5e Commoner Classes

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Commoner Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of the Commoner class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Merchant A greedy opportunist who uses money to its greatest effect.
Scout "old school" An ultra-basic class which tries to make the party's life easier

Commoner Mashup Classes

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Commoner class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Adventurer Folks driven by curiosity forced to be bold and resourceful in place of training or talent.
Apothecary A person who utilizes various potions to heal and protect all creatures.
Belly Dancer An agile, stealthy fighter who prefers the shadows to confrontation.
Classless Someone who was just a little TOO curious.
Classless, Variant Someone who was just a little TOO curious.
Combat Butler A loyal and diligent servant, making sure that the needs of its masters is fulfilled and its security is assured.
Demon Host Uh oh! There's a demon in me! half
Doctor Medicinally-trained professional
Elder Sage An unparalleled loremaster whose mere presence marks impending events of grave magnitude. half
Elemental Slinger full
Fistmancer full
Fistmancer Variant full
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities.
Ghost Caller Support your allies, become a ghost
Guarded Fighter A commoner not quite adept at fighting, accompanied by their skilled fighter of a guard.
Lifedrinker Creatures of mystique and unholy wonder that move in the night and feed on unsuspecting victims.
Maverick Hunter A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids.
Medic A dedicated Healer who does not use magic
Nano Spider, Variant If you ever wanted to be Spider-Man, well then this is the class for you.
Supporter Anonymous heroes, who don't seek glory or fame, finding fulfillment in making part of something greater than themselves, or helping someone they deem worthy.
Technical Brawler Beat em down 'n' good, using any means necessary!

Incomplete Commoner Classes

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Commoner class or which are mashups inspired by the Commoner class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Ghostblade Buff your allies Debuff your enemies
Tinkerling Variant A genius inventor with a strange mind.

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