Yureishi (TOWW)

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This page is a part of the Homebrew setting "The Old Wild World."
Material on this page may not be suitable for traditional 3.5e gameplay.


Abilities: Dex, Con, Wis.

Alignment: Any lawful.

Hit Die: d8

Class Skills[edit]

Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Attune (Con), Craft (metalsmithing) (Int), Intuition (Wis), Knowledge (culture, geography, history, and supernatural) (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Travel (Wis).

Skill Points at each level: 3 + Int modifier.

Table: The Yureishi
Level Base Attack
Special Adrenaline
Speed Bonus
11th +11/+6/+1 +1 +3 +7 +4 Spirit Focus, Spirit Hunter, Imbue 11 +20 ft. 1d12
12th +12/+7/+2 +1 +4 +8 +5 Meditate (4 charges), Imbue Warding 12 +20 ft. 2d8
13th +13/+8/+3 +1 +4 +8 +5 Project 13 +20 ft. 2d10
14th +14/+9/+4 +1 +4 +9 +6 Commune, Meditate (5 charges), Imbue Burning 14 +25 ft. 2d10
15th +15/+10/+5 +2 +5 +9 +6 Swift Imbue, Purgatory, Weak Point +3 15 +25 ft. 3d8
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +2 +5 +10 +6 Rend, Imbue Echoes 16 +25 ft. 3d8
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +2 +5 +10 +7 Meditate (6 charges) 17 +25 ft. 3d10
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +2 +6 +11 +7 Spirit Unleashed, Imbue Lethality 18 +30 ft. 3d10
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +2 +6 +11 +8 Meditate (7 charges) 19 +30 ft. 3d12
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +2 +6 +12 +9 Imbue Permanence, Weak Point +4 20 +30 ft. 3d12

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class Features of the yureishi mastery class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A yureishi is proficient with all knife and sword weapons. A yureishi is proficient with light armor and medium armor.

Spirit Focus (Su)

A yureishi is more spiritually connected than a ronin. He has access to many spiritual abilities that require an attune check to be made. If the ability also costs adrenaline, but the yureishi fails the attune check, then no adrenaline is consumed. Whenever the yureishi uses a spiritual ability, even if he failed the attune check, he must make a will save (DC 10 + double the adrenaline cost) or take magic damage equal to the number of charges of adrenaline that would be consumed.

Whenever he is attacked in combat while meditating and would take magic damage, he can make an opposed attune check to the attack roll to negate the damage.

The yureishi is able to see nearby spirits, as well as detect spiritual beings.

A yureishi is also able to make assessments with attune. This type of assessment allows for insight that is less physical. It can give insight to internal conflict, or to surrounding spirits or spiritual energy.

Due to being more spiritual, the yureishi takes one and a half times as much magic damage as normal. The yureishi now gains a +5 to attune checks instead of a +3.

A yureishi is not able to use any spiritual abilities while wearing heavy armor.

Spirit Hunter (Su)

The yureishi hunts spirits and monsters. Unlike a normal person, a yureishi can attack a spirit and deal lethal damage. All magic damage dealt to a spirit is dealt as lethal damage. A yureishi does not apply weak point damage to spirits (exceptions for spirits with a physical form).

Nunnehi hold disdain for yureishis. While they will not attack a yureishi, they also will not help him, unlike other benevolent spirits. If a yureishi's ally has a nunnehi companion, they will not refrain from helping him.

Imbue (Su)

A yureishi is far more spiritually connected than most people, and is able to channel his spiritual energy into his attacks. In order to imbue a weapon, it must be made (or contain a substantial enough quantity) of special materials.

As a move action, the yureishi can expend 1 charge of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 25) to imbue his weapon's next attack. As he levels up, the yureishi can choose different ways to imbue his attacks. For any type of imbued attack, the target takes extra magic damage. If the yureishi lets go of his weapon, it is no longer imbued. If the yureishi imbues a throwing weapon, it will stay imbued long enough to damage a target. A yureishi can only make one imbued attack per round.

