Sorrel's Chaining Lances (5e Spell)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: This 8th level spell deals more damage than a 9th level spell, and there's nothing the victim can do to avoid it except cast one particular spell, and even then it only halves the damage.

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Sorrel's Chaining Lances
8th-level Evocation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 300 feet
Components: V, S, M (staff or cane, mundane versions will be consumed, magical ones will not be consumed)
Duration: Instantaneous

You create five large glowing Lances of magical force. The Lances hit a creature or creatures of your choice that you can see within range. It deals an automatic 10d8+10 force damage. These lances shatter on impact into five large javelins of energy that strike targets you designate up to 100ft away from the initial target. each javelin deals 5d6+5 force damage. All of these strike unerringly and those under the effects of the shield spell take half damage.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, you create 5 additional secondary javelins per lance.

(3 votes)

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