Magic Law Practitioner (5e Class)

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Magic Law Practitioner

A young practitioner rounds the corner, followed by his trusty judge and envoy. His beast-like envoy spreads a sticky sap which entraps a myriad of the spirits pursuing them. The judge throws a ward circle which instantly contains the remainder of the spirits and condenses them into one big easy target. The executor practitioner opens his tome of contracts and summons a new envoy, one that howls and blows the spirits into the next world before promptly vanishing with a cheeky grin. The executor claps his book closed and looks to his judge.

"Sentence carried."

Prosecutors of Undead

Magic Law is utilized largely to charge those who have died with crimes as they still linger among the living. Got a ghost possession? A haunting? No problem! a magic law practitioner can subdue and send that pesky apparition to the next it deserves, be it Elysium or Hell.

Creating a Magic Law Practitioner

Magic Law Executor Muhyo

Being a magic law practitioner means you'll have to climb the ranks as you advance in this class. Are you a hard worker or just a second clerk looking to get ahead in life? Do you practice this law for money or for justice, or vendetta? Practitioners mimic how we have lawyers so be sure to make a character sharp of wit and mind, and steeled of body.

Quick Build

You can make a Magic Law Practitioner quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Courtier background.

Class Features

As a Magic Law Practitioner you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Magic Law Practitioner level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Magic Law Practitioner level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: none
Tools: Choose one from Alchemist's tools, Brewer's tools, Calligrapher's tools, and Tinker's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Religion, Perception, Investigation and History


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Book of Magic Law
  • Pen of Wards
  • (a) Alchemist's tools or (b) Brewer's tools or (c) Calligrapher's tools or (d) Tinker's tools
  • Scholar's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 6d8 gp in funds.

Table: The Magic Law Practitioner

Level Proficiency
Features Envoy Contracts Artifacts
1st +2 Practitioner 0 0
2nd +2 Second Clerk 0 0
3rd +2 First Clerk 0 0
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 0 0
5th +3 Assistant Judge 0 0
6th +3 Artificer 0 1
7th +3 Judgeship 0 1
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 0 2
9th +4 Executor 1 2
10th +4 Librarian 1 2
11th +4 Licensed 2 2
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 2 3
13th +5 Litigator 2 3
14th +5 Ghost Whisperer 3 3
15th +5 Ghast 3 3
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 3 4
17th +6 Sight 4 4
18th +6 Corporeal Energy 4 4
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 4
20th +6 Professional 5 5

Design Note: This class is not made with archetypes in mind. You customize it based on your contracts and artifacts.


You're ready to start your practice as a licensed practitioner of magic law. For now, you're a fledgling and so not very good at anything yet but doing some cubicle work and looking for jobs maybe, like fixing some simple broken things or entertaining those of higher rank. Starting 1st level, you can cast the prestidigitation and mending cantrips without material components.

You also can't quite use your pen or your book yet at this tier for magical law. Your heavy, trusty tome isn't much better than a weight to smack something with. Your book of magic law deals 1D4 bludgeoning damage and is a simple melee weapon that weighs 5 lbs. in your inventory. You are proficient in attacks made with your book.

Second Clerk

Starting 2nd level, you've probably gained some spunk and respect for your work by now. You're used a lot of the bureaucracies and the ins and outs of running errands for people such that you gain a lighter step and fainter presence than others. You gain proficiency in the Stealth and sleight of hand skills.

First Clerk

Starting 3rd level, now you can finally put that pen you've been practicing with to good use. You can hold your own against minor enemies and maybe buy just enough time against larger ones for someone else to do something. By expending an action, you may use your pen of wards to draw a ward in the air. As a first clerk, your wards can have one of the following effects:


Expend an action to draw your ward and then select one creature within 15 feet of you. The creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw of 8 + your Wisdom modifier or have their movement speed become 0 until their next turn.

Minor Exorcism

Expend an action to draw your ward and then select one creature within melee range of you. It must make a Wisdom save with a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus and Wisdom modifier. Upon failure, it takes 1D8 force damage. Upon success, it takes half the damage, rounded down. If the creature is of undead nature, it takes an additional 3d4 radiant damage upon failure and half as much damage upon success.

