Frost Demon (5e Race)

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Frost Demons

Frost demons act as both a race and class. Should you choose to play a frost demon, you must take your first level in the frost demon class, but can otherwise multiclass out into a different class. However, it is not possible to multiclass into the composite class due to it being a class given to you by your biology. The frost demon focuses on using energy attacks and telekinesis to control the battlefield while destroying foes, and as they level up, gain the ability to tap into more and more of the power they were born with that was sealed away to keep them from destroying themself. Renowned for their power, dominance, and superiority, the frost demon is a rare but powerful composite class, capable of both control and damage.

Physical Description

A frost demon in first, second, and third form.

Most frost demons have red pupils and bodies covered in keratinous, typically white, exoskeletons. They also have reptilian features such as a long tails, prehensile three-toed feet, body spikes, and horns. They are adorned with colored gem plates on the head, torso, ankles, wrists, and shoulders. Frost demons can have hair, though this is uncommon.

Frost demons are born with so much energy and power that they must go through four stages, or “forms” as they call them, as they mature. Their first form is small, often with a large head, long tail, and stout body. Their second form is much larger, bulkier, and more imposing, with larger and more pointed horns, like a bull. Then their third form, also called their Assault Form, is about the same size as their second form, but with a great amount of physical mutation, looking strange and bizarre to all other creatures. Their fourth and final form is their strongest, but is smaller than their other forms. They are sleek, lithe, and slender, with an appearance that is simple, yet frightening to those who know what it means. If a frost demon activates all of their power in this form, it bulks up significantly, becoming much more muscular.


Frost demons are a rare, powerful race of aliens from far-away stars. Frost demons can easily find themselves in positions of power due to how easy it is for them to display dominance over other lifeforms. Because of this, the frost demons are a feared race, and one of great authority in their home systems. Many galactic tyrants have been frost demons, so those who do not fear them often treat them with disrespect and discrimination.


Frost Demons are ruled by a king or queen, who can hold sway over entire galaxies if they play their cards right and display enough strength. They are proud, frightening, and majestic, though they are not often noble. Frost Demons are powerful enough that they rarely train, instead relying on the power they have had since birth. Frost Demons are small enough in population that encountering them in large groups is almost impossible; instead, they are often raised by only their direct family, moving on to find a mate and likely a planet or several to rule once they grow older.

Frost Demon Names

Frost demon names always have something to do with ice, the cold, or refrigeration. Frost Demon names are unigender because of this.

Names: Frieza (Freezer), Coola (Cooler), Chilled, Cold, Frost, Froze, Ais, Fridgi, Polarri, Chilla,

Frost Demon Traits

A powerful race of megalomaniacs.
Ability Score Increase. The frost demons are lightweight, fast, and yet very durable. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. A frost demon reaches maturity by 16 and can live to be up to 400, only showing signs of aging in their late 300's.
Alignment. Frost demons have no set alignment as a whole, but the majority tend to be evil, caring only for their own agenda and pride, and most have a distaste for chaos, leaning towards lawful or neutral alignments.
Size. Frost demons vary widely in height and build, but a frost demon taller than 6'0" is very rare. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Prehensile Tail. You have a long tail, longer than either of your arms and long enough to grab something from behind you and hold it above and in front of you. Small objects may be carried and manipulated as though the tail had half your Strength score with fine manipulations, such as lockpicking or untying knots, possible at disadvantage to the roll in question. Having a prehensile tail gives proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. Your tail can also be used to make unarmed attack, but it may not carry weapons.
Built for Space. Frost demons don't require oxygen and are adapted to high altitude, extreme heat, and extreme cold as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. Thusly, they can survive in the vacuum of space without any duress.
Incredible Durability. Frost demons are far more durable than any other flesh and blood race, even being able to survive bifurcation and vivisection. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Composite Class. If you are a frost demon, frost demon is both your class and your race. You can multiclass out of the frost demon class, but cannot multiclass into it, as it requires being a frost demon.
Languages. You can speak, read and write, Common, Glaerian, and one other language of your choice. The frost demon native language, Glaerian, uses many harsh syllables and phonetics. It uses the Sylvan script.

Random Height and Weight

4′ 6'' +3d12 60 lb. × (1d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Frost Demon

The frost demons are a race of powerful aliens, with the strongest and most influential of them holding sway over entire galaxies. They wield powerful energy attacks, and can move and even destroy objects with nothing but their mind.


