Ammo (Fallout Supplement)

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Ammunition for Fallout is covered here. Ammunition (or ammo) is expendable ordnance material used in weapons of all kinds; powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, missiles, energy, etc. The purpose of ammunition is to project force against a selected target or area.

Table: Firearms
Ammunition Type TU/Caps Type Casing Range1 Damage
.223 Caliber Round (20) 1/10 Rifle 14-20 2d6
.22LR Round (50) 1/10 Handgun 18-20 2d4
.308 Round (20) 2/20 Rifle 12-20 2d8
.357 Magnum Round (50) 1/10 Handgun 14-20 2d6
.44 Magnum Round (50) 2/20 Handgun 13-20 2d8
.45 Auto (50) 1/10 Handgun 14-20 2d6
.45-70 Gov't (20) 3/30 Rifle 13-20 2d10
.50 MG (20) 4/40 Rifle 15-20 2d12
5mm Round (20) 1/10 Rifle 16-20 2d6
5.56mm Round (20) 2/20 Rifle 13-20 2d8
9mm Round (50) 1/10 Handgun 15-20 2d6
10mm Round (50) 1/10 Handgun 16-20 2d6
12.7mm Round (50) 3/30 Handgun 16-20 2d10
12 Gauge Shotgun Shell (10) 4/40 Shotgun 12-20 2d12
20 Gauge Shotgun Shell (10) 3/30 Shotgun 12-20 2d10
BBs (50) 1/10 Rifle N/A 2d6
Bean Bag (10) 1/10 Shotgun N/A 2d6
Dart (20) 1/10 Air Gun N/A 2d6
Ammunition Mod TU/Caps Craft Skill Used Casing Range
Armor Piercing (10/20/50)2 +2/20 Mechanical +0
Flechette (10/0/0) +2/20 Mechanical +0
Hand Load, MAT (0/20/0) +2/20 Mechanical +0
Hand Load, JFP (0/0/50) +2/20 Mechanical Half
Hand Load, JHP (0/20/50) +2/20 Mechanical Half
Hand Load, JSP (0/20/0) +3/30 Mechanical Half
Hand Load, SUP (0/0/50) +3/30 Mechanical +0
Hand Load, SWC (0/20/50) +3/30 Mechanical -2
High Explosive (10/0/0) +4/30 Chemical +0
Hollow Point (10/20/50) +1/10 Mechanical +0
Incendiary (10/20/50) +4/30 Chemical +0
Junk (20/40/100) +0/00 Mechanical Half
+P (0/0/50) +2/20 Mechanical +0
Plinking (0/30/75) +0/00 Mechanical +0
Pulse (10/0/0) +3/30 Chemical -2
Rubber Round (10/20/50) +1/10 Chemical +0
Special (0/0/75) +0/00 Mechanical Half
Silver (10/20/50) +3/30 Mechanical +0
Subsonic (0/20/50) +1/10 Mechanical +0
Surplus (0/30/0) +0/00 Mechanical Half
Tracer (0/20/50) +1/10 Chemical +0
Tranquilizer (0/20/50) +3/30 Pharmaceutical +0
  1. This is the range of a d20 attack roll needed to be rolled during an attack to recover an ammo casing.
  2. This number is the amount of in a pack for shotgun/rifle/handgun.
Table: Explosives
Ammunition Type TU/Caps Type Damage
25mm Grenade (6) 2/20 Launcher 1d6
40mm Grenade (6) 6/60 Launcher 3d6
Bean Bag (10) 2/20 Launcher 2d6
Flamer Fuel (10) 2/20 Flame thrower 3d6
Missile (6) 20/200 Launcher 8d6
Mini Nuke (1) 25/250 Launcher 50d6
Rocket (6) 12/120 Launcher 5d6
Ammunition Mod TU/Caps Type
Armor Piercing (6) +1/10 Chemical
Big Kid (1) +5/50 Chemical
Incendiary (6) +4/40 Chemical
High Explosive (6) +4/40 Chemical
High Velocity (6) +2/20 Chemical
Hive (6) +4/40 Chemical
Low Yield (1) -5/50 Chemical
Optimized Fuel (10) +2/20 Chemical
Plasma (6) +5/50 Chemical
Pulse (6) +4/40 Chemical
Timed (6/1) +1/10 Chemical
Tiny Tots (1) +3/30 Chemical
Table: Energy
Ammunition Type TU/Caps Type Casing Range1
Alien Power Cell (20) 10/100 Alien blaster N/A
Alien Power Module (20) 5/50 Alien weapon N/A
Electron Charge Pack (20) 2/20 Energy rifle 14-20
Energy Cell (50) 3/30 Energy pistol 14-20
Microfusion Cell (20) 4/40 Energy rifle 14-20
Ammunition Mod TU/Caps Type Casing Range
Bulk (30/75)2 +0/00 Electrical -2
Max Charge (20/50) +4/40 Electrical -4
Optimized (20/50) +3/30 Electrical +0
Over Charge (20/50) +2/20 Electrical -2
  1. This is the range of a d20 attack roll needed to be rolled during an attack to recover a drained cell.
  2. This number is the amount of in a pack for rifle/pistol.
Table: Other
Ammunition Type TU/Caps Type Damage
Arrow (20) 1/10 Bow 1d8
Blowdart (20) 1/10 Blowgun 1d3
CO2 Cartridge (20) 2/20 Air Gun N/A
Crossbow Bolt (20) 1/10 Crossbow 1d10
Flare (10) 2/20 Flare Gun 1d8
Paintballs (20) 1/10 Paintball Gun 1d6
Ammunition Mod TU/Caps Type
Incendiary (20) +4/40 Chemical
Silver (20) +3/30 Mechanical
Tranquilizer (20) +3/30 Pharmaceutical

