Alien Blaster, Scout (Fallout Supplement)

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PL 9+ Alien Power Cell 1/shot Handgun (Alien Weapons Proficiency)

Damage 4d12 Magazine 10 Int
Critical 18-20 Size Small
Damage Type Energy Weight 2 pounds
Range Increment 75 feet Purchase DC 30 TU/300 Caps
Rate of Fire S Restriction Very Rare, East Coast/West Coast


Built by a mysterious race of beings known commonly as "Greys," the Alien Blaster is among the most powerful personal firearms in the known galaxy. Extremely rare even among its own species and given only to scout ships, this powerful energy pistol fires off an intelligently-guided blue ball of concentrated energy, propelled in a similar manner to that of Terran plasma pistols. Rumors persist in the West that the United States government located one of these weapons before the Great War and used the technology to reverse-engineer their known, but even the mighty American military could not fully replicate the power of such a mysterious and unearthly weapon. Even today, these weapons could still be found on crash-landed Aliens, adventurers or merchants, pre-war military installations or even modern-day Enclave bases, all safely guarded and fetching a high price.

d20 Modern Rules[edit]

This weapon is a mastercraft weapon, thus imparting a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

All critical threats with this weapon are automatically confirmed.

Successful critical hits that reduce an enemy to 0 HP or below will reduce the enemy to a pile of blue ash, but all armor, weapons, and equipment on the body remain undamaged.

The beam also instantly ignites any flammable gas it touches, in addition to materials like paper and gun powder.

Weapon Mods/Variants[edit]

Combat Sights
Damage Bonus, Energy Pistol
Extended Magazine, Alien
Magnetic Accelerator
Scope, Handgun

  • Repair: (Parts DC: 40; Parts Used: 10; Repair DC 25; Time: 10h) An alien blaster can be repaired with mechanical parts with a Repair check. Alternatively, another alien blaster can be used in place of parts (a Repair check is still required). This gun is affected by the Jury Rigging feat, and as such can use other alien weapons for parts if the feat is possessed.

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