Blade of Ambition (5e Equipment)

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Ethereal Shortsword

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ethereal Shortsword NA 1d8 slashing 2 lb. Light, Finesse, Special(The blade is immune to damage reduction and deals and additional wisdom modifier damage to ethereal forms e.g ghosts, wraiths, etc.)

A fragment of someone's past, the Ethereal Shortsword embodies the essence and memories of the owners last moments. Without the ethereal essence the sword is just a broken hilt. Swords like these are mythic and said to give the beholder nightmares as the essence haunts them with visions of the horrific deaths the swords previous owner faced. Some legends say that a sword like this can become a parasite to the beholder, stealing away the vitality of the person who holds on to it for too long, giving it a new name known as Malefic Terror. (Note: Malefic Terror has different stats and effects and is considered a magical weapon) The sword can't be bought at character creation and DM's who allow the sword to be used in game should provide some sort of story element as to how the sword came into existence.

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