.223, .308, .45-70 Gov't, .50 MG, 5mm, 5.56mm, BBs[edit]

These calibers of ammunition are generally used in rifles, assault rifles, or machine guns, and are sold in boxes of 20 bullets each. The 5.56mm has been adapted for a number of handguns as well, and any 5.56mm gun is also compatible with the .223 caliber round. BBs come in packs of 50, but are used in non-lethal rifles (BB guns and air guns), and as such only deal non-lethal damage.

.22LR, .357, .44, .45 Auto, 9mm, 10mm, 12.7mm[edit]

These calibers of ammunition are generally used in pistols or submachine guns, and are sold in boxes of 50 bullets each. The .357 and .44 have been adapted for a number of rifles as well.

12 Gauge, 20 Gauge, Bean Bag[edit]

Shotgun cartridges, also known as buckshot, are sold in boxes of ten. Bean bags (coming in packs of 10) deal 2d6 non-lethal bludgeoning damage.

25mm Grenade, 40mm Grenade, Bean Bag[edit]

25mm and 40mm grenades, bought in packs of 6, are used in grenade launchers and deal the damage listed. Bean bags (coming in packs of 10) can be used in 40mm grenade launchers and deal 2d6 non-lethal bludgeoning damage.

Grenade Damage Damage Type Burst Radius Reflex DC Size Weight
25mm Fragmentation Grenade 1d6 Concussion 5 ft. 12 Tiny 0.25 lb.
40mm Fragmentation Grenade 3d6 Slashing 10 ft. 15 Tiny 0.5 lb.
Bean Bag 2d6 Non-lethal bludgeoning Tiny 0.5 lb.

Alien Power Cell, Alien Power Module[edit]

These power cells are used in Alien energy weapons, which themselves are rarer than their coveted ammunition. The Alien Power Module is a less valuable, powerful, and common variant of the Alien Power Cell, which powers one of the most powerful handheld weapons known in the wasteland. This ammunition is also some of the only ammunition not able to be crafted.

Arrow, Blowdart, Crossbow Bolt[edit]

Arrows, blowdarts, and bolts come in packs of 20 and are used with bows, blowguns, and crossbows, respectively. This ammunition typically consist of a slender shaft and a pointed head. It can also be tipped with poisons and other substances.