Frost demons are known for their great strength, fearsome appearance, and incredible ability with energy and telekinesis. Most are thought of as evil, due to the behaviors of their most infamous members, the Frieza Clan. However, like any race, frost demons are greatly varied in personlity and motivations. That in mind, most frost demons are lawful beings, although those laws are typiclly their own personal laws and codes. Evil and neutral are the most common alignments for frost demons, but good frost demons are not unheard of.

Creating a Frost Demon

When creating a frost demon, ask yourself this: What has brought you to your current adventure? Most frost demons are not ones to take on challenges themselves, instead sending subordinates. Are you just getting started, trying to spread your influence? Or have you been born into a long-standing clan of frost demons with galactic sway? Are you sadistic and cruel, like the most famous members of your race, or are you more kind and genuine, going against your race's stereotype?

Quick Build

You can make a frost demon quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Noble background.

Class Features

As a Frost Demon you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Frost Demon level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Frost Demon level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Intimidation, Persuasion, Deception Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Battle Armor or (b) Fine Clothes
  • (a) A Scouter or (b) One simple weapon of your choice
  • (a) A Hover Pod, or (b) Explorer’s Pack
  • A cape worn on the shoulders, bearing the emblem of your Frost Demon family. Can be attached to your Bio-Suit, or any other clothes.
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d4x10 gp in funds.

Table: The Frost Demon

Level Proficiency
Energy Points Flying Speed Features
1st +2 5 - Energy Bullet, Energy Attacks, Repressed Power, Natural Armor
2nd +2 5 - Energy Beam
3rd +2 5 - Energy Recharge, Demonic Archetype
4th +2 5 - Ability Score Improvement, Second Form
5th +3 7 - Extra Attack
6th +3 7 - Energy-Enhanced Strikes, Bending Energy Bullet, Demonic Archetype
7th +3 7 10 Feet Evasion, Flight, Demonic Archetype
8th +3 7 10 Feet Ability Score Improvement, Third Form
9th +4 9 10 Feet Energy Saucer, Demonic Archetype
10th +4 9 15 Feet Rapid Energy Bullet
11th +4 9 15 Feet Energy Ball
12th +4 9 15 Feet Ability Score Improvement, Fourth Form 50%
13th +5 12 20 Feet Energy Cannon
14th +5 12 20 Feet Energy Cage, Demonic Archetype
15th +5 12 20 Feet Energy Charge
16th +5 12 20 Feet Ability Score Improvement, Fourth Form 100%
17th +6 15 25 Feet Demonic Archetype
18th +6 15 25 Feet 100% Energy Cannon
19th +6 15 25 Feet Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 20 30 Feet Demonic Archetype

Energy Attacks

At 1st level, you have access to energy attacks. Energy Attacks are based on Energy Points, which you have a pool of based on Frost Demon level + your Constitution or Charisma modifier. All Energy Points are restored at the end of long rest. In addition, you may spend Energy Points to use the abilities listed in this feature. Unless otherwise stated, every effect that uses energy points and deal damage require at least 1 free hand. Energy attacks may require either an attack roll or a saving throw, using the following:

Energy Attack Modifier
Proficiency bonus + Charisma Modifier
Energy Save DC
8 + Charisma Modifier + Proficiency bonus
If you are attacked while charging a feature, you must succeed a concentration saving throw.
Flurry of Blows -

Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 energy point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Perfect Dodge -

You can spend 1 energy point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn. Due to your readiness to dodge your enemies have disadvantage on attacking you until your next turn.

Stand Ground -

You can spend 1 energy point to guard as a bonus action on your turn. While guarding you receive half damage from all those that hit you, however you cannot move from that spot until your next turn.

Exchange Blows -

When you are attacked, you can spend 2 energy as a reaction to make an unarmed attack.

Energy Jump -

You may spend 1 energy point and use a bonus action to make a jump kick at an enemy 30 feet or less away,making one unarmed strike.

Energy Surge -

For 10 energy points on your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action.

Energy Dash -

You may spend 2 energy points and forfeiting your action and bonus action to Dash forwards at 4x your movement speed, passing through enemies with them taking opportunity attacks at disadvantage.

Simple Arts

You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.

You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike.