You may use each ward's effect only once before needing to finish a long rest to regain use.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Assistant Judge

Starting 5th level, you get more proficient with your pen. You gain the following wards:

Major Exorcism

Expend an action to draw a ward. Select up to three creatures within 15 feet of you that you can see. Each must make a Wisdom saving throw with DC 8 + your proficiency bonus and Wisdom modifier. On failure, they take 1D4 force damage and 1D8 psychic damage. On success, they take half as much damage. If the creature is undead, they take an additional 4d8 radiant damage.

Arrow of Immobility

Expend an action to draw a ward and select a creature up to 60 feet from you with at least an inch of clear space between you. The ward shoots a clear bluish white arrow at the creature and renders it paralyzed until the start of its next turn.

Ward of Repulsion

Expend an action to draw a ward. Designate one creature up to 60 feet from you that you can see with at least a foot of clear space between you. The ward flies over and smacks them back 15 feet from your direction.

You gain an additional use of First Clerk wards before needing to finish a long rest to restore use. You can only use each assistant judge ward once, regaining use after you finish a long rest.


Starting 6th level, you get handy with the tools used to make things, particularly magic items. You may double any one tool proficiency of your choice as well as your proficiency in Arcana.

You also gain access to items known as artifacts. These will help aid in your career as a practitioner. Starting 6th level, you may select an artifact from the Artifacts List, detailed at the end of the class description. You may select new artifacts from the at 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th levels, as shown on the practitioner table, but you may not choose an artifact more than once unless otherwise stated in the descriptions below.


Congrats judge! Starting 7th level, you gain a whole new level of magic law to practice in addition to all your expertise as a clerk and whatnot (riffraff, really). You are now able to use ward circles. They work similar to regular wards lower practitioners use but are much more powerful yet sometimes time-consuming to prepare.

Ward of Needles

This ward requires you to expend your action to set up concentration. If you receive damage or a condition before your next turn, your focus is broken and you must regather your concentration for another turn. After you have concentrated, you may select one creature and up to 10 feet of the area around it with an action. The entire area's ground suddenly spews countless needles upwards at the creature(s) occupying the space. The creatures take 3D4 magical piercing damage.

Ward of Protection

You expend one action to conjure a barrier with your hands. The ward barrier sets up a spherical enclosure from up to 15 feet of you and lasts until your next turn. The barrier prevents attacks and creatures from crossing over.

Ward of Ensnarement

This ward requires you to concentrate for 10 minutes, drawing a line of wards with your pen around a doorway or some sort of threshold. The wards drawn are invisible to all but you. You can designate who may pass and what creatures may pass and who and what may not pass. When a creature that has been designated not to pass steps within 5 feet of the wards, they become restrained and immobile. The wards last up to a day and can ensnare as many creatures that fit width-wise of the entryway.

Circle Ward

This trap ward requires you to spend a minute imagining the circle (30 feet radius, centered up to 30 feet from you) in advance. Expend an action after you have imagined your circle's location to activate it. Any creature caught in or entering the circle must succeed a Constitution saving throw of DC10 + your Wisdom modifier and proficiency bonus. Upon failure, they are stunned. They can retry the saving throw at the beginning of their turns, and upon success, they gain immunity to the wards effects for the next 24 hours. This ward lasts three of your turns and you must maintain your concentration on the circle with a bonus action every turn it is active or it will dissipate.

You now have 3 uses of all wards, regardless of practitioner rank, regaining use after you finish a long rest.


Starting 9th level, you're finally an executor, the highest rank of magic law practitioner there is! Your book finally can be used for something other than smacking stuff. You begin to make your contracts through which you call forth the powers of beings call envoys to help with your duties. Choose one envoy from the Magic Law Envoy List of the appropriate level. You gain one new envoy slot when you gain certain magic law practitioner levels, as shown in the Envoy Contracts column, appropriate their level. You can't have a contract more than once. When you gain a new level, you may reorganize your contracts available and switch contracts out for others. When you switch a contract out, you dissolve the bond and so lose all its effects and cannot use it again unless you make a new contract with it. You cannot gain contracts of levels higher than your own and you can only have as many contracts as shown on the table appropriate your level at a time.