Darts, CO2 Cartridge[edit]

Darts are either handheld weapons, or air gun ammunition. In either form, they come in packs of 10 and are slender shafts with metal tips (sometimes silver, tipped with poisons, or incendiary) used to silently attack a subject. Unless they are tipped with poison, are incendiary, or are otherwise capable of doing normal damage, they do non-lethal damage. CO2 cartridges are used by air guns to shoot projectiles, and are not bought in packs of 20, but actually contain enough CO2 for twenty shots.

Electron Charge Pack, Energy Cell, Microfusion Cell[edit]

These power cells are used to power energy weapons. Alternatively, they can be used to power a vehicle in a bind. They are sold in packs of 20 for ECPs and MFCs and packs of 50 for ECs.

Flamer Fuel[edit]

This is a mixture of various chemicals made for flamethrowers. It comes in a tank (mountable to a flamethrower backpack) containing 10 uses of fuel. Each tank weighs 1 pound.


Flares are used in flare guns, and are not typically used for actual combat, but can be used in a pinch. Flares do fire damage and blind their victim for 1d3 rounds. However, Flare guns are treated as improvised weapons and as such incur a -4 penalty to attacks.

Missile, Mini Nuke, Rocket[edit]

Missiles and rockets, bought in packs of 6, are used in missile and rocket launchers and deal the damage listed. Mini nukes are miniature nukes fired from specialized mini nuke launchers and are bought one at a time. When a standard mini nuke explodes, the area within the blast radius is lightly irradiated for 1 hour. Mini nukes ignore damage resistance and hardness.

Explosive Damage Damage Type Burst Radius Reflex DC Size Weight
Missile 8d6 Concussion/Slashing 25 ft. 18 Small 1.5 lb.
Mini Nuke 50d6 Concussion/Fire/Radiation1 40 ft. 30 Medium 3 lb.
Rocket 5d6 Concussion 15 ft. 15 Small 0.25 lb.
  1. Radiation isn't a type of damage for this purpose, but is listed as a reminder that it irradiates the surrounding area.


A paintball deals non-lethal damage, but a successful hit will spatter the target with a large splotch of bright, degradable paint, and getting struck with a paintball stings and, if the target is not aware of the circumstance, they might believe they have been shot with an actual bullet. The come in cartridges of 20 bullets, and can also be used in slingshots as well as paintball guns.

Ammunition Mods[edit]

Ammunition mods cannot be added after the ammunition is crafted, and a single piece of ammunition cannot have more than one ammunition mod.

Armor Piercing, Explosives[edit]

Armor-piercing rockets/missiles are designed to cause great damage to vehicles and structures. When fired at a vehicle or structure or anything else with hardness, the rocket ignores 10 points of that hardness, but does 1d6 less damage. It is only available for rockets and missiles.

Armor Piercing, Firearms[edit]

Armor-piercing ammunition reduces the effectiveness of armor. When fired at an opponent wearing any type of armor except impromptu, the attack receives a +2 bonus. It has no benefit against targets that are not wearing armor. It is available for all firearms ammunition except BBs, bean bags, and darts.

Big Kid[edit]

Functionally similar to the Heavy Explosive ammo mod, the big kid mini nuke variant is significantly more powerful than a standard mini nuke, increasing the damage to 20d6, doubling the weight and burst radius, increasing the Reflex DC by 5, and increasing the radiation level within the burst radius from lightly irradiated to moderately irradiated. The increased damage comes at the cost of reducing the range of the mini nuke launcher (and all variants) by 30 ft.


Bulk energy cells are a cheaper variant made in large quantities by using weaker charging methods, but this ammunition is usually much cheaper than regular power cells as a result. It imparts a -2 damage penalty and a -1 attack penalty. It is only available for Electron Charge Packs, Energy Cells, and Microfusion Cells.