Natural Armor

Your body can create a Bio Suit, or a natural set of clothes or armor. If you are not wearing armor, your AC is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can change the shape and appearance of your Bio Suit during any long rest, although this is only visual.

Energy Bullet

Starting at 1st level, as an action, you may fire a beam of energy from your finger towards any target you can see within 30+your flying speed feet. Make a ranged Energy attack roll. On a hit, this deals 1d4 + your Charisma modifier magical piercing damage. This increases by 1d4 at 5th level (2d4), 9th level (3d4), 13th (4d4), and 15th level (5d4).

Repressed Power

Frost Demons have various forms they can activate to tap into more and more of their latent power. At 1st level, you can only access your “First Form”, in which your power is the most restrained, granting no bonuses. To access a higher form that you do not meet the level requirement of, you must attempt a DC 20 Constitution saving throw. On a success, you enter that form, but take 2d6 necrotic damage per Frost Demon level every round that you stay in that form. On a fail, you take 2d6 necrotic damage. You may only access one “number” up from the transformations you have access to in this manner. As you level up, you will gain access to other forms. When you exit a form or it’s timer runs out, you can not use again it until the end of a long or short rest.

Energy Beam

Starting at 2nd level, you may spend 1 Energy Point as part of your action to increase the damage die of your Energy Bullet from d4 to d6.

Energy Recharge

Starting at 3rd level, as an action, you can choose to regain 1d4 energy points. This can only be used once, regaining use at the end of a long rest. Starting at 7th level, you can add your Charisma modifier to this roll.

Demonic Archetype

At 3rd level, you must choose a Demonic Archetype, all described at the end of this class. You gain additional features at 6th, 7th, 9th, 14th, 17th and 20th level

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Second Form

At 4th level, you gain the ability to push your power to new heights, taking on your Second Form. As an action, you can grow significantly in size, from Small to rivaling even the largest of Medium creatures. Your second form’s overall shape is up to you, but you gain more muscle mass, larger horns, and an overall bulkier appearance. This form lasts for 1 minute, after which you revert to your previous form and can not transform into it again until the end of a short rest. In this form, you gain the following features:

  • You gain +1 to your Armor Class.
  • You gain +5 to all speeds.
  • Your unarmed strikes damage die become 1d6 rather than 1d4.
  • You cannot deal nonlethal damage.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Bending Energy Bullet

At 6th level, can maintain concentration on your Energy Bullets or Energy Beams for up to 1 minute. While doing so, you can manually move them as they fly. If you miss, you may attack with the beam or bullet you are controlling as a bonus action. You may only control 1 beam or bullet at a time.

Energy-Enhanced Strikes

At 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities, and you can choose to add your Charisma modifier to attack and damage rolls rather than Strength or Dexterity.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


At 7th level you gain the ability to use your energy to fly or levitate short distances. As you gain levels 10th, 15th, 17th, and 20th, the distance you may travel increases. You can activate this technique as a bonus action. This technique remains active until you either run out of Ki points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action. You must have at least 1 Ki point to activate this ability.

Third Form

At 8th level, the limit on your power is loosened even further, accessing your Third Form as a bonus action while in Second Form, which you may now stay in for 5 minutes. In this form, you stay at your Medium size, and your body shifts and mutates into a bizarre, alien form (even by the standards of an already-alien creature). Again, your overall shape is up to you, but your form ends up more strange and unnatural than any of your other transformations. You may stay in This form for 1 minute. In this form, you gain the following features on top of those of Second Form:

  • You gain an additional +1 to AC (+2 total.)
  • You gain an additional +10 to all speeds (+15 total).
  • Your unarmed strikes’ damage die becomes 1d8 rather than 1d6.

Energy Saucer

At 9th level, you gain the ability to manifest a disc of energy and throw it as an Energy Attack. As an action, you can spend 2 energy points and make a ranged energy attack towards one target within 60 feet. On a hit, this attack deals 2d6 + your Charisma modifier magical slashing damage. If you maintain concentration on this attack, you can manually move the disc. At 16th level, you can manifest two discs per use of this attack. You can increase its damage by 1d6 for 1 additional energy point at 13th level (3d6), 15th level (4d6), 17th level (5d6), and 19th level (6d6).

