Gravity Knight (3.5e Class)

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Gravity Knight

Sometimes when a creature is born near a planar gate they develop an affinity for said plane. However, under rare circumstances, when one is born near multiple gates of conflicting gravity they gain the ability to influence it. Some develop their abilities further, while others hide them for fear of persecution. Those who take their gift to the battlefield are known as Gravity Knights.

Making a Gravity Knight

Gravity Knights are formidable melee fighters. Using their ability to change the effect of gravity on themselves, Gravity Knights can destroy their enemies in close combat and place themselves on the front line of any battle as quickly as possible. While Gravity Knights are both fast and strong, they aren't the best at taking damage, and so they rely on clerics and other healer classes to keep them alive.

Abilities: Strength is a vital ability score for Gravity Knights, as most of their class abilities center around it. Constitution gives the Gravity Knight more hitpoints, with which to survive being on the front lines. Dexterity is not the Gravity Knight’s focus, but is possibly a good choice if one wants to take the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Intelligence, allows the Gravity Knight more flexibility in choosing skills.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 4d10×10 gp 200 gp.

Starting Age: "Moderate"; as fighter.

Table: The Gravity Knight

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Speed Bonus
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Pseudo-Strength +2, Unarmed Attack, Endurance +0 ft.
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 High-Gravity Zone +0 ft.
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Ground Hammer +0 ft.
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Fast Movement +10 ft.
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Pseudo-Strength +4 +10 ft.
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2 Gravity Well +10 ft.
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Steadfast, Weight Manipulation +10 ft.
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 +20 ft.
9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3 Impact +20 ft.
10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Pseudo-Strength +6 +20 ft.
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 +20 ft.
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Earth Hammer, +30 ft.
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 +30 ft.
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Great Weight Manipulation, +30 ft.
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5 Pseudo-Strength +8 +30 ft.
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 Feigned Flight +40 ft.
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 +40 ft.
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 Singularity +40 ft.
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 +40 ft.
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +6 Pseudo-Strength +10, Tectonic Hammer +50 ft.

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Gravity Knight.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Gravity Knight is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light and medium armor, and with all shields except tower shields.

Pseudo-Strength: The forces that course through the body of a Gravity Knight grant him incredible weight. This increased weight allows him to act in certain situations as though he were much stronger than he actually is. At first level a Gravity Knight gains a +2 insight bonus to Strength. This bonus increases by 2 at every level divisible by 5 after the first level (5, 10, 15, and 20).

Unarmed Attack: A Gravity Knight’s fists are coursing with the power of gravity. He gains the benefit of the Improved Unarmed Strike Feat.

Endurance: A Gravity Knight’s control of gravity allows him to persist through difficult tasks with ease. At 1st level a Gravity Knight gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

High-Gravity Zone (Ex): At 2nd level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus his control over gravity and increase its effects within an area around him. At this level the Gravity Knight can spend a move action and make 4+Gravity Knight level, 5ft by 5ft squares into difficult terrain. All 5ft by 5ft squares that have been made difficult terrain by the Gravity Knight must be contiguous and within 100 feet of the Gravity Knight. All 5ft by 5ft squares that have been made difficult terrain by the Gravity Knight will remain difficult terrain until the Gravity Knight dispels the effect or leaves the 100 foot range of this ability in which case it lasts for 1d4 turns. This ability affects everyone but the Gravity Knight. Dispelling the effect is a free action.

Ground Hammer (Ex): At 3rd level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus the forces of gravity that course through his body into his fist, making it immensely heavy. His fist gains so much weight that the only action he can take is to punch the ground beneath him, creating such an impact that all characters within a 5 ft./level foot blast radius who are in contact with the ground must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Gravity Knight's Hit Die + the Gravity Knight's Strength modifier) or fall prone, become stunned for 1 round, and take 2d10 + half Strength modifier damage. If this save is made then the creature only takes half damage, and does not become stunned or fall prone. This affects even constructs and creatures without Constitution modifiers. This is a full round action that, once taken, can’t be taken again until 1d4 rounds later.

Fast Movement (Ex): At 4th level, a Gravity Knight gains the ability to ease the effect of gravity on his body subconsciously, giving him an enhancement bonus to all speeds, as shown on Table: The Gravity Knight.

