Quthok (4e Deity)

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The eyes and the ever-hungering maw

Neutral Evil
Domains: Fear (Tyranny in the Old World)

Quthok is, in actuality, a being said to have been foreign that was living like a parasite within the Unity's body. When the Unity died, it was expelled and joined the first creations of the world. It is said Quthok devoured another deity to assume their position in the new world. Some believe Quthok is actually an eldrazi-like being that seeks to eat everything. While he is one of the Four Deeds, he is viewed as an outsider to the realm, and he owes allegiance to no one. His worshipers revere his power which forces either subservience or avoidance due to its immense body. The Gorge was said to have destroyed a portion of his stolen body, revealing the horrid thing he truly is. While his power has waned as a result, his new grotesque form strikes such fear it can kill.

His tenets are accordingly primal, and advocate for a very animalistic kind of competition to survive and, most of all, eat:

  • Devour, eat, feast. All can be food to grow.
  • Grow, age, conquer.
  • Spawn, proliferate, propagate.


Quthok's original form is usually depicted as a small germ-like creature. Without scale, it is impossible to say how big it was within the Unity or compared to other gods. His exact origins are also a mystery, as no one knows how he ended up in the Unity. He was able to devour another god during the Eden Period, meaning he may have been rather large and formidable despite having an amorphous form.

Quthok's stolen form

In his stolen form, Quthok has the uncanny appearance of a humanoid, but with eldritch influences evident. Sometimes he is seen with three to six eyes, or having an extra appendage like a tentacle, or even blisters like tadpole eggs on his body.

These changes are exacerbated as a result of the wounds dealt to him by the Gorge, which tore off part of his disguise, exposing the true horror beneath the skin. Most depictions of this show his true self as a meaty creature amassed of organs, tentacles and carnage. Others show it to be true darkness with a multitude of eyes and a single, gaping maw.



Quthok is commonly associated with aberrant creatures, hailing as foreign himself. It is also said that he created oozes after himself.


Prayers and Rites


<!- Descriptions of the deity's temples. ->

Heralds and Allies

In the overall Old World pantheon, Quthok is considered one of the Four Deeds, alongside Oortz, Espera and Cahafel.

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