Senbonzakura-Mon (Shard Ne'Vaal Supplement)

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What was once half is now whole... and now what was whole is now a thousand strong.

The Gate of a Thousand Cherry Blossoms is the moniker for a famous structure which stood at Toryu's western border. It was originally a military holding against attacks from mainland forces which would land on the shore. As the years of war subsided, the wall saw less use and the dead which had fallen there grew stagnant. It is believed that the abandonment of the wall resulted in its sentience over the millennia, perhaps turning it into a tsukumogami. Due to its size, it is a thing of incredible power, and its history only fuels its potency.


Senbonzakura-mon, according to legend, was built by architect Itori Urya during the era of False Dawn, early in Toryu history. He supposedly was commissioned by emperor Ryuzen to create a great barrier which would protect Toryu from invaders and also stop people from escaping. Under threat should he fail, Itori supposedly sat under a cherry blossom tree which bloomed alone in a wide expanse of land to ponder his fate. He heard a voice from the tree, supposedly a powerful nature spirit. Making a bargain with the spirit, Itori cut down the tree and used its wood to make the first section of the wall he was to build.

It is said the spirit resided within the wall and kept it strong. But Itori made a terrible bargain in return. Any who died near the wall, within 50 feet of it, would have their souls ripped out and devoured by the spirit. As time wore on and the wall served its purpose, people noticed that on certain nights, the wall appeared to be stained with blood. Few animals saved trained and hearty mounts would approach it, and no other plants grew on the land. After the Gorge, only the original section made from the cherry blossom tree is left. But it remains a haunted place, as the gate now utilizes the souls it has enslaved to form phantom guardians who roam the area. They seek fresh blood and flesh for the gate.