Starting 10th level, you really have your care for books and a mind for reading and interpreting and memorizing them. Your immense knowledge helps you in needs for wit. When you would perform a check of any Intelligence skill or saving throw, you may add your Wisdom modifier as well as your Intelligence modifier to your roll. You may use this feature a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier.


Starting 11th level, you gain some more respect for what you do and people recognize your line of work. In your line of work, you're going to need more speed in making the artifacts you need. The resources and time needed for you to craft artifacts is halved. You gain proficiency in crafting


Naturally, you have to have at least half a wit to get this far. You can haggle with envoys who may charge you too much to summon or use. Starting 13th level, if you would take damage from an envoy's effect, you may expend a reaction to quickly unsummon the envoy and negate their effect, taking no damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, regaining use upon finishing a long rest.

Ghost Whisperer

Talking with the dead isn't something a rookie can just do. You need to know those tongues spoken by the denizens of the afterlife. Starting 14th level, you are considered permanently under the effects of speak with dead.


Starting 15th level, you are very tireless and have fewer needs for bodily nourishment as your body changes for the spiritual in your work. Your food and water requirements are halved.

Starting 18th level, you lose all need to sleep, eat or drink. You also are now considered undead to any creature that successfully succeeds in a DC 10 Investigation or Perception check against you.


Your eyes are very sensitive to the world around you and can see all spirits clearly. Starting 17th level, you gain 60 feet of ethereal sight and can now see into the ethereal plane when you are in the material plane and vice versa. You also can discern any undead creatures by sight, as well as disguised undead, like a ghost's possession, without needing any check.

Corporeal Energy

Your energy used to summon transfers as power for your own body so you do not fall easily. Your body conversely helps maintain your mental and spiritual capabilities. Starting 18th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier to any Constitution saving throws in addition to your Constitution modifier. You can conversely also add your Constitution modifier to any Wisdom saving throw in addition to your Wisdom modifier. You also gain advantage in any saving throws that may have something possess your body or remove your soul from your body.


Starting 20th level, you are a master executioner, with a body capable of using envoys to their fullest. If you no have run out of envoys to summon, you may draw upon your corporeal energy instead. By expending an action, make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of the Envoy's summoning level. If you fail, you take 10d10 force damage. If you succeed the throw, you successfully summon the envoy and you take half the damage. You may use this feature a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier.

Magic Law Envoy List

Starting 9th level, after you become an Executor, you become privy to making contracts with envoys to do your bidding by summoning them from your book of magic law or channeling their powers into yourself. Below are the available contracts and their corresponding levels and effects.

9th Level

Nine Face Dog- The trickster dog of the underworld gives you his hand in transforming things. You can now nonmagically polymorph once, regaining use after you finish a long rest, without components.

Crossing Styx- You expend an action to summon the ferryman of the Styx river. Designate a creature with 15 feet of you. The ferryman fire their cannon without further action on your part, but they require a test of stature to decide their target. The target must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your Constitution modifier. On failure, they take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. On success, you take the damage instead. As soon as the attack resolves, the envoy disappears with no action on your part. You may summon this envoy a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier, regaining uses after you finish a long rest.

Hades Toe Worm- These lower goons are good for taking a hit. You may expend a reaction to summon this envoy when you are successfully targeted by an attack. You take no damage from the attack, having the envoy take the damage instead. As soon as the attack resolves, the envoy disappears with no action on your part. This envoy can be summoned a number of times equal your Constitution modifier, regaining use after you finish a long rest. This envoy cannot be used if the damage is dealt from another envoy.

10th Level

Dragon Wheel- The cloud mouse dragon is a creature with a devastating rolling attack. You may expend an action to summon this envoy. The envoy instantly starts revving up and rolling at an insane speed. Target one creature up to 60 feet from you whose location you know. The envoy barrels towards the creature in a straight line, dealing 4d6 bludgeoning damage. Any objects and walls in the line are destroyed. As soon as the attack resolves, the envoy disappears with no action on your part. This envoy can be summoned three times, regaining use after you finish a long rest.

Hands of Hades- The powerful hands of the underworld can hold just about anything captive. Expend an action to designate one creature within 30 feet of you. From below, two titanic hands reach up and restrain the creature for (1d6 + your Wisdom modifier) turns. This envoy can be summoned a number of times equal your Constitution modifier, regaining use after you finish a long rest. You may dismiss this envoy with a bonus action.