Gravity Well (Su): At 6th level a Gravity Knight learns to manipulate the weight of something from a distance. A Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus on one target within a certain distance of himself as a standard action. This target must pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Gravity Knight’s Hit Die + the Gravity Knight's Strength modifier) or immediately fall to the ground; falling prone for 1 round and becoming exhausted for one round per two Gravity Knight levels. This ability can be used on airborne targets and unattended objects as well. If this effect is used on an airborne target, then it falls to the ground and as such takes appropriate falling damage. Falling damage caused by this class feature cannot be negated in any way, shape, or form. If this class feature is used on an unattended object, then that objects weight grows nearly infinite for one round per two Gravity Knight levels, and cannot be lifted by any force. This effect affects even constructs and creatures without Constitution modifiers. Gravity Well has a range of 5ft./level. Once used Gravity Well cannot be used again for 18 seconds.

Steadfast: At 7th level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to weigh down his body, making it much more difficult to affect him on the field of battle. The Gravity Knight is considered one size category larger than he actually is for the purpose of resisting bull rushs, being disarmed, being grappled, being overran, trip attempts, and any other action that would forceably move him.

Weight Manipulation (Ex): A Gravity Knight eventually learns to bend gravity to his will in unusual ways, allowing himself to increase the mass of an object and loosen gravity's pull on it, allowing himself to wield it with ease. At 7th level any weapon a Gravity Knight wields deals damage as though it were one size category larger(The weapon is not actually larger and therefore is still treated as a weapon of its original size category). This increase in damage only applies if the weapon is in the hands of the Gravity Knight. This ability lowers the weight of any item carried by the Gravity Knight by 50% and armor worn has its armor check penalty reduced by two.

Impact (Ex): At 9th level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to decrease gravity's hindering qualities upon an object, allowing him to put his full Strength into a strike. When a Gravity Knight is wielding a weapon in two hands he adds 2 times his Strength modifier to his damage rolls, instead of the normal 1.5 times. If he is wielding a weapon in one hand he adds 1.5 times his Strength modifier to his damage rolls. If a Gravity Knight is dual-wielding a weapon in each hand he adds 1.5 times his Strength modifier to his damage rolls for the weapon in his primary hand, and only half of his Strength modifier to his damage rolls for the weapon in his off hand.

Earth Hammer (Ex): At 12th level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus an even greater amount of gravity into his fist, increasing its weight to the point that as it falls the air around it is blown back from its momentum. The only action the Gravity Knight can take while his fist is this heavy is to punch the ground beneath him, creating such a massive impact that all characters within a 10 ft./level blast radius who are in contact with the ground must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Gravity Knight’s Hit Die + the Gravity Knight's Strength modifier) or fall prone, become stunned for 1d4 rounds, and take 6d10 + Strength modifier damage. If this save is made then the creature only takes half damage, and does not become stunned or fall prone. Additionally all characters who fail their Fortitude save fly back 5 feet from the impact. Creatures of huge size or larger are not affect by this 5 ft blow back. This effect affects even constructs and creatures without Constitution modifiers. This punch is a full round action that, once taken, can’t be taken again for 1d6 rounds. Earth Hammer does not replace Ground Hammer and cannot be used while Ground Hammer is unable to be used. As a result of this increase in capability a Gravity Knight can use Ground Hammer as a standard action.

Great Weight Manipulation (Ex): A Gravity Knight eventually learns to bend gravity to his will with such ease that he can make an object weigh several hundred pounds, yet lift it as though it was weightless. At 14th level any weapon a Gravity Knight wields deals damage as though it were one size categories larger(The weapon is not actually larger and therefore is still treated as a weapon of its original size category). This increase in damage only applies if the weapon is in the hands of the Gravity Knight. This ability lowers the weight of any item carried by the Gravity Knight by 75%. Armor worn by a Gravity Knight is considered one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations, and it's armor check penalty is reduced by four. This ability replaces Weight Manipulation

Feigned Flight (Ex): A Gravity Knight develops a way to pull himself by lessening his own weight and creating points of heavy gravity near him. At 16th level a Gravity Knight gains flight speed equal to his land speed with good maneuverability, this increases to perfect maneuverability at level 20. A Gravity Knight cannot use this ability while wearing medium and heavy armor, or while carrying a medium or heavy load.