Flechette rounds fire bundles of razor-sharp, fin-stabilized tungsten darts. A weapon that fires this ammunition improves its critical threat range by one, but takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls. It is only available for shotguns.

Hand Load, MAT[edit]

Match ammunition is often used in tournaments, sight alignment, and sniping. This ammunition type is given a +1 bonus to damage, and a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using a weapon scope. It is available for .223, .308, .45-70, .50, and 5.56mm rifle ammo.

Hand Load, JFP[edit]

JFPs (or jacketed flat points) are blunt, copper-wrapped bullets designed to flatten on impact like a hollow point, but retain the penetrating power of a copper-jacket slug. When fired at an opponent wearing any type of armor, the attack and damage rolls receive a +1 bonus. It has no benefit against targets that are not wearing armor. The casing range is halved. It is available for the .357 and .44 magnum rounds, and the 12-gauge and 20-gauge shotgun shells.

Hand Load, JHP[edit]

JHP, or jacketed hollow point, uses a metal-clad bullet which retains most of the damage bonus of ordinary hollow point rounds, but with a less severe armor penalty. It increases the damage dealt to unarmored targets by +1. This bonus is negated if the target is wearing medium armor or higher, or has a natural armor bonus of +4 or more. The casing range is halved. It is available for .44, 5mm, 9mm, 10mm, and 12.7mm rounds.

Hand Load, JSP[edit]

Jacketed, soft point ammunition is designed with a semi-jacketed harder metal coating with a soft bullet tip. It offers evenly managed damage and penetrative power. When used a weapon on automatic ROF, the gun does +2 damage and gets a +2 bonus to attack, but the weapon break range is increased to 1-3. The casing range is halved. This ammo is only available for .223, .308, 5mm, and 5.56mm rounds.

Hand Load, SUP[edit]

Similar to JSP rounds, the super hand loaded round is an ammunition load designed for much higher pressures than standard ammunition. Muzzle velocity is 20% greater, resulting in a +2 bonus to damage and attack rolls when used in an automatic handgun, but increasing the weapon break range to 1-3. This ammunition is available for .45 Auto, 9mm, 10mm, and 12.7mm rounds.

Hand Load, SWC[edit]

Known as a semi-wadcutter, this round has a flat-nosed bullet designed to punch clean, neat holes in paper targets. The shape also causes the bullet to expand slightly on impact, though not as effectively as hollowpoint. This gives guns using this ammo a +1 bonus to damage against unarmored targets, and an astounding +3 to hit against all opponents. This, however, increases the weapon break range to 1-4. This ammo is available for .44, .45-70, and .50 rounds.

High Explosive, Explosives[edit]

High explosive mods are designed to create a secondary explosion upon impact with its target. High explosive ammunition deals +1d6 damage for every 3d6 base damage (minimum +1d6), the burst radius is doubled, the Reflex DC is increased by +2, and the weight is doubled. This ammo is available for 25mm and 40mm grenades, missiles, and rockets.

High Explosive, Firearms[edit]

High explosive rounds are designed to create a secondary explosion upon impact with its target. High explosive ammunition deals 1 extra die of concussive damage of the appropriate type for the weapon, and enemies hit must make a Reflex save (DC equal to damage taken plus 4) or be Stunned for 1 round. This ammo is available for .45-70, .50, 12-gauge, and 20-gauge rounds.

High Velocity[edit]

High velocity mods propel a rocket or missile faster than normal through use of secondary ionic thrusters, giving the user a +1 bonus to attack rolls, and increasing the Reflex DC by 3. This ammo is only available for missiles and rockets.


Hive missiles are specially designed missiles that actually shoot out nine smaller missiles. Damage is decreased to 9d6 (with each missile doing 1d6 damage) and the missile weights twice as much, but its blast radius is increased to 35 ft, its Reflex DC is increased to 23, and the shooter ignores Dexterity bonuses to Defense. This ammo is only available for missiles.

