40 Curses (3.5e Other)
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40 Curses[edit]
So, your spell backfired, or perhaps you mouthed off to a powerful demon, looted a sacred artifact or were otherwise the target of a curse. Roll a d20 and a d6. If the d6 result is 4-6, add 20 to the d20 result.
# | Misfortune | Description |
1 | Blinded | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. Permanent. |
2 | Deafened | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. Permanent. |
3 | Muted | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. Permanent. |
4 | Donkey Ears | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. Can be dispelled with a DC 14 Heal check or remove curse, alter self or any polymorph. |
5 | Gnarled Hands | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. Can be dispelled with a DC 14 Heal check or remove curse. Causes -2 on attack rolls and -4 on skill checks involving the use of the hands. Think magically bad arthritis. |
6 | Eye Bleeding | Happens once with a Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. The character’s eyes bleed, causing blindness for 1 day as well as 1d4 Constitution damage. |
7 | Bad Luck Curse | Will save DC 14 to resist. Can be removed with a remove curse spell. Causes a -1 luck penalty on all attacks, damage, saves, skills and ability checks. |
8 | Massive Hair Growth | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. The character’s hair grows 2 feet as well as becoming covered in thick, shaggy fur, like bigfoot. Cures male pattern baldness. Beards and facial hair also grow 2 feet. |
9 | Inverted Coloration | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. The character’s skin, hair, eyes and possessions all invert their coloration to the opposite hue. Permanent. Light Skin becomes Dark Blue, Green becomes Red, Black becomes White. |
10 | Spontaneous Combustion | Happens once with a Will save DC 16 to resist. The character bursts into flames and is dealt 2d6 fire damage each round until he puts himself out. |
11 | Boils, Warts, Zits and Festering Sores | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. The character breaks out in every kind of skin problem possible, being dealt 1d6 Constitution damage that cannot be restored until the horrible sores are removed. A remove disease spell removes the festering and allows the sores and ability damage to heal. The warts and zits must be removed with a remove curse spell, though they affect appearance only. |
12 | Magical Baldness | If character is already bald, or of a race that is hairless, roll again. Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. The character’s hair falls out, even eyelashes, leaving them completely hairless. Permanent. A remove curse spell will allow the character to begin growing hair again. |
13 | Horrible Body Odor | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. The character begins to suffer from sweaty, nasty odor that cannot be washed off or covered up. He becomes easier to track by scent (+4 for the tracker), as well as suffering a -4 penalty on all Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal and Hide skill checks. Can be removed with a remove curse spell. Shopkeepers are unlikely to buy used armor from such a person, thinking it is fouled. |
14 | Gnarled Teeth | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. Can be dispelled with a DC 14 Heal check or remove curse. Causes -2 on Perform skill checks involving vocalization. |
15 | Uncontrollable Yelling | Will save DC 14 to resist. Can be dispelled with a DC 14 Heal check or remove curse. Causes -2 on Perform skill checks involving vocalization, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and -10 on Move Silently and Hide skill checks. |
16 | Second, Nasty Head | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. This curse causes a second, gross and nasty head to grow next to the character’s current head. The second head loves to curse and spit and causes a -20 penalty to Move Silently, Handle Animal, Disguise and Diplomacy skill checks. A remove curse spell will rid a player of the nasty head, or it can be chopped off, dealing 2d6 damage to the player as well as 1d6 points of temporary Constitution damage. However, if it is chopped off, there is a 25% chance that it will regrow in 1 month. |
17 | Insanity | Will save DC 20 to resist. As the spell insanity. |
18 | Minor Lycanthropy | This form of Lycanthropy afflicts the character every night as the sun sets and lasts until the sun rises. However, the cursed character assumes hybrid form instead of a full animal form. In addition, the transformation can only cause one step removal in alignment changes. It is otherwise like Lycanthropy. Choose an animal for the character’s curse and calculate his new ability scores for his hybrid form as well as any alignment change. Those afflicted with Lycanthropy cannot also gain Minor Lycanthropy. Curing Minor Lycanthropy is the same as with Lycanthropy. |
19 | Massive Weight Gain | Fortitude save DC 14 to resist. Causes victim to suddenly double in weight, suffering a Maximum Dexterity Bonus of +2 to his Armor Class (even if he has no armor), as his size restricts fine maneuverability in combat. |
20 | Loss of Gear | No Save. All equipment and gear you are wearing or carrying that is yours (as in not borrowed) disappears forever. You are left naked and copper-less. Artifacts as well as unique story driven items are not banished. The DM may choose to only take most of your gear if he desires. |
21 | Random Body Part Petrification | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. Roll 1d6 to see which part becomes stone: right leg, left leg, right arm, left arm, torso, head. Damage dealt to stone body part is as petrification. Can be reversed through any means petrification can be reversed; character automatically fails any action that would require the use of the stone limb. |
