Starbreaker (5e Equipment)

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"The mace hits the opponent, and there is an explosion of holy light, and the world is left in pure darkness"

Weapon (mace),

A weapon made by, guess who... The First Archmage of the Arcadian mage guild. A mace that absorbs light and uses it to deal holy damage. The mace is made of gold and silver with a moon gem core.

Basic Light Absorption. The mace can absorb all light sources in 100 foot radiance of it. For every 10 square feet of bright light it deals D6 more radiance damage on the next attack within 1 minute, and for every 20 square feet of Dim light is deals D4 more damage on the next attack within 1 minute. All light sources in 100 feet go completely dark and emit no light for 30 minutes.

Solar Absorption. When the sun is out and visible, you can cause a solar eclipse that lasts 10 minutes, causing the world to go black, and the next attack of with Starbreaker within 10 minutes will deal extra radiance damage depending on the time. At 6am/pm it deals 2d4 extra radiance damage, at 7am/5pm it deals 3d4 extra radiance damage, at 7am/4pm it deals 4d4 extra radiance damage, at 8am/3pm it deals 5d4 extra radiance damage,at 9am/2pm it deals 6d4 extra radiance damage, at 10am/1.5pm it deals 8d4 extra radiance damage, at 11am/1pm it deals 10d4 extra radiance damage, at noon it deals 12d4 extra damage. This ability can only be used once every 2 in game weeks.

Lunar Absorption. When the moon is out and visible, you can choose an enemy within 100 feet of you. That enemy has to make a Dexterity Saving throw of your wisdom+your proficiency bonus+9. It takes 3d10 radiance damage on a hit, and half as much on a fail. The night sky goes black for 10 minutes after use. Can be used once per long rest.

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