Hollow Point[edit]

Hollow point bullets mushroom out upon impact, tearing through fabric, flesh and organs creating a larger wound cavity. However, hollow points lack the penetrating power to punch through denser materials, this means they cannot pierce things like armor plate, drastically reducing the weapon's penetrating power. It increases the damage dealt to unarmored (or targets wearing impromptu armor) targets by +2. This bonus is negated if the target is wearing any sort of armor (except impromptu) or has a natural armor bonus of +2 or more. It is available for all firearms ammunition except BBs, bean bags, and darts.

Incendiary, Explosives[edit]

Incendiary explosives deal explosive damage in d4s rather than d6s (so 40mm grenades become 3d4 and rockets become 6d4) and burst radius is cut by 50% (rounding down to a minimum of 5 ft.), but also do an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every 2d6 base damage the explosive does (minimum 1d6) and enemies risk catching on fire, and the Reflex DC is increased by 3. This is only available for 25mm and 40mm grenades, missiles, and rockets.

Incendiary, Firearms[edit]

Incendiary slugs can inflict terrible burns on a target. Any target damaged by an incendiary shot takes an additional 1d6 points of fire damage and risks catching on fire. Available to the 12 gauge shotgun shell and .45-70 and .50 rifle rounds. Also available to arrows and crossbow bolts.


Junk rounds are ammunition rounds crafted from scrap metal and tin cans. These rounds are cheaper than regular rounds, but deal -2 damage (minimum 1) and the weapon break range is increased to 1-2. The casing range is halved. This is available for all firearms ammunition.

Low Yield[edit]

Low yield mini nukes are under powered miniature nuclear bombs designed for longer range shooting capability while still retaining a powerful payload. It only weights half as much, increasing the range of all mini nuke launchers by 45 ft, but damage output is only 12d6, burst radius is 30 ft, and the Reflex DC is just 25. This is only available for mini nukes.

Max Charge[edit]

Max charged power cells are super charged with 1.21 gigawatts of magnetic ions, doing +3 damage and imparting a +3 bonus to attacks, but this can easy cause powerful electromagnetic disturbances in the energy chamber, increasing the weapon break range to 1-5. It is only available for Electron Charge Packs, Energy Cells, and Microfusion Cells.


Optimized power cells are charged with high-powered ionic fields and coated with heavily magnetized metal, doing +2 damage and imparting a +2 bonus to attacks, but the magnetized ions can wreck havoc on the energy weapon, increasing the weapon break range to 1-4. It is only available for Electron Charge Packs, Energy Cells, and Microfusion Cells.

Optimized Fuel[edit]

Optimized fuel has been specially mixed to burn hotter than regular flamer fuel, doing +1d6 damage with any weapon that uses it and imparting either a +2 bonus to attacks with the Incinerator, or increasing the Reflex DC of a Flamer by 2. Unfortunately, the increased heating also increases the weapon break range to 1-3. This is only available for Flamer Fuel.

Over Charge[edit]

Over charged power cells are mega charged with 1.21 megawatts of magnetic ions, doing +1 damage and imparting a +2 bonus to attacks, but this can overload the weapon's energy coils, increasing the weapon break range to 1-3. It is only available for Electron Charge Packs, Energy Cells, and Microfusion Cells.


+P (over-pressure) is an ammunition designed to fire at a higher internal pressure than standard ammunition to ensure higher velocity and stopping power but at the cost of straining the weapon. +2 to attack rules, but the weapon break range is increased to 1-2. This ammo is available for .45, 9mm, and 10mm rounds.


Plasma explosives are generate a powerful plasma field that causes extreme damage. Plasma explosives deal +1d6 energy damage for every 2d6 base damage (minimum +1d6), but the burst radius is halved, and the weight is doubled. This ammo is available for 25mm and 40mm grenades, missiles, and rockets.


Though less harmful than standard ammunition, taking a -1 penalty to weapon damage, plinking rounds are cheaper but not harmful to firearms like other cheap bullets. Available for .223, .22LR, .357, and 5mm rounds.