11th Level

Train of Hades- This magical transportation is sure to crash through enemy defenses, even running skyward if needed. Expend an action to designate a straight line in any direction up to 60 feet from you with a width of 10 feet. The train envoy is then summoned and chugs along the course which you have laid out. Any creatures within the 60 by 10 feet line must make a Constitution saving throw. They take 5d6 magical bludgeoning damage upon failure and half the damage on success. Objects and environment are not affected by this envoy. This envoy can be summoned once, regaining use upon finishing a long rest.

Lightning God- This master of conduction appears in a seemingly natural storm that comes from nowhere. This envoy's arrival causes creatures of your choice that you can see within 10 feet of you to take lightning or thunder damage (choose each time this ability activates) equal to half your practitioner level. You also gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage so long as you have this contract.

13th Level

Sage- Sages vary from contract but they are all great supporters at core. They lend you their strength in times of need. You may choose to automatically succeed any Wisdom or Constitution check or saving throw or contest. You may use this envoy three times, regaining use after finishing a long rest.

Curse Eater- This envoy resembles a faceless hag with mouths about her body. You can now cast remove curse as a bonus action at will. This is a nonmagical version of the spell.

Lord of the Flies- Beelzebub of the depths is a hoarder envoy who delights in objects and their keep. You receive a portable hole which you keep so long as you have this contract. It cannot be stolen from you due to your contractual bond. If you dissolve this contract, the item disappears.

14th Level

Pluto-This envoy appears as a large raven with the face of a man instead of a head or neck. It showers and obliterates enemies with its razor sharp feathers. You may expend an action to summon this envoy. Target up to three creatures within 120 feet. They are pelted with dark piercing feathers from hell, taking 4d6 piercing damage. They must also succeed a Constitution saving throw of 10 + your Wisdom modifier or take an additional 2d6 necrotic damage. The envoy disappears as soon as the attack resolves, with no action on your part. You may summon this envoy once, regaining use after finishing a long rest.

Knight of the Underdark-A white figure on his six legged horse slays all whom he deems as unclean and evil. You may expend one action to summon this envoy, which then gallops towards and slashes your enemy. Select one creature within 60 feet of you and have them make a Constitution saving throw of 10 + your Wisdom modifier. Upon failure they take 3d6 magical slashing damage and are restrained until the end of your next turn. Upon success, they take the same damage but are not restrained. You may summon this envoy once, regaining use after finishing a long rest.

15th Level

Bells of Troy- The ringing of these sanctified bells put all that should harm you to naught. You may expend an action to summon the ringing of these bells. A bright light emanates from you for 25 feet in a sphere around you. If the light cuts through a creature's space when it appears, the creature is pushed to the outer edge of the light outside of it. Nothing can physically pass through the light. It is immune to all damage and cannot be dispelled by dispel magic. A disintegrate spell destroys the light barrier instantly, however. The barrier also extends into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel through the wall. This barrier of light lasts for a number of turns equal your Wisdom modifier. You cannot summon this envoy again until you complete a long rest.

Vampire Carriage- Q. La, the demon vampiress of the Underworld, carries her most treasured guests on this carriage, which moves extremely fast and can transcend space. You may summon this envoy with an action. This carriage instantly transports you and up to four willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range to a destination you can clearly name and describe (e.g., a town name or a landmark well). The destination you choose must be known to you, and it must be on the same plane of existence as you. You may summon this envoy twice, regaining use after you finish a long rest.

Demon Envoy- Forbidden magic exists, and it is often found through contracts with these demon envoys. You may expend a bonus action to call on the dark powers of this envoy. For the next X amount of turns, X being half of your Wisdom modifier rounded down (min. 1), you may choose any damage die dealt by you and double its value. At the end of the duration, you must succeed a Constitution saving throw of 8 + your Wisdom modifier or take two stacks of exhaustion for your use of forbidden magic. You may summon this envoy once, regaining use upon finishing a long rest.

