Divining Staff (5e Equipment)

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Staff, varies (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

You can spend a bonus action to speak the command word of the staff causing it to glow with a green light. Each magic item within 1,000 feet of the staff and of the same rarity or less rare than the staff glows green as well. The staff’s rarity determines its property’s effectiveness at aiding you in the detection of items.

Rarity Property
Common The items glow dim light in a 5-foot radius.
Uncommon As above, and the item’s glow penetrates through any surface thinner than 1-foot.
Rare As above, and the item’s glow can be seen through any opaque barriers up to 10 feet thick.
Very rare As above, and the items make a light pinging noise that is audible up to 100 feet away once every minute.
Legendary As above, and green lines go outward from you illuminating the route to each glowing item within range.

The staff’s properties affect magical items that are being worn or carried and also affect the staff itself. Moreover the light is not just visible to you making it easier for other creatures to detect you. Any creature that can see the light created by this item can use its effects such as the lighted routes or the staff’s glow that is visible through obstacles as a means to track you. In addition, creatures have advantage on intelligence (investigation) or wisdom (perception) checks that are made to find you based on the staff’s effects.

The staff can’t detect magical items that are encased within any layer of lead.

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