Dragon's Wrath (5e Equipment)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Provides benefits in excess of what is expected from a legendary weapon. As well as the constant high extra damage on top of the +3 attack/damage, you have this geas thing. Geas can normally, at best, only be cast a few times a day, each time taking 1 minute (which presumably includes the time it takes to describe the terms of the geas to the target). This weapon doesn't specify the target of the geas and can be used with a bonus action and can be used an unlimited number of times.

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Weapon (Maul), Legendary (requires attunement by a Fighter, Paladin, Cleric, or Barbarian-->)

A maul bearing a massive head composed of compressed dragon scales. The maul grants a +3 to attack rolls and damage. Also, the maul deals an additional 3d6 of the damage type of the corresponding dragon's type, such as fire for a Red Dragon. Upon scoring a critical hit, the user may expend a bonus action to use the maul's "Dragon's Toll" feature, which casts Geas (save DC 15) or deal an additional 5d6 of the weapon's type.

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