Agility in a Bottle! (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

Design Note: The following is a series of seperate items, comparable to the Belts of Giant Strength. However, instead of increasing Strength, these items increase Dexterity. Due to the way D&D 5e is made, a higher strength is only especially useful for certain characters while increasing dexterity is incredibly powerful for almost any character. To account for this, the relative rarity of the creatures involved in the creation processes of these items, and the process itself, these items are rarer. Additionally, some of these items use the Unique Item Rarity homebrew ruleset. If you don't use that ruleset, they can be Legendary rarity instead.


The following text can be read or paraphrased, depending on the item given to the players, to describe the items.

Tornado in a Bottle
The jar attached to this ornate golden necklace has a swirling cloud of gas and dust within it that vaguely resembles a tiny tornado trying to escape it. In reality, it's the captured remains of a deceased Air Elemental. As part of the process involved in making this item, the soul of the Elemental is bound to it, and it can't come back to life.
Lightning in a Bottle
The jar attached to this ornate amethyst-encrusted necklace has a glowing bird within it that vaguely resembles a lightning bolt trying to escape it. In reality, it's the captured remains of a deceased Arclight Phoenix. As part of the process involved in making this item, the soul of the Phoenix is bound to it, and it can't come back to life.
Tsunami in a Bottle
The jar attached to this ornate sapphire-encrusted necklace endlessly sloshes with water within it that vaguely resembles a serpent trying to escape it. In reality, it's the captured remains of a deceased Leviathan. As part of the process involved in making this item, the soul of the Leviathan is bound to it, and it can't come back to life.
Wildfire in a Bottle
The jar attached to this ornate ruby-encrusted necklace has a glowing bird within it that vaguely resembles a wildfire trying to escape it. Hidden in the flames is a tiny black oval-shaped rock, smooth and glowing hot. In reality, it's the captured remains of a deceased Phoenix and its egg. As part of the process involved in making this item, the soul of the Phoenix is bound to it, and it can't come back to life.
Tempest in a Bottle
The jar attached to this ornate diamond-encrusted necklace has a black, swirling storm cloud filling it to the brim, trying to escape it. Occasionally, a bird-like face and several swirls of tiny feather-shapes can be seen hidden within the clouds and lightning. In reality, it's the captured remains of a deceased Elder Tempest. As part of the process involved in making this item, the soul of the Tempest is bound to it, and it can't come back to life.
The most powerful of these items has only ever been made once, and isn't stable enough to fully contain the form within. It can be found here: Tempest in a Bottle! (5e Equipment)
Type of Elemental Dexterity Rarity
Air 20 Very Rare
Arclight Phoenix 22 Legendary
Leviathan 24 Unique
Phoenix 26 Unique
Elder Tempest 28 Unique

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