Quake (5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 22:15, 6 March 2020 by Blobby383b (talk | contribs) (adding campaign disclaimer, making the quote go inside the 5e magic item template and actually be a quote, fixing up the quake property to use static DC, clarify how it can be used beyond it activating the first time you hit a creature, ect other fixes)
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Region of the Sun (5e Campaign Setting)
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Weapon (warhammer), rare

A slam from the club bashes into the armored bandit and he falls from the impact, and so does everyone else around you...

Quake is a weapon made from the first archmage of the Arcadian Mage Guild. The weapon is a two-handed club made of steel infused with abjuration magic to strengthen it. It was then encased in magical stones making it appear to be a stone club. The weapon is classified as a warhammer that deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage and has to be held in two hands.

Quake. When you hit an creature while on the ground with this weapon, as a bonus action you may cause the earth to quake. Flip a coin or roll 1d2. On heads or 1, the wielder causes the earth to shake, and causes the effects of the earth tremor spell at 2nd level with a range of 30 feet around you. The DC for this effect is 14. On a tails or 2, the weapon deals 1d8 additional bludgeoning damage. This ability can only be used once, and this weapon regains use of this effect after 1 hour.

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