The damage for imbue increases at 12th level, and every 2 levels thereafter.

Imbue Warding (Su)

At 12th level or higher, when imbuing his weapon, the yureishi can instead expend 2 charges of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 25) to imbue his attack defensively. The yureishi's next imbued attack grants him a shield providing 1d4 points of damage reduction until his next turn.

Project (Su)

A yureishi of 13th level or higher is able to project his spirit forward, and have his body catch up, moving almost instantaneously to the target location, instead of making a normal move action. The yureishi expends 2 charges of adrenaline and makes an attune check (DC 30) to move a distance equal to double his dash speed in a straight line, and must be able to arrive at the end of the line, having traveled the entire distance. Small obstacles and brush will not prevent the yureishi from reaching the destination, but large objects and structures will. The yureishi does not provoke attacks of opportunity while his spirit is moving, nor if his body catches up. A yureishi cannot use opportunity while projecting. Project cannot be used as a run action to cover twice as much distance.

If the yureishi is not able to move the entire distance once he has begun projecting, his spirit snaps back into his body, and the adrenaline is not regained.

Commune (Su)

Out of combat, a yureishi of 14th level or higher can reach out to spirits and spiritual beings while meditating by making an attune check (DC 35). He can communicate with these spirits or creatures, and even attempt to ask for help or try to negotiate. Communing increases the distance from which the yureishi can detect spirits.

Imbue Burning (Su)

At 14th level or higher, when imbuing his weapon, the yureishi is able to instead expend 3 charges of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 30) to imbue his next attack with burning energy. The yureishi's next imbued attack deals double imbue damage, dealt over the next 2 rounds, on the target's turn. A target already burning from imbue burning cannot be damaged by imbue again until the 2 rounds have elapsed.

Swift Imbue (Su)

At 15th level, the yureishi is now able to imbue his weapon as a swift action.

Pergutory (Su)

At 15th level or higher, the yureishi is able to trap spirits inside of his weapon by expending 2 charges of adrenaline and making an attune check (DC 25 + spirit level). This can be against the spirits's will, or with its consent. In order to contain a spirit, the yureishi must make an imbued touch attack against the target. If the yureishi succeeds, he then expends 4 more charges of adrenaline to attempt to contain the spirit (2 charges if attempting to contain the spirit willfully), then he and the spirit make opposing will saves. If the yureishi succeeds, the spirit is trapped in the weapon. If the spirit succeeds, the yureishi provokes an attack of opportunity.

While trapped inside the weapon, the spirit has the potential to increase the damage of imbue. A demure spirit will not increase the damage at all, a passive spirit will add 1d4 points of damage, a wild spirit will add 1d8, and an ancient spirit adds 2d8 points of damage.

The yureishi is able to use commune to talk to the spirit trapped within the weapon. Neither the yureishi nor the trapped spirit can lie to the other. Any agreements made are binding.

The yureishi cannot contain a spirit in his weapon forever. Every day the spirit is contained, the yureishi takes 1d6 (1d3 if the spirit is willfully contained) + half the spirit's level points of magic damage (not doubled by spirit focus) that does not go away from resting. The only way for the damage to be removed is to release the spirit.

Once per day, if the spirit is contained against its will, it and the yureishi make opposed will saves. If the spirit succeeds, it breaks free. If the spirit breaks free, the yureishi does not recover the non-lethal damage acquired from containing it, but the damage can now be recovered by resting.

Rend (Su)

A yureishi of 16th level or higher can, when making a full attack with an imbued weapon, expend 7 charges of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 35) to instead make a single melee attack against all enemies in a 15 foot cone in front of him, unleashing a wave of magic damage. Enemies within reach of the weapon take damage from it, and all enemies in the cone take imbue damage. Quicksilver strike can be used with this ability.