17th Level

Mountain God- Isabi the spirit of the mountain is an ambivalent user of healing and natural power. You may expend an action to target yourself or another creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You may choose one of the two following effects to happen to the target:

  • The target is bombarded with a coat of stone which deals 3D4 magical bludgeoning damage. The stones jagged edges adhere to the target and deal 1D4 damage at the start of each of their turns for the next X amount of turns, X being equal to half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down (min. 1). When the effect ends, the stone falls away.
  • The target sprouts mushrooms on their body, with the roots going mainly for wounded areas, binding them shut and healing them. The target regains 1D4 hit points at the start of each of their turns for X amount of turns, X being equal to half your Wisdom modifier, rounded down (min. 1). The target continues to regain hit points even if they have 0 hit points but they cannot gain hit points over their hit point maximum. When the effect ends, the mushrooms shrivel and fall off

Enma's Palanquin- The great minister of the underworld rides about in his palanquin, stamping on those who are condemned so they may never escape. You may expend an action to target one creature within 150 feet of you that you can see clearly. The target creature must succeed a Wisdom saving throw of DC 10 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus or be cursed. You may choose curses from the effects of bestow curse. This curse lasts until dispelled. You must finish a long rest before using this envoy again.

Lazarus Knight- The lazarus knight is a common knight of the underworld which gains form in the material realm by possessing and reanimating corpses. By expending an action, you choose up to three piles of bones or corpses of a Medium or Small humanoid within 10 feet of you. They raise and become vessels for the underworld knights (the DM has the creature’s game statistics). These knights have an additional vulnerability to radiant damage.

On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command these knights you made with this spell if they are within 60 feet of you (if you control multiple creatures, you can command any or all of them at the same time, issuing the same command to each one). You decide what action the knight will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the knight only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete.

The creature is under your control for 24 hours, after which it returns to being a corpse as the knight returns to the underworld. You may summon this envoy once, regaining use finishing a long rest.

18th Level

Garden of Hesperides-The garden of cursed fruit supplies you with the stuffs needed to fuel you or your allies. You may summon the aid of the garden and make up to five golden apples appear in your hand. Eating an apple restores 10 hit points and grants you advantage on any checks you make for the next hour. An apple provides enough nourishment, both food and water, to sustain a creature for one day. The apples lose their potency if they have not been consumed within 24 hours of the summoning. You may summon this envoy a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier.

Hades-Lord of the Underworld and the Rich One lends you his aid grudgingly when signing your contract. So long as you have this envoy contract, you are resistant to necrotic damage and have advantage in death saving throws.

20th Level

Iron Pirate- The great criminal of the Underworld carries a bullet which can slay both good and evil. You use all your action and make no movement on your turn when you start chanting the ritual to summon this envoy. Then on your next turn, the envoy appears as a titanic man with a gun. Choose up to seven creatures within 120 feet of you. They each become restrained and grappled with the pirate's grip shot. This effect ends once the creature takes damage. You must finish a short or long rest before summoning this envoy again.

Invisible Stalker- You summon an invisible stalker to carry out your bidding with an action. This particular stalker has bladed arms and so uses slashing rather than its usual Slam action when attacking. The invisible stalker will obey your commands for as long as it is summoned and will try to carry out your orders to the best of its ability. This summon lasts for X hours before becoming unsummoned and vanishing, where X is equal your Wisdom modifier. You may not summon this envoy again while the previous summon is still active and you cannot summon this envoy again until 24 hours pass from when the envoy was previously unsummoned.

Damnation's Gate- You summon the gates of damnation to drag enemies to the beyond from which none return. You may expend an action to summon this envoy and designate a creature up to 60 feet from you. The gate gauges the mettle of the creature in question before swiftly dragging it away, effectively killing it. If the creature you chose has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the envoy vanishes with no effect. You may not summon this envoy again until you finish a long rest.

Artifact List

Artifacts are varied in use and looks but in the end, they are invaluable to any practitioner. The time to craft each item varies. They can only be used by you and cannot be sold for any value above what was used to make them. You can only have as many artifacts at a time as shown appropriate your level on the class table. If you create artifacts over your limit, your link to your existing artifacts expires in the order in which they were created. Artifacts can only be used by magical practitioners.

Dagger of Absolving (simple, melee, 1 lb.)