Singularity (Ex): At 18th level a Gravity Knight masters the ability to create a point of increased gravity, the point lasts for a moment but devastates the battlefield. As a Full-Round Action a Gravity Knight creates a Singularity that pulls all creatures who fail a DC(10+Gravity Knight levels+Str mod) strength check(the DC is doubled for flying creatures) towards the center of the Singularity. Creatures who fail the strength check are pulled to the center of the Singularity, knocked prone and take 1d6 damage for every 10 ft. they were dragged. Creatures gain +4 for each size they are above medium and -4 for each size smaller then medium. A Gravity Knight can place a Singularity anywhere within 200 ft. of him and is not affected by the pull of his own Singularity. The Singularity has a radius of 5 ft./lvl. The Singularity ends at the end of Gravity Knight's turn.

Tectonic Hammer (Ex): At 20th level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus such immense portions of gravity into his fist that the world around him seems to dim for a moment as light itself bends in response to it. At this point the Gravity Knight’s fist has become so weighty that the only action that he can take is to punch the ground, creating such an earth-shattering impact that all characters within a 15 ft./level blast radius who are in contact with the ground must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Gravity Knight's Hit Die + the Gravity Knight's Strength modifier) or fall prone, become stunned for 2d4 rounds, and take 12d10 + Strength modifier damage. If this save is made then the creature only takes half damage, and does not become stunned or fall prone. Additionally all characters who fail their Fortitude save fly 10 feet away from the impact. Creatures of huge size or larger only fly back 5 feet. This effect affects even constructs and creatures without Constitution modifiers. This punch is a full round action that, once taken, can’t be taken again for 1d8 rounds. Tectonic Hammer does not replace Ground Hammer or Earth Hammer and cannot be used while he is unable to use either of the two. As a result of this increase in capability a Gravity Knight can use Earth Hammer as a standard action.

Ex-Gravity Knights

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Epic Gravity Knight

Table: The Epic Gravity Knight

Hit Die: d10

Level Speed Bonus Special
21st +50 ft.
22nd +50 ft. Bonus Feat
23rd +50 ft.
24th +60 ft.
25th +60 ft. Pseudo-Strength +12, Devastator (Ex)
26th +60 ft.
27th +60 ft.
28th +70 ft. Bonus Feat
29th +70 ft.
30th +70 ft. Pseudo-Strength +14, Event Horizon (Ex)

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Fast Movement (Ex): A Gravity Knight’s enhancement bonus to his speed increases after 20th level as shown on Table: The Epic Gravity Knight. A Gravity Knight in heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Pseudo-Strength: The Gravity Knight’s insight bonus to all Strength based skill checks, bull rush checks, grapple checks, regular Strength checks, and to their Strength score in order to determine his carrying capacity granted by Pseudo-Strength increases by 2 at level 25 and then again at level 30. This bonus does not increase after 30th level.

Devastator (Ex): At 25th level a Gravity Knight’s body has become so strengthened and conditioned from the channeling of the raw force of the Earth itself, that he is always considered as being under the effects of endure elements and Freedom of Movement. Additionally, the Gravity Knight receives an +4 bonus to both Strength and Constitution.

Event Horizon (Ex): At 30th level a Gravity Knight gains the ability to focus so much gravity into his hand that for a moment the hand seems to turn into a point of pure darkness and even time flows at a different rate as reality itself warps in response to this force. The Gravity Knight, at this point, can only do one thing: punch the ground beneath him as fast as physically possible, creating such a world shaking impact that it creates a temporary Black Hole that after a brief moment explodes. Creatures within a 20 ft./level blast radius are pulled to the center of the Black Hole where they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the Gravity Knight’s Hit Die + the Gravity Knight’s Strength modifier) or die. Those who succeed are thrown back 10 feet, and must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the Gravity Knight’s Hit Die + the Gravity Knight’s Strength modifier) or are knocked prone, become stunned for 3d4 rounds, and take 12d10 damage. If this save is made then the creature only takes half damage, and does not become stunned or fall prone. Additionally, all characters who fail their Reflex save fly an additional 30 feet away from the impact. Creatures of huge size or larger only fly back 15 feet. This effect affects even constructs and creatures without Constitution modifiers. This is a full round action that, once taken, can’t be taken again until 2d12 rounds later. Event Horizon Hammer does not replace Ground Hammer, Earth Hammer, or Tectonic Hammer and cannot be used while he is unable to use any of the three. As a result of this increase in capability a Gravity Knight can use Tectonic Hammer as a standard action.

