Ninja Dog (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Ninja Dog

Tiny beast, lawful good

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 22 (5d4 + 10)
Speed 55 ft.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)

Saving Throws Dexterity +5, Wisdom +4
Skills Stealth +5, Investigation +2, Nature +2, Animal Handling +4, Perception +4, Survival +4
Senses passive perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Hound. Ninja dogs have advantage on checks related to scent.

Chakra Points. Ninja dogs has 6 chakra points that they can spend. They regain all chakra points at the end of a long rest.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.

Dance of the Dust Cloud (2 Chakra). The ninja dog uses its front paws to create a large cloud of dust. All friendly creatures in a 10 ft. radius can make a Stealth advantage check as a reaction.

Chakra fang (2+ Chakra). Melee weapon attack +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,one creature. Hit (2d4 + 3 + 1d4 magical piercing damage for each chakra above 2 spent) The ninja dog uses its chakra to enhance its bite.

Kakashi's ninken, Source [[1]].

Ninja dogs, often called ninken, have a long history of serving as a common shinobi summon. While many ninken are capable of speaking, not all are. Kakashi Hatake is one of the most well known shinobi to ally himself with them. There is a great difference between how ninken and dogs trained by the Inuzuka clan are trained and deployed, as typical ninja dogs are simple reconnaissance units.

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