Schrodingermancer (5e Subclass)

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Wizard Subclass

You are a master of all possibilities in combat. As such, you have the ability to alter time and reality as others understand time.

Entanglement 1

Level 2, you can go back in time for 6 seconds, that is 1 round. You can use this feature once per short rest. Others are not aware of the time reset, unless they make a DC 20 intelligence check. You can only do this once a day.

Entanglement 2

Level 6, you can go back in time for one minute, that is ten rounds. You can use this feature once per short rest. Others are not aware of the time reset, unless they make a DC 20 intelligence check. You take 1d10 psychic damage If you have used Entanglement 1 already, you must make a DC 15 intelligence check or take 1d10 extra psychic damage. You can only do this once a day.

Entanglement 3

Level 10, you can go back in time for one hour. You can use this feature once per short rest. Others are not aware of the time reset, unless they make a DC 20 intelligence check. you take 2d10 psychic damage If you have used Entanglement 1 or Entanglement 2 already, you must make a DC 15 intelligence check or take 2d10 extra psychic damage. You can only do this once a day.

Entanglement 4

Level 14, you can go back in time for ten hours. You can use this feature once per long rest. Others are not aware of the time reset, unless they make a DC 20 intelligence check. you take 3d10 psychic damage If you have used Entanglement 1-3 already, you must make a DC 15 intelligence check or take 3d10 extra psychic damage. You can only do this once a day.

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