Rapid Energy Bullet

At 10th level, you can spend an energy point to use one of your attack actions to fire three energy bullets, each of which costs 1 energy point (meaning the entire action costs 4 energy points). You can spend 3 additional energy points (7 total) to make these Energy Beams rather than Energy Bullets. These bullets/beams can be moved using your Bending Energy Beam feature.

Energy Ball

At 11th level, you gain the ability to create a huge orb of energy. As an action, and costing 5 energy points you can create an orb of energy 45 feet in diameter, centered 45 feet above your finger. Using your bonus action, you can point at a point within 500 feet of you. The ball then moves towards that object at a speed of 15 feet at the end of each of your turns. Anything the ball touches must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 + your Charisma modifier magical bludgeoning damage, increasing by 1d8 at 13th level (4d8), and 15th level (5d8). As an action, you can choose to detonate it, making it violently explode. Any creature within 10 feet of its edge must make a Constitution saving throw to take half the damage of the ball’s normal attack (rounded up). You can spend an additional energy point to increase the diameter of the ball by 5 feet, or the radius of its explosion by 5 feet. If its diameter is increased, the ball will be created at an equally greater distance from you to ensure that you do not take damage.

50% Fourth Form

At 12th level, you can tap into half the power of your final form, taking on your final form in its slender shape. You can transform into this form as a bonus action while in your Third Form. You lose the complexities of your third form’s appearance, and your size shrinks down (although you are still Medium). You are now only a typical humanoid, with a tail, and the Frost Demon race’s typical differentiating traits. Your horns are entirely gone, and your overall shape and form is now in its simplest, slimmest, and strongest. You may remain in this form for 1 minute, your Third Form for 5 minutes, and your Second Form for 10 minutes. Due to this being your true form, you lose some of the limits previous forms imposed.

  • You gain an additional +1 to AC (+3 total.)
  • You can no longer deal nonlethal damage.
  • You gain an additional +5 to all speeds (+20 total).
  • Your unarmed strikes damage die becomes 1d10 rather than 1d8.
  • Your energy attacks all gain one additional damage die.
  • You gain +2 to Dexterity and Strength, and your cap on those abilities becomes 22.

Energy Cannon

At 13th level, you gain the ability to fire an energy wave as a powerful attack. As an action, for 4 energy points, you can launch a beam of energy in a 120 long x 15 foot wide line. All creatures caught in this beam must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 + your Charisma modifier in magical force damage. This increases by 1d6 at 14th level (4d6), 16th level (5d6), 18th level (6d6).

Energy Cage

At 14th level, you gain the ability to control a part of the battlefield with energy beams. As an action, you can spend 8 energy points to create a "cage" with the beams functioning as its iron bars that are just wide enough to strike enemies. Choose a 30 foot cube within 120 feet of you. Your energy beams then create the cage in this area which counts as difficult terrain for all creatures within range. Any creature that ends their turn within your Energy Cage must make an Dexterity saving throw or take damage equivalent to that of your Energy Bullets, or your Energy Beams if you spend an additional 2 energy points (10 total) when creating the cage.

The cage can only stay active for as long as you can concentrate on it, up to 1 minute. Alternatively, you can use 1 energy point to create and keep a cage active until the beginning of your next turn.

Energy Charge

At 15th level, you gain the ability to surround yourself in energy and charge towards your opponent. As an action, you can spend 5 energy points to cover yourself in energy, granting you resistance to all damage until the end of your next turn, and launch yourself in a 30 foot line. You blast through any walls, trees, or similar obstructions in your way, but stop upon striking the first creature in range. Upon striking this creature, they must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d8 + your Charisma modifier magical bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful save. This attack’s damage increases by 1d8 at 17th level (3d8) and 19th level (4d8).

100% Fourth Form

At 16th level, you gain the ability to release all of your power, finally accessing your Final Form in its 100% power state. You can transform as a bonus action while in your 50% Fourth Form, or as an action from your Third Form. You look the same as you do in your 50% Fourth Form, but your muscle mass greatly increases. This form makes you much, much stronger, but is extremely dangerous and taxing to keep up. You can maintain your Second Form indefinitely, and your other forms gain an additional 5 minutes. You can stay in this form for 1 minute, after which you immediately revert back to your 50% form, gain a level of exhaustion, and fall unconscious for 1d4 hours. While in your 100% form, you gain the following features.

