Level 20 Reborn! (5e Variant Rule)

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Level 20 Reborn!

Sooo level 20 kinda sucks. The feature you get for it is either incredibly broken or incredibly pitiful for the last thing your character gets, depending on your class. As a rule of thumb for the creation of this ruleset, the feature has to be worth taking over multiclassing. Multiclassing is a variant rule that isn't allowed in some games; However, in those that it is allowed in it's often better to multiclass after level 19 than to take the 20th level feature, which I aim to avoid. It's not meant to trounce multiclassing, but be a viable option just as much as it. That said, some of the features for certain classes will remain unchanged, since they are more appropriate for their finality. This doesn't nerf any classes, only improves criminally underpowered features. Finally, only the base classes in the PHB are being considered for this list.

Level 20 Features That Stay The Same

Originally I would have nerfed this, but then WOTC changed it themselves before officially releasing the class, and I like the new version's progression.
Only class to get two things, unlimited rages and FOUR FREE POINTS in Strength and Constitution!
Summon your deity at will SOUNDS kinda ridiculous, but it's basically Wish with extra steps and a week recharge, so it's fine.
Archdruid is the epitome of a bad full spellcasting class suddenly being AMAZING and is debatably the best level 20 feature in the game with unlimited hit points and the comparatively overlooked endless better subtle spell metamagic.
Only class to get OPTIONS on their 20th level ability, and all are worth taking and are usually game-changers.
The Warlock's actual feature feels like what I'd give it designing these changes. Huh.
You don't need more power as a Wizard.

Level 20 Features That Change

In addition to the Superior Inspiration feature, when one of your Bardic Inspiration dice is used, you may make it a D20 instead of a D12. Once you have done so once, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
In addition to the Extra Attack (4) feature, you can use your Second Wind twice instead of once.
Legacy Monk
In addition to the Perfect Self feature, you can perform an action or bonus action that spends Ki without spending any Ki. Once you have done this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, you cannot do so again without spending Ki this way until you finish a long rest.
New Monk
Instead of the above feature, you have the normal Perfect Self feature, and your Martial Arts die increases to a d12 (DM Note: This is recommended over the original feature due to the high cost of the Complete Astral Self Monk feature. With the Legacy version, it would complete break the subclass.)
This feature replaces Foe Slayer, but maintains the same name. You may add your Wisdom modifier to your attack and damage rolls. Additionally, if you hit a favored enemy with an attack or a spell that deals damage you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage as well. In the case of spells, you can only add the proficiency bonus to the damage dealt to the favored enemies, while those also affected that aren't favored enemies don't take this additional damage.
In addition to the Stroke of Luck feature, your Sneak Attack dice are upgraded to d8s.
This feature replaces Sorcerous Restoration, but maintains the same name. You recover all Sorcery Points on a short or long rest, and can use multiple metamagic options on your spells, but you can only use one of a type of metamagic option on any particular spell.

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