Mask of the Beast (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, very rare

A Mask of the Beast is a masked carved an imbued with powerful druidic energy, allowing there wearer to harness the power of that beast and cast polymorph on themself, turning them into that creature. But the creatures natural instincts may become to overpowering for the wielder. Each mask provides the wearer with different benefits:

Inseparable. After 1 minute of use, the user must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. The user will begin to grow more and more attached to the mask, unwilling to part with it, wearing it more, sometimes even without realizing that they put it on. If they are separated from the mask, the user will go into a frenzy to get it back. They will begin acting in ways that would be common for the beast in which the mask is in the likeness of. The curse can only be ended with a remove curse of 4th-level or higher.

Feral Instincts. After 1d4 days of the curse being active, the mask will fuse with the user’s face and after every long rest, the user must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be forcefully polymorphic into the beast and won’t be able to revert back until after 1d4 hours. Every time the user fails a saving throw, their Wisdom will be reduced by 1d4 + 2. After this Phase commences, you will need a greater restoration spell more powerful spells to remove the curse and the users Wisdom score will revert back to what it was before the second phase of the curse began.

Mind of a Beast. If the user’s Wisdom score is reduced to 0, the user will forcefully polymorphed one last time. Their stats, abilities, and alignments will change to those of the beast. The character will then fall under the DM’s control. The only way to revert the user back to normal is through divine intervention or a true resurrection spell. If returned to normal, the user will return to the state it was in before Phase 2 of the curse began, but with a permanent -2 to the users Wisdom score. The user may still show strange and animal like tendencies. Also the user may still show minor physical changes such as sharp nails, more hair, long tongue, etc.

Beast Masks
Mask Type Abilities
Mask of the Ape
  • +2 to Strength
  • Climb 30ft
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into an Ape until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Baboon
  • +2 to Dexterity
  • Climb 30ft
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Baboon until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Bat
  • Bestows the user with Blindsight 60ft
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Bat until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Bear
  • +2 to strength
  • +3 to constitution
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Brown Bear until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Boar
  • Charge. If the wearer moves at least 20 ft. straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 2 (1d4) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Relentless (1/Day). If the user takes 7 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Boar until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Cat
  • Dexterity +3
  • Stealth +4
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Cat until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Crocodile
  • Swim 30ft
  • Hold Breath. The wearer can hold its breath for 10 minutes.
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Crocodile until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Hawk
  • Keen sight
  • +2 to Wisdom
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Hawk until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Poisonous Snake
  • 1d8 additional poison damage
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Poisonous Snake until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Rat
  • Keen smell
  • Darkvision 30ft, if the user already has darkvision, 30ft is added to their darkvision range.
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Rat until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Rabbit
  • Walking speed increase of 15ft
  • Keen Hearing
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Rabbit until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Horse
  • +3 to strength
  • Trampling Charge
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action polymorphing the user into a Warhorse until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Panther
  • +2 to Dexterity
  • +2 to strength
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Panther until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Lion
  • Intimidation +3
  • Keen Smell
  • The user cass polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Lion until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Octopus
  • Swim Speed 30ft
  • Underwater Camouflage. The wearer has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made while underwater.
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into an Octopus until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Hunter Shark
  • Swim speed 40ft
  • +2 to Strength
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Hunter Shark until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Wolf
  • Pack tactics
  • Keen Smell
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Wolf until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Spider
  • Spider climb
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Spider until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action
Mask of the Toad
  • Standing leap (20ft Long Jump, 10ft High Jump)
  • The user casts polymorph on themselves using an action, polymorphing the user into a Toad until spell wears off or the user cancels the effect using a bonus action

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