  • You gain an additional +2 to AC (+5 total.)
  • You gain an additional +10 to all speeds (+30 total).
  • The damage die of your your unarmed strikes becomes 2d10 rather than 1d10.
  • Your energy attacks all gain one additional damage die (2 total).
  • All energy attacks cost 1 additional energy point to use.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus to Strength saving throws.

100% Energy Cannon

At 17th level, you gain the ability to put all of your energy into your Energy Cannon ability. As an action, you can spend 10 energy points and fire an energy wave that behaves the same way as your typical Energy Cannon technique. However, this version of the technique has +3 DC, and deals double the damage of the typical Energy Cannon to any creature that fails the saving throw. After using this technique, you gain two levels of exhaustion, and fall unconscious for 1d4 minutes. Enemies reduced to 0 HP by the 100% Energy Cannon are vaporized. You can spend additional energy points to increase its range by 10 feet, or you can spend an additional 2 energy points to increase the 100% Energy Cannon’s damage by one damage die (maximum +6).


Emperor frost demons are obsessed with conquest. They do not rule to own, but rather to destroy. They have been known to order the destruction of societies on no greater basis than a whim.

Wrathful Aura

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Intimidation. If you already have proficiency, you gain expertise instead.

Eternal Reign

At 6th level, the amount of negative hit points required to instantly kill you is equal to twice your maximum hit points. Additionally, when you would become unconscious, you may instead become paralyzed.

Sadistic Tyrant

At 7th level, when you kill a CR 1 or greater creature, you may gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. You may use this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

Emperor’s Death Beam

At 9th level, as an action for 10 energy points, you may make 5 energy bullet attacks against a single creature, changing their damage die to 1d10. You may spend additional energy points to use Bending Energy Bullet, but not Energy Beam. You may use this once, regaining use at the end of a long rest.

Last Emperor

At 14th level, as a reaction when you are targeted by an effect that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you may use Energy Cannon, or 100% Energy Cannon when you gain that feature, without spending energy points. You regain use of this feature at the end of a long rest.

Golden Form

At 17th level, you have surpassed your 100% Form and have attained a level even higher, through rigorous training and strife. You can now take on a form that resembles your Fourth Form, but with a golden sheen. You can transform as a bonus action from either 50% or 100% Fourth Form This form comes with a massive increase in power, but takes great energy to keep up. At the beginning of every turn in this form, you must spend 3 energy points or make a DC 23 Constitution save. On a fail, you revert to your 50% Fourth Form and gain 1 level of exhaustion. On a success, you stay in your ultimate form. Upon activating this form, you can choose to spend one energy point to send a shockwave in all directions. Creatures within 50 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d12 + Charisma force damage, be pushed 15 feet back, and be knocked prone. In your Golden Form, you gain the following features on top of those of 100% Fourth Form:

  • You gain an additional +10 feet to all speeds. (+40)
  • The damage die of your unarmed strikes becomes 2d12 rather than 2d10.
  • You gain +3 to either Dexterity or Strength, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You gain +5 to your Charisma, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You cannot deal nonlethal damage.
  • Your energy attacks all gain one additional damage die (3 total).
  • If you are rendered unconscious or go to sleep in this form, you revert to your 50% Fourth Form.

Perfected Golden Form

At 20th level, you have mastered your Golden Form. You no longer need to make saves or spend energy to stay in this state, and can stay in any other form indefinitely, and can transform into any form from any form as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain the following features in your ultimate form:

  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Constitution saving throws.
  • You can deal nonlethal damage.
  • You can stay in this form even if rendered unconscious or asleep.


Cooler in many ways, successor frost demons are not so prone to emotion as their empirical bretheren. While they are easily overlooked due to their less flashy nature, their strength is undeniable.


At 3rd level, you gain advantage against effects that would frighten you and against Intimidation.

Honor Reborn

At 6th level, if a frendly creature is reduced to 0 hit points, you gain advantage on all attack rolls made against the creature that did so until the end of your next turn. You may only do this once per creature, regaining use at the end of a long rest.

Darkness Eye Beam

At 7th level, you may make Energy Bullet or Energy Beam attacks, you may spend 1 additional energy point to fire it from your eyes, negating disadvantage and enabling it to be used without a free hand.

