Cocoon Cloak (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, very rare (Requires Attunement)

A Cocoon Cloak is a ruffled silk cloak that is incredibly durable despite its soft, delicate construction. Anytime the wearer falls asleep (whether the sleep is natural or brought on by a magical effect), the cloak immediately transforms into sticky strands that envelop the wearer's body, hardening into a solid silk cocoon.

Protective Barrier. Anytime the wearer falls asleep (whether the sleep is natural or brought on by a magical effect), the cloak immediately transforms into sticky strands that envelop the wearer's body, hardening into a solid silk cocoon. The cocoon has an AC equal to the wearers plus 6, 100 Hit Points. The cocoon opens and transforms back into a cloak once the wearer awakens. If the cocoon is damaged, the wearer will be woken up and immediately be alerted of the enemies presence. IF the wearer was put to sleep magically and the cocoon takes damage, the wearer my be able to repeat the saving throw. Once woken up by an outside force, the wearer can decide to continue to stay inside the cocoon, or dismiss it without using an action. If the cocoon drops to 0 hit points, the cocoon will fall away and the cloak will spend 1d12 + 4 mending itself back together. During this time, its magical properties won't come into effect.

Stasis Form.To use this feature, the wearer must make it of their own free will. Upon activation, the cloak will envelop the wearer and turn into a large and sturdy cocoon. Thick strnads of silk will also launch out of the cocoon and attach to nearby surfaces as to better steady the cocoon. While inside the cocoon, the target is incapacitated, frozen in time in a dreamlike state. While inside the cocoon the wearer does not suffer any affects brought on by the passage of time or other bodily and magical means. The wearer must decide how long the cocoon stays up as long as it exceeds one year. In theory, the wearer can stay in this state for eternity. The cocoon has an AC equal to the users AC plus 8, 300 Hit Points and is immune to all bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from all non magical attacks. At the start of each day, it regains 10d20 Hit Points as the cocoon begins to mend itself back together. If the cocoon is broken, the wearer perishes. Once the cocoon's time is up, the cocoon splits open and frees them. The wearer is in the same condition as it was when it entered the cocoon except they now have white hair, made of silk. A 10-min ritual may be performed by a 10th-level spellcaster or higher where they may temporarily take the wearers place for 1 hour. Once the hour is up, the wearer will be forcefully drawn back into the cocoon and the spellcaster who performed the ritual is freed. Once performed, the ritual may not be performed again for 1 year. Once the stasis ends, the cocoon will not revert back into a cloak and loses all magical properties, slowly breaking down over the next 1d4 days.

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