Potion of Animation (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: How does this potion work, exactly? Does it work like the various SRD animate spells? Does it work on any object of any size?

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Potion, Artifact

The Potion of Animation was first brewed in the laboratory of Uluk the Seeking, when he was trying to create a potion that would bring the dead back to life. He finally discovered a potion that would bring a wooden figure of a crow to life. He was rejoiced at completing his work and decided to try the potion on himself to see what effect it would have on the living. Alas, through some unfortunate circumstance, his entire essence - mind, body, and soul - were pulled into the potion. It resides at the haunted ruins of his laboratory. The Potion of Animation, when used on an inanimate object, will cause it to become animate and serve the potion - user. When used on a dead creature, it will live again and be cured of any illnesses that made it die, however it does not revert aging. This in itself makes the potion extremely valuable. The potion currently is in an unknown location, but it is known to have had around 10 creatures animated or cured at the point of time of the game, so it is more than half gone.

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