Dawn (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (LongSword), Uncommon

One night a noble and his squire were attacked by a group of bandits while they traveled. The noble was immediately knocked unconscious, and he lay on the ground at the mercy of the bandits. However before they could reach him, the nobles squire picked up his masters sword and defended his master. The young squire suffered many wounds, but he remained standing over his masters body the entire night as the bandits continued to attack. he succumbed to his wounds only once every last bandit was laying at his feet, and the new sun was cresting the horizon. That Dawn, the young squire died, and his soul was imbued into the blade. From thence forth the blade was called "Dawn".

Sunlight twice a day, when the command word is spoken, the blade will shine with the brilliance of the morning sun. Shedding bright light in a 60 foot radius from the blade. It regains its charges each dawn.

Squires Guidance The blade gives a +1 to attack and damage rolls with it.

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