an anti-vehicle and anti-infantry weapon. It is capable of taking down both heavily armoured vehicles and elite squads easily. Each shot uses 1/5 of a plasma cartridge.

High Explosive Weaponry Each attack hits all creatures within 15ft of the target. For every 5ft these “secondary targets” are away from the initial target, they take two less damage dice. In addition, creatures at the epicentre of the blast must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone, with the DC decreasing by 5 for every 5 ft. away a creature is from the centre.

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