Against a single target, the yureishi can instead cleave down at the target as a standard action, only expending 4 charges of adrenaline, making opposed will saves to stun the target for one round. If the target is already stunned, it is rendered unconscious. The target takes double imbue damage.

Imbue Echoes (Su)

At 16th level or higher, when imbuing his weapon, a yureishi can instead expend 5 charges of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 40) to imbue his attack with echoing damage. The yureishi's next attack with his imbued weapon must be made as a full attack action. The yureishi only makes one attack roll with a +3 to hit this round at his highest base attack modifier and a single damage roll. If the attack hits, it then echoes 3 times, each echo using the same attack roll and a new damage roll, all as magic damage, doing 2 less damage for each consecutive hit. For each echo that hits, the target must make a dexterity check (DC attack roll) or be pushed back 5 feet. Only the first damage roll applies imbue damage.

Spirit Unleashed (Su)

At 18th level or higher, if there is a spirit contained inside the a yureishi's weapon, he can expend 10 charges of adrenaline and make an attune check (DC 40) to make a full round action to attempt to violently expel the trapped spirit.

Step 1

The yureishi may attempt to persuade the spirit to work with him upon being released. The terms of the agreement are up to the yureishi. If he and the spirit already have an agreement, then he proceeds to the next step. All spiritual agreements are binding, and cannot be made under false pretenses.

Step 2

Regardless of whether or not the spirit agreed to work with or fight for the yureishi, he can still choose whether or not to release it, knowing that if no agreement was made, the spirit may attempt to kill the yureishi. If the yureishi chooses not to release the spirit, he can still make a move action, and no adrenaline is consumed.

Step 3

The spirit is released, and the yureishi consumes the charges of adrenaline. Upon being released, the spirit is added into the initiative stack directly after the yureishi, and there is an explosion of magic damage equal to imbue damage (when the spirit was in the weapon) + the spirit's level at the yureishi's location, damaging all targets inside except for the yureishi and the spirit. The radius of the explosion varies with the strength of the spirit inside. A demure spirit has a radius of 5 feet, a passive spirit 10 feet, a wild spirit 15 feet, and an ancient spirit 30 feet. If a wild or ancient spirit is released, the explosion creates a hazardous area that lasts for 1d4 rounds, reducing the movement speed of everyone in it (except for the yureishi and the spirit) by 5 feet. If the spirit released was a malevolent spirit, the area deals 1d8 points of magic damage per round, except to the spirit.

Imbue Lethality (Su)

At 18th level or higher, a yureishi is capable of doing lethal damage from magic damage. All magic damage dealt in a single damage roll above 15 is converted into lethal damage.

Imbue Permanence (Su)

At 20th level or higher, a yureishi is able to permanently imbue his weapon. Once per day, a yureishi can expend all available charges of adrenaline (at least 5) and make an attune check DC 50) to permanently imbue his weapon. The DC increases by 2 for the amount of adrenaline less than 10 charges. Successfully imbuing a weapon will cause the yureishi to become fatigued. Failing to imbue a weapon will cause the yureishi to become exhausted.

If the yureishi succeeds, the weapon is permanently imbued. The yureishi no longer needs to take a swift action to imbue his weapon, or make an attune check. Making an imbued attack still costs adrenaline. The yureishi can now make multiple imbued attacks in a single round, with the adrenaline cost increasing by 2 for each subsequent attack in a round, including attacks of opportunity. spirits now take weak point damage as magic damage.

A permanently imbued weapon can only be used by the yureishi that made it. To any other wielder, it would be treated as an artifact. Once permanently imbued, the weapon (or its imbued components) will glow when spirits are nearby.

Epic Yureishi[edit]

Table: The Epic Yureishi

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
24th Bonus Feat
28th Bonus Feat

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Bonus Feats

The epic yureishi gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic yureishi feats) every four levels after 21st.

Epic Yureishi Bonus Feat List:

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