Shadow Crusher

At 9th level, as a reaction for 6 energy points when you are targeted by a spell or similar effect with a line range, you may ignore its damage, move 30 feet directly toward the caster, and make an unarmed strike.


At 14th level, you can form a massive sphere of destruction from your own energy. You may charge a Death Ball each turn for 5 energy points. For every round spent charging the ball, it gains 2d10 force damage. You can gather and control energy up to your Strength or Constitution score 2d10, whichever is higher, past which you must make a DC 15 + (number of d10 above your maximum) saving throw of the same ability or have the ball dissipate, loosing all the energy stored inside. If you are attacked while controlling or charging a Death Ball, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw to avoid loosing control of it. Loosing control of it while charging results in it dissipating as described above. When you launch it, you make a ranged attack (using Strength) as an action. A Death Ball has a radius of 20ft, plus an additional 10ft per round spent charging after the first. If any part of the ball hits a corporeal object, including it's target, it explodes, dealing it's damage to all objects and creatures within 100ft of the its edge.


At 17th level, as an action for 3 energy points, you regain 1d10 hit points.

Armored Form

At 20th level, you gain a new form that, rather than unlocking strength already gained, bolsters one’s strength beyond their normal limits. You can enter this form as a bonus action while in Fourth Form. You can stay in any form indefinitely, and can transform into any form from any form as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain the following features in addition to those of Fourth Form:

  • The damage die of your unarmed strikes becomes 2d12 rather than 2d10.
  • You gain +3 to either Dexterity or Strength, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You gain +5 to your Constitution, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Constitution saving throws.
  • You gain +3 AC (+8 total).
  • Your size becomes Large.
  • You can stay in this form even if rendered unconscious or asleep.


A much older breed of frost demon, ancestors are typically weaker than their more modern counterparts. To make up for this, they make use of the more esoteric and obscure abilities their race is capable of.


At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Persuasion. If you already have proficiency, you gain expertise instead.

Super Explosive Wave

At 6th level, you can expel energy as an offensive defense. When you are hit with an attack, as a reaction, you can spend 10 energy points to deal 2d6 necrotic damage to every creature within 5 feet of you that fails a Wisdom saving throw, or half as much on a success. Creatures that fail are also pushed 10 feet back and are knocked prone.

Full Power Death Beam

At 7th level, you may spend 3 Energy Point as part of your action to increase the damage die of your Energy Bullet from d4 to d8.

Death Wave

At 9th level, as part of your action when you use Energy Saucer, for 1 additional energy point, you may change its range to a 30 foot cone.

Mechanical Resurrection

At 14th level, if a creature has died within the past 48 hours and at least half of their body is intact, you may cast True Resurrection non-magically for 5,000 gp worth of either magical or advanced technological material.

Death Razor

At 17th level, as part of your action when you use Energy Saucer, for 1 additional energy point, you may change its range to a 60 foot line. This can not be used in tandem with Death Wave.

Tailed Form

At 20th level, you gain a new form that, rather than unlocking strength already gained, bolsters one’s strength beyond their normal limits. You can enter this form as a bonus action while in Fourth Form. You can stay in any form indefinitely, and can transform into any form from any form as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain the following features in addition to those of Fourth Form:

  • The damage die of your unarmed strikes becomes 2d12 rather than 2d10.
  • You gain +3 to either Wisdom or Strength, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You gain +5 to your Dexterity, and your cap on that ability score becomes 25.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You may add your Proficiency bonus an additional time on Constitution saving throws.
  • Your unarmed strikes gain +5 feet of reach. Once per turn, you may make one unarmed strike with your tail, granting an additional +5 feet of reach.
  • You gain an additional +15 feet to all speeds. (+45)
  • You can stay in this form even if rendered unconscious or asleep.

Past 20th Level

If you are considering using this class alongside other classes that can increase above 20th level, such as the Saiyan Fighter becoming an Ascended Saiyan, consider the following variant rule. The frost demon does not gain access to their option of subclasses until 21st level, after which they gain their subclass features in order each level with the exception of a regular ASI at 22nd, 26th, and 30th level. They gain 2 energy points every other level above 20th.


You cannot multiclass into Frost Demon, as you are born into it. However, as a Frost Demon, you can multiclass into other classes.

Prerequisites. You cannot multiclass into Frost Demon.

Proficiencies. You cannot multiclass into Frost Demon.

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