Pulse, Explosives[edit]

Pulse explosives deal explosive damage in d4s rather than d6s (so 25mm grenades become 1d4 and 40mm grenades become 3d4) and and burst radius is cut by 50% (rounding down to a minimum of 5 ft.), but also do an additional 1d10 points of damage to robots and 1d4 damage to enemies in power armor per 2d6 explosive damage (minimum 1d10/1d6). This is only available for 25mm and 40mm grenades, missiles, and rockets.

Pulse, Firearms[edit]

Pulse slugs cause more damage to power armor and robots, dealing 1d4 extra damage to enemies in power armor, and 1d8 extra damage to robots. Available to 12-gauge and 20-gauge shotgun shells.

Rubber Round[edit]

Rubber ammunition is a special type of bullet made of rubber rather than metal that deals nonlethal damage. It is available for all types of firearms ammunition except BBs, bean bags, and darts.


Special rounds are a less powerful versions of the .357 and .44 magnum rounds, though the reduction in powder results in a -1 penalty to damage rolls. The casing range is halved. Only available for .357 and .44 magnum rounds.


Silver ammunition is revered by tribal gangs and superstitious people of the wasteland, for the rumors that it is the bane of all things that go bump in the night. All of this is untrue, but that doesn't stop the people from believing in it all the same. It is never mass-produced and must be made by hand, as reflected by its high cost. It is available for all types of firearms ammunition except bean bags. It is also available for arrows, blowdarts, and crossbow bolts.


Assassins and snipers use subsonic ammunition; it is rarely found outside those circles. Its primary use is to reduce the noise of a shot, making it more difficult to spot the shooter after the gun is fired. Subsonic ammunition reduces damage dealt by –1 points, but the DC to Listen checks to hear the gunshot is increased by +10. Subsonic ammunition decreases the range increment by 20 feet. It is available for all firearms ammunition except shotgun shells and bean bags. It is also available for blowdarts.


Surplus ammunition is poor grade ammunition made in large quantities by using corrosive materials in their construction. This ammunition is usually much cheaper than regular ammunition, and comes in bulk packaging. It provides a +1 damage bonus, but increases the weapon break range to 1-4. The casing range is halved. It is only available for .223, 308, 5mm, and 5.56mm rounds.


This type of grenade is has a built in fuse and does not detonate on impact, allowing it to be shot around corners and such. This fuse is set for 1 round, and goes off on the shooter's next turn. This allows the shooter to shoot to squares they couldn't otherwise hit, albeit at a -2 penalty to attack, and the Reflex DC of the explosive is decreased by 2, and they cannot shoot the grenade over more squares than the range increment. In essence, the grenade is treated as a character in regards to movement, but it's at the GM's discretion how the grenade is able to move, but it is advised to use common sense (e.g. a grenade can't zig-zag, but can be shot through a doorway and made to bounce down a hallway). This ammunition is available for 25mm and 40mm grenades, and mini nukes.

Tiny Tots[edit]

This type of mini nuke can be used for cluster bombing, with each tiny tots round releasing 9 miniature mini nukes (each doing 2d6 damage), similar to an MIRV shot. While descending, they make noise similar to incoming artillery. Damage is increased to 18d6, the burst radius is increased to 50 ft, and the Reflex DC is increased to 35, but the mini nuke weighs twice as much, and the weapon break range is increased to 1-3 due to the increased size of the nuke. This ammo is only available for mini nukes.


These phosphorous-coated rounds aid the shooter of an automatic weapon in leading bullets to a target, but makes them easier to spot in turn. Tracer ammunition provides a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with a weapon when fired on autofire only. Opponents gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Spot checks when trying to find someone firing tracer ammunition. This is available for .223, .308, .45 Auto, 5mm, 5.56mm 9mm, 10mm, and 12.7mm rounds.


This is actually a large reservoir used to deliver a tranquilizer (or poison) to the target. For more information on poisons, see the Craft (Pharmaceutical) skill. It is only available for arrows, blowdarts, crossbow bolts, and darts.

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