Bonus Feats: The epic Gravity Knight gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic Gravity Knight bonus feats) at levesl 22 and 28.

Epic Gravity Knight Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Dire Charge, Epic Endurance, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Fast Healing, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Two-Weapon Rend.

Human Gravity Knight Starting Package

Armor: Breastplate

Weapons: Warhammer, Short Sword.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 2 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Climb 4 Str −4
Diplomacy 4 Cha
Intimidate 4 Cha
Jump 4 Str −4
Listen 4 Wis
Swim 4 Str −4

Feat: Power Attack.

Bonus Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Endurance.

Gear: Bedroll, Chain (20 ft.), Common Lamp, Crowbar, Iron Pot, Oil (4 pints), Soap (2 lbs.), Waterskin.

Gold: 70 gp.

Campaign Information

Playing a Gravity Knight

Religion: Gravity Knights do not exclusively worship any deity in particular, although they tend to worship gods of battle, such as Kord or Hector, or deities of land or might, such as Obad-Hai or Fharlanghn. For the most part, however, it depends on the character in question as to which deity they venerate, or if they worship at all.

Other Classes: Gravity Knights are, for the most part, Knights to their core. As such they normally get along and work well with other Knights such as fighters and barbarians. Also, due to their connection with such an unexplainable force, Gravity Knights can understand the thought processes of wizards and sorcerers and work alongside them well.

Combat: Due to the Gravity Knights' average hit die and lack of proficiency in heavy armor, they are not perfect for tanking. With their class abilities (like Impact, Improved Impact and their Speed Bonus), they are nearly perfect candidates for eliminating specific enemies quickly, while their "hammer" class abilities allow them to deal damage to massive amounts of enemies with a single attack.

Advancement: To increase their power in combat many Gravity Knights multiclass into fighters or barbarians. To become more focused many Gravity Knights multiclass into rogues or monks. A Gravity Knight who takes levels in a spellcasting class can be a very powerful character, although the conflicting roles of the two classes may make it difficult to play.

Gravity Knights in the World

The weight of the world rests on my sword...
—Zaki Uenabe, Centaur Gravity Knight

Gravity Knights can be found in all walks of life. They can be found using their impressive strength to do something as mundane as plowing a field, to something as grand as defending a king. They may be seen leading warbands, or perhaps protecting a mighty forest. No matter how they choose to live their lives, Gravity Knights are forces to be reckoned with.

Daily Life: A Gravity Knight can live any life he chooses, though his everyday life will differ slightly from a normal person's. His control over gravity makes him capable of doing greater damage than any other person could, which means he must be careful with his actions. Other than this small constant, a Gravity Knight’s day-to-day life depends only on how he wishes to live it.

Notables: Jason Alvonek, male human Gravity Knight : for five years he single-handedly defended his farm from two separate armies.

Naomi Heart, female gray elf Gravity Knight : led a 34 year-long campaign to kill the evil elder titan Krasmuut'Elad.

Rafiq Unx, male hound archon Gravity Knight : utterly destroyed the 4,357th and 4,358th layers of the Abyss during a battle that lasted years.

Organizations: A Gravity Knight is not required to join any organization to become a Gravity Knight, although he may have been born into a situation in which organizations of Gravity Knights are present. For example, a society could take all Gravity Knights and recruit them into a special section of the army, or they may exalt them and force them into a position of power, such as royalty.

NPC Reactions: Gravity Knights aren't easily singled out from other group members, or even widely known in most worlds. Seeing how this is the case, many times when a NPC first sees a Gravity Knight they may have no reaction at all. Even so, if the Gravity Knight displays an act of strength, such as bursting through a wall or throwing a cow across a field, the NPC may become slightly fearful of the Gravity Knight .