22 | Short Attention Span | Will save DC 14 to resist. DM picks a random, common element such as an ale tankard, a butterfly, a halfling (one or all of them), a sword; character must make Will save or become fascinated by the object (regardless of situation). May be removed with remove curse spell. |
23 | Unpredictable Invisibility | No save. The character has a 25% chance to become invisible each time he or she uses a Charisma-based skill. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
24 | Blinding Stupidity | Will save DC 16 to resist. The character has a 25% percent chance to suddenly suffer a "brainfart" each time he or she uses an Intelligence-based skill; this causes the character to suffer a -10 in that particular skill until they have rested 8 hours. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
25 | Bad Reputation | No save. Character suddenly becomes known by an unpopular nickname, no matter where he or she may go. Nickname is left up to the DM's choosing (see the Random Nick Names Chart); character suffers a -5 to all Charisma-based skills. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
26 | Six-Fingered Man[1] | Fortitude save 14 to resist. Character immediately grows an extra finger on one or both hands (DM's choice). Can be removed with two DC 14 Heal checks (one to remove, and one to repair the hand) or remove curse. While suffering this curse, a character takes a -2 penalty on all Dexterity-based actions. |
27 | Undetectable Alignment | The alignment of the character becomes irreversibly undetectable. Paladins may think you're shifty. This curse can be reverted if the character spends in-game time to change it back by whatever means the DM deems appropriate. |
28 | Fear of Fear | Will save 14 to resist. Character develops a phobia, treated as shaken upon experiencing the phobia and possibly fleeing the phobia if fear elevates to fright or panic. May be removed with a remove curse spell. (See variant rules about sanity for more information on phobias.) |
29 | Ghost Whisperer[2] | Will DC 16 to resist. Character becomes aware of ghosts; ghosts may attempt to speak with character but are not articulate enough to be understood. (These particular ghosts are not harmful, so the frightful moan and horrific appearance abilities do not affect the PC.) May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
30 | Homocidal Tendencies | Will DC 16 to resist. Character will fly into a tantrum at the utterance of a DM-chosen "trigger" word ("applesauce", "barkeep", another character's given name, etc). When in tantrum, character cannot hear or see his or her allies, and may injure them; tantrum lasts for 1d4 minutes. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
31 | I Can Quit Whenever I Want | Fortitude DC (save of chosen drug) to resist. Character develops an addiction to a drug; the addiction cannot be beaten with traditional means. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
32 | Passive-Aggressive | Will DC 14 to resist. Character becomes gentle and meek whenever entering combat, but aggressive and dangerous when outside of it. Characters should be encouraged to act out this curse if suffering it. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
33 | Lamest Limit Break Ever[3],[4] | Will DC 16 to resist. Once per day, character uses up one spell without any effect. Roll a die based on character's caster level (1d6 for a 6th-level wizard, etc) to determine spell level of wasted spell, round down when necessary; for spellcasters that cannot cast spontaneously, the DM must choose a spell to lose (rolling to determine, or simply picking one). May be removed with a remove curse spell, or if character actually loses the remove curse spell. (Reroll die for chosen curse if character is not a spellcaster.) |
34 | A Spell for Bink[5] | No save. Character becomes completely immune to magic in all forms, including offensive, defensive, and healing magic. Permanent. |
35 | No Common Sense | Will DC 14 to resist. Character engages in risk-taking behavior as if he or she has no common sense (such as putting their hand in an alligator's mouth, etc). Character makes all rolls necessary for his or her actions, and should be encouraged to roleplay this curseif suffering it. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
36 | Glub Glub | Will save DC 14 to resist. Character must make a once-daily Will save DC 14 to ignore; if failed, the character begins to act as if they are a fish, flopping around out of water and suffocating if they are not placed in a body of water. Drowning while in this delusion is possible. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
37 | Where Did I Put That Scroll? | Will save DC 16 to resist. Character's arcane spell failure chance raises by 25%. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
38 | Aura of Inability | Fortitude save DC 16 to resist. Damage of equipped weapon lowers by one die, regardless of weapon, while in character's hands. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
39 | Stop Hitting Yourself | Will save DC 14 to resist. Character deals one round's worth of damage (counting all possible attacks of the character) to his or herself once per day. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
40 | I Can't Hear You Over Myself | Will save DC 16 to resist. Character's thoughts are emitted from her in 30 foot radius, causing possible problems for the character's plans or personal issues. May be removed with a remove curse spell. |
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