3.5e NPCs CR 4

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Name Race Levels Description
Black Pete half-orc villainous fighter 4 A famous pirate-slaver with a 5,000gp bounty on his head
Constable Miller Halfling Expert 2 Warrior 3 Constable James Rufus Miller is a stout young Halfling.
Dorn Thundercrass Dwarf Fighter 4 A half crazy marooned dwarf useful in a drow campaign
Grellum Human Druid 4 An mystic old druid in the town of Blueblood
Judgmental Retinue Human Knight 3/Ranger 3/Rogue 3/Barbarian 4 A retinue of powerful combatants who serve Torg Cudean blindly.
Klod gnome Fighter 4 Scout 4 Retired mercenary, now a crusty majordomo for a small northern village.
Madras Trynnie Wizard 4 Trynnie Wizard.
Nobility in Western Pansaer Various Various The noble men and women who make up the upper class in the western kingdoms.
Princess Nerys of Hatteras half-nymph human expert 3 Princess-diplomat of Hatteras
Tinangaj human witch doctor 8 A witchdoctor of the Mumbajumbato tribe.
Torg Cudean Dwarf Cleric 4 A dwarf cleric fanatically devoted to the sun god Auri.
V'Darn Griever Spellborg Thri-Keen Rogue 1 A cool-minded warrior who serves the cause of peace in the world.

NPCs with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.