This odd and blunt dagger is used for support rather than offense. You can spend 8 hours and 15 gp to craft this artifact. Using this handy spirit dagger, you may expend a bonus action to wave your dagger over and end a condition inflicted on you or another creature within melee range of you. You may use this artifact's feature a number of times your Constitution modifier, regaining use upon finishing a short or long rest.

Orbs of Dissipation

You can spend a minute and 1 gp to craft each of these handy little paper ball artifacts and they weighs 0lbs in your inventory. This handy orb functions like a smoke bomb and you can throw it down at your feet with a bonus action. It creates a 10-foot radius of heavily obscured area from their point of impact. Undead creatures are instantly repelled from the cloud, being pushed back 10 feet. You can only have up to three orbs at a time, each counting your artifact total. This artifact is a consumable and you may select to make this more than once.

Judge Saber (simple, melee, 1 lb.)

This artifact is a blade hilt which emits a clear blue light blade when used. You can spend a day and 25 gp to craft this artifact. You may have the blade appear with no action needed on your part. It is very light and well handled, bound to your own capacity as a practitioner through your forging process. You may use it to attack with a bonus action as well as an action. The weapon attacks twice instead of once when used with the attack action. It deals force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier upon hit.

Cannon Rifle of Transmutation (martial ranged, Heavy, Two-Handed, 11 lb.)

This special rifle has a long enchanted barrel meant to hold and contain envoys for deployment. It's not really a weapon by itself. It requires seven days and 250 gp to craft this artifact. You may prepare an envoy in the rifle, much like how a wizard prepares spells in his book. You may spend X hours to prepare an envoy summoning with the rifle, X being equal to the level of the envoy summoned. You may summon the prepared envoy with a bonus action, firing it out like a bullet. This rifle only holds one envoy at a time and every use must be prepared again, even if it is the same envoy.

Portable Teleportation Circle (0.5 lb.)

This handy foldable piece of cloth is etched with the circle sequence of one permanent circle which you know as your go-to haven. This artifact requires three days and 50 gp to craft. When taken from your inventory, it takes an item interaction to unfold and throw on the ground to use. This artifact links your location to a permanent teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you know and that is on the same plane of existence. A portal opens in the circle and remains open for as long as the artifact is intact and lain out. Any creature that enters the portal instantly appears within 5 feet of the destination or in the nearest unoccupied space.

Tonic of Vigor (0.5 lb.)

This tonic requires a minute to brew. When used, you gain advantage in all Constitution saving throws for 1 + half your Constitution modifier (rounded down) turns. You, however, are inflicted with poison upon use. This artifact is a consumable and you may select to make this more than once.

Seal of Detachment

You may spend a minute to craft a quick seal slip which weighs 0lbs in your inventory. Using an action, you identify any undead within 60 feet of you. You may select one undead creature within 60 feet of you to have the seal react and fly onto the creature, latching onto it. The creature takes force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can only have up to five seals at a time, each counting towards your artifact total. this artifact is a consumable and you may choose to craft this more than once.

Writ of Passage

A seemingly normal stone like this one imbues incredible power onto envoys. You may spend three days crafting this artifact. When you summon an envoy of 18th level or higher that deals damage, you may have its damage die doubled. You muse complete a long rest before using this artifact again.

Wand of the Fire Newt (1/2 lb.)

Powers of fire are imbued in this curly looking wand. This artifact requires a day and 100 gp to craft. You can now cast the fireball spell a number of times equal your Wisdom modifier. Your casting ability and modifier for the saving throw is your Wisdom.

Needle of Life (1/4 lb.)

This crude looking needle artifact requires 8 hours to craft. You may stabilize a creature within melee range with 0 hit points by successfully stabbing them with this needle.

Sparrow in the Wind (1/4 lb.)

This seemingly normal bowtie allows you to siphon vigor off a willing creature if you ever run into a rut having expended all your envoys at the moment. It requires 24 hours and 50gp to craft. You may expend an action with this item equipped and designate a friendly, willing creature within 30 feet of you which you can see and talk to, and hear. The creature has their hit points reduced to 1. You regain full use of all your envoy contracts as though you finished a long rest. You must finish a long rest after you use this artifact to use it again.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Magic Law Practitioner class, you must meet these prerequisites: 15 Constitution, 15 Wisdom

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Magic Law Practitioner class, you gain the following proficiencies: Insight, simple weapons

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