Whip Sword (4e Equipment)

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Sword Whip

Superior Melee Weapons


Weapon Prof. Damage Range Price Weight Group Properties
Sword Whip +3 1d8 - 100gp 8 Light Reach, Entangling, Disarming, Tripping

Stories of novices injuring themselves with this weapon underscore the difficulty of mastering the whip, but in the hands of an expert, a whip can drag a foe down, drive away a vicious animal, or even wrap around a loose object at a distance.

Whip Sword



You can attack enemies that are 2 squares away from you as well as adjacent enemies, with no attack penalty. You can still make opportunity attacks only against adjacent enemies. Likewise, you can flank only an adjacent enemy.


When attempting a grab, you may add the whip sword's proficiency bonus to the attack roll.


You can use the whip sword to make a disarming attack.


You can use the whip sword to make a tripping attack.

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