Kami No Mon (4e Pantheon)

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Golden shine

Chaotic Neutral
Domains: Trickery

Ame-Mon is one of the Gate Gods of the Toryu pantheon. He also has aspects as far as Sithi. The "mon" in his name is a play on words, meaning both "gate" and a nickname suffix. It is thus no surprise that Ame-Mon is the guardian of the gate of rain. A duplicitous being, Ame-Mon is commonly known to be referred by multiple pronouns and many lofty titles. He likes to collect such things as a showing of his wealth. It is believed he hides a mad side beneath the veneer of majesty. His followers commonly mistaken him as a god of prosperity and wealth.



This god commonly is shown as a pale humanoid dressed in colorful riches of silks and jewelry. He wears a metal helmet shaped like the halo of the sun. It is believed to be a show of wealth and pretentiousness, as he is not one who controls the domain of light.

Clerical Training

Prayers and Rites


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Heralds and Allies

<!- The heralds and allies of the deity. ->


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