Wrist Cannon (3.5e Equipment)

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Wrist Cannon[edit]

Wrist Cannon: Wrist mounted Cannon with anti-magic field fires shrunk cannonballs

Faint; (DC 17) AbjurationCL 11th; {{{prerequisites}}}; Activation: Fire-standard Reload-move; Weight: 2 lb.; Market Price: 30,000 gp

light, exotic (can not be fired without exotic weapon feat), two handed Range=100ft

roll percentile to hit. 1-15%- backfire for 2d6 fire dmg, 16-20%- fails to fire, 21-35%- hit only the targeted spot, 36-50%- up to 15ft line starting at target, 51-80%- up to 50ft line starting at target, 81-90%- x2 dmg, 91-95%- x3 dmg, 96-99%- x4 dmg, 100% x6 dmg

wielding it on wrist does not inhibit use of hands, firing and loading it does require both hands (one to work the mechanisms and one for it to be mounted on and stabilize)

Fires tiny cannonballs, shrunk cannonballs, or items of equivalent size, requires .125lbs gunpowder to fire

Contains a gold band on the end of barrel that creates an antimagic ring at the end of the cannon (inward only) to remove shrink spell from ammunition

cannonball: A single iron cannonball. In a line of length up to 50ft or stopping at the end of the range (100ft), starting at the targeted square, all creatures and objects take 3d6 Bludgeoning damage. A tiny cannonball deals 1d6 piercing. A DC 17 Reflex saving throw is possible for half damage. Reduce the line's length by 5 feet for every 5 points of damage it deals. If it hits a very solid object (such as a cliff or the Tarrasque), it deals triple damage and immediately ends.

Ammo Information: Cannon balls all cost 50 gp each (tiny is 1/8th the cost at 6gp, 2sp, and 5cp and 1/16th the size), and gun powder costs 30 gp per 5lbs

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Anti-magic field, Permanency, caster level 11th.
Cost to Create: gold band worth 2000 gp, 13,000 Gp, 500 EXP, 1 day.

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