Gravity Knight Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can research Gravity Knights to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

The DC to learn about a specific class feature of the Gravity Knight is 10 + the level the ability is gained.

Knowledge (arcana)
DC Result
5 There are certain Knights who seem to move with much ease, as if they were unaffected by the tethers of the earth.
10 Gravity Knights use the underlying forces of gravity to give themselves an edge in battle.
15 Gravity Knights seem to have superhuman strength and agility, while slowing others down.
20 The most formidable of Knights, the Gravity Knight swings his weapon like one would swing a stick, but strikes like a falling boulder. His skills are terrifying to most who meet him.

Gravity Knights in the Game

Gravity Knights can be found anywhere in the world; from the highest mountain peaks to underneath the sea. Although wherever they are they are formidable beings.

Adaptation: In some instances Gravity Knights may be defenders of a forests, always being able to be found somewhere near a wooded area. In other instances it may be that only Orcs could ever become Gravity Knights. Gravity Knights can be molded to fit into any campaign setting.

Sample Encounter: Aghalor Oros was once very civil. He owned a small shop where he sold, of all things, jewelry. He had a small home where he lived with his wife and kids, and he lived as quiet of a life as one can live. At least, that was until the war came. In the dark of night the town was set aflame, and thousands of foreign soldiers marched into the streets of Aghalor's home town. Aghalor told his family to leave and get as far away from town as possible, and that he would find them again. "No matter what," he had said before he kissed his wife goodbye, and with that turned to the soldiers, charging into their front lines and roaring as their blades cut through his flesh. Aghalor fought like a rabid beast, shrugging off wounds with ease, dashing the fragile Knights' bodies with little thought. He killed hundreds, but he could not save his home. That night the town was burnt to the ground. The army marched on to the next; believing Aghalor to be dead. Then, as the sun peaked over the mountain range the next morning, Aghalor rose again; his hair matted with dried blood, his form covered in ash. He stumbled along in the direction the army had gone for 3 days and nights; stopping only briefly at streams along the way. He came upon the next burnt town, deaf to the cries of pain and loss that rang out around him, he continued on. Then, when he couldn't walk any more, he fell. Tears stung at his eyes, and he hated his weakness. As he lay there, hating himself as he sprawled across the footprints of the army, something came to him, and like a hand on his back it lifted him. It granted him strength, and he pushed on again. He didn't even know why he was walking, he just was. Eventually he came across the army's camp site, and the soldiers who sat around the fireplaces in the dark looked at him as he approached, some with fear in their eyes. They recognized him. Aghalor stopped when he came to the first fire, looking down at the men around it. Was this why he had been walking? For revenge? No, it wasn't that it. He continued forward, walking straight through the camp, ignoring anything that touched him. He continued to walk until he found what he was walking towards, the next unharmed town. He screamed out the names of his wife and children, no answers. He yelled for them for hours, but when people came to him, wondering what he was yelling for, he ignored them, and continued on. Now he wanders the world, looking for his family, and killing anyone who might think of stopping his search even for a moment.

EL 12:

Aghalor Oros

CR 12

Male Minotaur Gravity Warrior 4
CN Large Monstrous Humanoid
Init/Senses +1/Listen +10, Spot +11
Languages Common, Giant
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18
(−1 size, +1 Dex, +4 armor, +5 natural)
hp 92 (10 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +10/+10/+5
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Melee Large Greatsword +17/+12 (3d6+11/19–20) or Gore +17 (1d8+11/20)
Base Atk/Grp +10/+23
Atk Options Ground Hammer, Powerful Charge
Special Actions High-Gravity Zone, Scent
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 10
SQ Pseudo-Strength +2, Leaden Weight, Natural Cunning, Darkvision 60 ft.
Feats Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Cleave, Endurance, Diehard
Skills Climb +19, Jump +19, Listen +10, Spot +11, Swim +14
Possessions Chain Shirt, Large Greatsword, Ring of Climbing, Ring of Jumping, Pearl of the Sirenes


This class is variant on the Gravity Warrior. Changes made to it were to add more out of combat versatility to the class and make it able to compete at later levels

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