Nerubian (4e Race)

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Denizens of the underkingdoms of Northrend and servants of the Lich King.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'5" - 6'4" at the shoulder, 7'6" - 10'2" from head to tail.
Average Weight: 300 - 500lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength or Intelligence.
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares, Climb 2 squares
Vision: Low-Light Vision
Languages: Common, Nerubian, choice of one other.
Skill Bonuses: +2 on Dungeoneering
Web Winder: You have one charge of Web Winding that you use to activate your racial abilities. You get a charge back after each encounter or short rest, and you get all your charges back after a long rest. You can also use the Webwinder encounter power.
Webway: You can create a bridge or wall of hard webbing 5 feet wide and up to 20 feet long that can be climbed and can support creatures up to Large size. This takes a Web Winding charge and cannot be used in combat.
Spinner's Descent: You can make a slow fall up to 40 feet by attaching a strand of Nerubian webbing to something nearby as an immediate action. You must begin your fall from a surface to use this ability. This takes a Web Winding charge.
Web Familiarity: You move at your normal run speed on webbing and webbed surfaces, and you can substitute your normal run speed when climbing or clinging to webs.
Arachnid Resilience: +5 racial bonus to saving throws against mental effects.

Webwinder Nerubian Racial Power
As an enemy moves close you quickly spin a tangle of grasping webs, stopping them in their tracks.
Encounter Star.gif Webwinder
Immediate Interrupt Melee 1
Trigger: An enemy moves into an adjacent square.
Requirement: You must have a charge of Web Winding.
Target: The triggering creature
Effect: The target is immobilized until your next turn and you expend a Web Winding charge.

The Nerubians are keepers of the dark, hidden places of Northrend. They are among the oldest of the races of Azeroth, tracing their lineage back to the Well of Eternity and the influence of the Old Gods. They bore witness to the rise of Ner'zhul, the Lich King and were the first to stand against his forces as they spread over Icecrown. Though they eventually lost the battle agains the Scourge, they proved one of the greatest opponents the Lich King had ever faced, due to their immunity to the undead plague and their immunity to mental domination. Like their cousins the Qiraji follow C'thun, the Nerubians revere Yogg-Saron, and serve and conspire with the Faceless Ones; his servants.

Play a Nerubian if you want...

  • An extremely outlandish race.
  • To have many utility powers at your disposal, on and off the battlefield.
  • To play a mysterious and largely misunderstood culture.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Fighter or Warlock classes.

Physical Qualities[edit]

Nerubians are large, spider- and scarab-like creatures. Their bodies feature the eight-limbed arrangement of the former, while their carapace is reminiscent of the latter. The upper part of a Nerubian's body, the torso, follows a similar design to the upper bodies of familiar bipeds; it hosts two of the creature's eight limbs as arms attached to its shoulders and bears the creature's head between them. In terms of rough physical layout, their bodies are most similar to a Centaur or Dragonspawn, but instead of a quadrupedal lower body the Nerubian form transitions from its abdomen to a six-legged thorax.

Depending on an individual Nerubian's caste, its carapace may be thicker or thinner, more colorful or more subdued. The Nerubian Spider Lords are armored from head to claw in iridescent purple, grey and black plating. They appear much bulkier than the smaller and more agile Webspinners and Workers, which have a lighter carapace, usually in brown and/or grey.

Playing a Nerubian[edit]

After losing their battle against the Scourge, the Nerubians became servants of the Lich King. Though they were initially immune to his mind control, over time many of their kind lost this resistance or chose to relinquish it in their servitude, becoming slaves to the will of Ner'zhul. Of the ones that retained their resistance, however, formed a group of dissenters who's objective was to reclaim their home of Azjol'Nerub and defeat the Scourge.

The Nerubians are clever, but do not trade in deception. They value strength and tenacity of body, spirit and mind.

While not usually disposed to seek adventure or engage in solo endeavors, a few Nerubians acquire the wanderlust of the adventurer. These Nerubians are somewhat frowned upon by others of their kind, but are not otherwise persecuted unless they become traitors. The ones that go adventuring often do so to test and prove themselves if they are of a warrior caste, or to seek hidden knowledge if they are of a seer caste.

Nerubian Characteristics: Persistent, honorable, forceful, objective-oriented, secretive.

Male Names: Tut, Akhamen, Atem, Set

Female Names: Lia, Reti, Shast, Len

Nerubian Feats[edit]

Heroic Tier Racial Feats
Name Description
Nimble Spinner You find ease in positioning yourself for tactical advantage, even while spinning webs.
Predator of the Depths You are an expert at hunting the deep places of the world.
Predator's Path Your movements are confident and agile on the tangled webbing that would hinder a lesser creature.
Spinner's Endurance You have natural or trained talent with web spinning, allowing you to fashion webs more efficiently and more frequently.
Paragon Tier Racial Feats
Name Description
Epic Tier Racial Feats
Name Description

Nerubian Utility Powers[edit]

When your Nerubian character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead you gain a Nerubian utility power of the same level or lower.

Web Bastion Nerubian Utility 2
You spin a barricade of hard strands to provide protection to you and your allies and hamper your foes.
Encounter Star.gif Webwinder
Standard Action Close Burst 1
Requirement: You must have a charge of Web Winding.
Target: Up to three consecutive, unoccupied squares, all within the burst area.
Effect: Each targeted square is filled with hard webbing. A square of this webbing counts as a wall with a height of 10 feet (2 squares) and has 5 hit points plus 2 per level. It is immune to poison damage. You expend a Web Winding charge.

Grappling Skien Nerubian Utility 2
You snag an opponent with a tangled strand of webbing, yanking them towards you.
Encounter Star.gif Webwinder
Move Action Ranged 6
Requirement: You must have a charge of Web Winding.
Target: One opponent of large size or smaller.
Effect: You pull the target up to 3 squares. If any of the squares the target is pulled through have webbing in them, the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.

Spider's Web Nerubian Utility 6
You turn the battlefield into a makeshift lair; a deadly trap for all of your enemies.
Encounter Star.gif Webwinder
Standard Action Close Burst 4
Requirement: You must have a charge of Web Winding.
Effect: Each square in the burst is covered with webbing. Each square of webbing can be targeted and attacked, as well as affected by area effect powers. The webbing counts as difficult terrain and each square has 3 hit points plus 1 per level. It is immune to poison damage. You expend a Web Winding charge.

Way of Azjol'Nerub Nerubian Utility 6
Your webbing forms an unbroken path in front of you and in your wake, making your movement easier and your enemies' harder.
Daily Star.gif Webwinder
Minor Action Personal
Requirement: You must have a charge of Web Winding.
Effect: Each square you occupy and pass through until the end of your next turn is layered with webbing. Each square of webbing can be targeted and attacked, as well as affected by area effect powers. The webbing counts as difficult terrain and each square has 3 hit points plus 1 per level. It is immune to poison damage. You expend a Web Winding charge.
Sustain Minor: The effect persists.
Special: At the end of the turn that you stop sustaining this power you also layer each square in Close burst 1 around you with webbing.

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