Hek (4e Deity)

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A chaotic swirl

Chaotic Evil
Domains: Arcana, Creation

Hek, like Ose, is a malicious entity with little to no moral senses. While Hek is referred to as a "he," there are few details to corroborate this, as he is a nebulous figure. Hek revels in creating ugly, twisted things. It is believed that he created some of the aberrations of the world, and corrupted other creations to fit his own twisted image, like goblinoids. As such, he is closely associated with Quthok. Hek is also known for the creation of various malignant spells and rituals which always cause harm and ill conditions on others. His followers are just as crazy as he can be, performing gruesome rituals at his behest or for their own alleged research. They are commonly in favor of magical experimentations. Ultimately, Hek and his mad influence was believed to have been consumed by Quthok as the latter sought nourishment to heal its wounds from the Gorge.

Hek's tenets were largely void of consideration for anyone but the insane and sadistic:

  • Order is the enemy. For Hek, creation best assumes its true potential when there are no restraints. His followers primarily follow him for this reason.
  • There is no innocence or loyalty. Anyone and everyone is fair game to Hek and his followers.
  • Everything but change will die. Few things in the world are long-lasting and only change is permanent.


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